One more time: It's a headline, Share. Most adults who read newspapers 
understand that there's more to an article or an essay than what the headline 
says. What this essay says is scientific.

 Oh, and I might remind you that a few posts back you insisted the word you 
were objecting to was not "just" but "all" (except that you were the only one 
to use that word). 
Share wrote:

 > The use of the word *just* in Rich People Just Care Less. IMO it
 > implies this: Rich People Just Care Less and that's all there is to it.
 > For one thing, it's not scientific at all.


 On Sunday, October 13, 2013 10:54 AM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> wrote:
   Share wrote: 
 > Emily, IMO it's not just a title. It's a catchy phrase that will stick
 > with people even as they forget the article.
 Why shouldn't it stick with people? As I said earlier, it isn't just 
somebody's idle generalization. It's been documented by research. 
 > I liked the last 5
 > paragraphs which expressed hope about people becoming friendly
 > with one another and then ceasing to put negative spins on each
 > other's actions and beliefs.  
 On Sunday, October 13, 2013 8:59 AM, "emilymaenot@..." <emilymaenot@...> 
   Ooops, that's "will not" allow.....or maybe she will.  Share, did you like 
this article by Daniel Goleman, expert that he is on emotional intelligence?  
What about the article resonated with you?  Is the only comment you have that 
"you don't like the title?"  Dig deep now. :)
 ---In, <> wrote: 
Share, desperate to save face and have the last word in her "fight with 
herself", still cannot and will allow herself to comprehend the article as it 
was written. 
 "Since the 1970s, the gap between the rich and everyone else has skyrocketed. 
Income inequality is at its highest level in a century. This widening gulf 
between the haves and have-less troubles me, but not for the obvious reasons. 
Apart from the financial inequities, I fear the expansion of an entirely 
different gap, caused by the inability to see oneself in a less advantaged 
person’s shoes. Reducing the economic gap may be impossible without also 
addressing the gap in empathy." 
 ---In, <> wrote: 
Buck, I've protested to Daniel Goleman about headline Rich People Just Care 
Less, asking if it was written by an editor who wants to sell more papers and 
thus get rich! Meanwhile, may there be peace between Patanjali and Bagambhrini. 





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