Wall Street Soars!
Posts Record Gains During First Week of
Invincibility Course

Group of 1200 Yogic Flyers in Washington , D.C. , and Iowa
Creating a Coherent, Invincible Nation

"We Are Transforming America Before the Eyes of the World,
Watch What Happens Tomorrow"

July 24 - 30, 2006

Good News Generated by the Invincible America Course

CNBC: "Wall Street Euphoria"

CNBC: "Blissful Shock"

MSNBC: "Market Sizzles: Wall Street chalks up best weekly gain since 2005"

Briefing.com: "Stocks surge across the board"

The Washington Post: "Oil prices fall as US takes step to end Mid-east war"

(July 29, 2006)

The good news is now in from the first week of the Invincible America Course.

The stock market soared this week, posting its highest weekly gain in 14 months, and the price of oil dropped sharply as the U.S. mobilized international support for a Mideast cease fire.

Credit for this sudden and unexpected upsurge of positive news goes to the 1200 peace-creating experts assembled in Washington, D.C., and Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, who have been practicing Yogic Flying together in groups for the past week to create coherent national consciousness -- the basis for a more positive, invincible America, according to world-renowned quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin, who is leading the Invincible America Course.

Rising stock markets and declining oil prices are strong indicators of growing optimism and confidence in the country's economic future. Experts predicted that the upheaval in the Middle East would depress Wall Street and send oil prices skyrocketing. To the surprise of most economists, the opposite occurred. "This unshakeable national psychology is due to the stabilizing influence of the Yogic Flyers on the collective consciousness of the nation," Dr. Hagelin said.

Dr. Hagelin said the good news was predicted publicly in advance based on 30 years of published scientific research on the collective effects of the Transcendental Meditation program and its more advanced Yogic Flying technique.

"The research proves that as little as the square root of one percent of the population of a country practicing Yogic Flying together in a group is sufficient to reduce negative trends and strengthen positive social and economic tendencies throughout the entire population," said Dr. Hagelin, who serves as the Director of the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa.

Dr. Hagelin explained that the number of Yogic Flyers required to produce this coherent effect for the United States is 1730. However, he said, the initial group of 1200 experts is more than enough to create a calming, stabilizing effect in national consciousness.

"As the number of Yogic Flyers rises to 2000 in the coming days, the world press will be reporting better and better economic and social news. We are transforming the nation before the eyes of the world. I urge the press to watch what happens tomorrow," Dr. Hagelin said.


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