"Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the voting booth, 
here comes more disturbing news
about the trustworthiness of electronic touchscreen ballot machines. 
Earlier this month a report by
Finnish security expert Harri Hursti analyzed Diebold voting machines 
for an organization called
Black Box Voting. Hursti found unheralded vulnerabilities in the 
machines that are currently
entrusted to faithfully record the votes of millions of Americans.

"How bad are the problems? Experts are calling them the most serious 
voting-machine flaws ever
documented. Basically the trouble stems from the ease with which the 
machine's software can be
altered. It requires only a few minutes of pre-election access to a 
Diebold machine to open the
machine and insert a PC card that, if it contained malicious code, 
could reprogram the machine to
give control to the violator. The machine could go dead on Election 
Day or throw votes to the wrong
candidate. Worse, it's even possible for such ballot-tampering 
software to trick authorized
technicians into thinking that everything is working fine, an 
illusion you couldn't pull off with
pre-electronic systems."

Full story at:

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