Yesterday I heard about an iPhone app that makes perfect
sense, but which is so odd that it's just to smile at. 

The scene is Iceland. You meet an attractive member of
the opposite sex (this particular app is for heteros,
for what will become obvious reasons). You hit it off,
have a delightful conversation the first time you meet,
and one of you wants to ask the other out. 

But before doing this, both parties whip out their 
iPhones, bump them together, and listen. If the phone 
emits a certain beep, they can date each other. If it 
emits a different kind of beep, they can't. 

Why? Because Iceland has such a small population that 
one of the potentially romance-stifling issues is 
the possibility of discovering too late that you're 
dating (or sleeping with) someone you're related to. 
Bad genetic ju-ju, and all that. 

Isn't it a weird, high-tech planet we live on?

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