Google translation from Finnish; text by astrologer Seppo Tanhua (Blacksmith 
11/3/2014 Since time immemorial, alchemists have tried to solve this enigma. 
Now the Gold time comes we will perhaps find the right method of manufacture. 
I would like to remind you now that started the month of huge positive 
energies, which may lead to feel the weight of the shoulders, unless you are 
prepared to make crucial decisions in your life. Whether it's in front of you 
any difference, it is always in some way scary, but at the same time extremely 
Astrotaivaan many planets are in November to support your decisions. The power 
of the feeling of hanging over the now low for everyone, and it is able to 
displace the fear stem from anxiety at any time. 
Gold required to find the power of identification and it happens very small 
things. Align conscious of your energy in things that feel good in itself, or 
of which you probably already know to develop something quite unique life. 
All that glitters on the surface of your soul is now the gold that is waiting 
to be picked. By ingesting the conclusion you come to catch the feeling of 
power, which will only grow and grow in the course of November. Each of us has 
his own life alchemist, whose special talent just waiting to burst. 
An astrological chart is the key to unleashing your powers encrypted. Now, you 
should read the Internal Warrior more accurately, to turn the disadvantages or 
the nature of the deficiency, therefore, give a business alchemist talents to 
make your life the most awesome possible creation of the Golden Age to honor.


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