Wow! Did you hear Hillary Clinton’s speech?  This was phenomenal, not just the 
speech but
her ground of being in giving it.   She,
a woman 24 million dollars plus in debt., 
stood up and gave the greatest endorsement anyone could ever give. This
proves it is possible to fail, it is possible to not achieve your goal and
still be a winner.   In 2004 I wrote
Hillary Clinton and asked her to run for President.   Many people did the 
same.  She chose not to run and we had four more
years of George Bush.   


In 2006 everyone knew she would run, but now there was a new
guy on the block, he was in the same place Hillary had been, four years before
when I wrote my letter.   I received a
letter from the Senator in Illinois
asking me if I thought he should run for President.   I did not know what to 
say.   I told the truth as I saw it.   I said it was better to wait.   Better 
to get more time in the Senate,
better to let someone else be the fall guy for the mess that George Bush had
made, and better to not go up against the Clinton Machine. 


Well everyone knows the rest of the story.  Yet one thing I did do, I wrote 
Hillary a
lblog after she lost Iowa.   I was pulled between the two.  I was pulled 
because of the fact that I
became a Hillary fan when she had to make some intense decisions in 1996, 1997
as her world was falling apart.   Hillary
Clinton has not been one who was afraid of how the world would see her.   She 
has had herself out on the front line so
much;   I can not help but admire Hillary
Clinton, as she is not afraid of appearing to be a fool.  In the blog I wrote 
her I suggested that she
had to not play the boys game if she wanted to win.  She had to put forth, in 
my opinion, who and
what she brings to America.   She is a mother, a woman, a wife, a person
with values and one who looks beyond this moment to see more than what is
before her, she has vision, she is intelligent, powerful and she feels.   


I reminded her in the letter, that when she had to be in
front of America and choose
her marriage and her love of her husband Bill Clinton, I wrote, America was
seeing her at her worst and best.   Her
ratings soared through the roof.  There
was no election she could not win.   A
few days later she actually cried on television.  I thought oh boy.   Yet she 
did what I said.   I don’t know if she read my blog, but she
did send me an email that looked personal the very next morning after she won 
New Hampshire. 


When she won I felt guilty.  
I believed I had to be loyal to my brother Barack.  I felt if there is anyway 
Barack Obama can
become the next President of the United States, I have to support
him.   I could not in good conscience
support a white woman over Barack Obama, whom I did not remember from Columbia 
at the
time.   I think I would have remembered
the name Barack.  Anyway I chose to
support Barack, in the only way I could. 
I blogged, I debated, I campaigned in forums, on my site in chats where
ever to push as many people as I could to vote for Barack Obama.   


For me, I have been pushing for Obama Clinton, but when
Hillary’s new campaign manager wrote and asked me to advise as to where her
campaign should be going, I responded stop the smear and negotiate.   Negotiate 
the VP position and assistance
with the debt.   He responded Hillary
would not hear any thought that even sounded like quit.   

So I wrote back, Quit who said quit I said begin to
negotiate.   It wasn’t happening.  


Hillary kept going.  
She kept going and she kept going. 
I think now, she must have been hearing the dogs.  Who could not admire her 
gumption?   Not one man had as much gumption as Hillary
Clinton.  Not one man could have given
Barack Obama as much of a fight as Hillary Clinton did.   Hillary Clinton may 
not have won the
nomination but she kicked Barack Obamas ass, every single day.   He had to be 
strong he had to be tough, he
had to wake up everyday to see what Hillary had in store for him. Throughout
this process he grew stronger and stronger. 
Hillary Clinton was making President Obama.


 For me, she was his
greatest supporter when they did the debate in Ohio and she was staring at him 
complete admiration and appreciation.  
She loved him.  I could see
that.   How could she not.   Here is a guy who basically had the same
agenda as she did and he had one more thing. 
He is a loving caring loyal husband.  
The one thing she did not have.  
She could trust him.


Tonight Hillary has proven herself again.   She stood before America, the loser 
yet she proved
to be A WINNER.   I pray she delivered to
Barack Obama 18 million votes and the 2008 election, she made him
President.   It will just go up from
here.   On Thursday Barack Obama has a
big job.   He has some tough acts to
follow.   Ted Kennedy, who came to the
convention knowing that it could effect him adversely, Michelle, Jessie Jackson
jr. Warren, Hillary, Bill, and Joe Biden 
WOW! Barack I don’t know brother, I hope you do good man.   


Yet if he comes in on Thursday and knocks it through the
roof, it will be the greatest event in American History.   In 1992 I got 
excited about Bill
Clinton.  When he won I wrote from a Las
Vegas Hotel.   I was so excited that Bill
Clinton whom I saw as a beacon of light.  
He was as much brightness as America could handle at the
time.   I knew it would not be easy for
him but he would be a comet for change.  


Bill Clinton opened the door for Barack Obama, for Hillary
Clinton for a new America.   Even she failed in the face of America with
the healthcare program in the 90’s.  Yet
she kept going.  Yet now we are in a new
day.  America has crossed a divide.   America has grown past itself.   I am 
proud tonight of Hillary Clinton, Of
Barack, Michelle, America.


As an American and a citizen of the world, I care about not
just the people of my own country but the people of the world.   I live in 
Brazil because I have felt that I
would be able to make a positive impact here in balancing a very imbalanced
place.   Yet maybe I have to take a
lesson from Hillary and accept defeat.  
Yet honor my effort, and KEEP GOING.  
I thought well Hillary ran for President and has a 24 million dollar
debt.  Yeah I know they will help her
with that debt and she will come out on top.   
I thought I don’t owe that much, maybe I should just admit I made a
mistake, I failed and keep going…….


Yet as I said I loved the Hillary that did not quit, no
matter how loud the noise got.    My
noise is very loud now.  The dogs are
barking, the lanterns are near.   The
facts are shining, and the money is running out.   I am listening to Harriet 
Tubman keep going
keep going and my friends have all said forget it Louis you have lost.   I look 
to Hillary Clinton.


I watch television shows where they give people new
homes.   I envision a day when I too can
take waste and transform it to homes and give people decency and dignity
instead of cruelty and denigration.  The
world is a wonderful place.   We all have
a part to play in it.   If we are true to
our purpose no one can stop us.    Even
they may delay, we may find many detours but they can not stop us.  Only we can 
stop ourselves.   Hillary and Obama are showing that we can
achieve and there is no such thing as odds when talking about human spirit.





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