[FairfieldLife] Re: Excellent Article

2016-10-17 Thread feste37
Hillary will do fine at the debate but it remains to be seen to what depths 
Trump will now plunge. He is capable of saying anything at all, no matter how 
disgusting or crazy. 

Nate Silver at 538 has Hillary with an 88% chance of winning, which is as high 
as she has ever been. She also now has a 65.5% chance of winning Iowa -- ahead 
by several points, which is a huge relief. As long as we get out the vote. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Good article. There is an associated quote that sums it up, "Everything that 
Trump touches, dies." 

He has somehow, almost magically, come to embody all that is dark, scheming, 
corrupt, disgusting, weak, prejudiced, hypocritical, sexist, racist, socially 
backward, despicable, lazy, manipulative, unhealthy, dishonest, offensive, 
grotesque, creepy, and mentally unbalanced. And that is just for starters.

 I am so confident that at the third debate Trump will embarrass himself and 
the GOP so badly that I won't even have to fortify myself with extra Mojitos 
before I watch. He's going to go out with a tremendous bang - or maybe it will 
be a whimper, I'm not sure yet.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



[FairfieldLife] Re: Excellent Article

2016-10-17 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Good article. There is an associated quote that sums it up, "Everything that 
Trump touches, dies." 

He has somehow, almost magically, come to embody all that is dark, scheming, 
corrupt, disgusting, weak, prejudiced, hypocritical, sexist, racist, socially 
backward, despicable, lazy, manipulative, unhealthy, dishonest, offensive, 
grotesque, creepy, and mentally unbalanced. And that is just for starters.

 I am so confident that at the third debate Trump will embarrass himself and 
the GOP so badly that I won't even have to fortify myself with extra Mojitos 
before I watch. He's going to go out with a tremendous bang - or maybe it will 
be a whimper, I'm not sure yet.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



[FairfieldLife] Re: Excellent Article

2016-10-17 Thread feste37
Please add: narcissistic, childish, vindictive. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Good article. There is an associated quote that sums it up, "Everything that 
Trump touches, dies." 

He has somehow, almost magically, come to embody all that is dark, scheming, 
corrupt, disgusting, weak, prejudiced, hypocritical, sexist, racist, socially 
backward, despicable, lazy, manipulative, unhealthy, dishonest, offensive, 
grotesque, creepy, and mentally unbalanced. And that is just for starters.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



[FairfieldLife] Re: Excellent Article

2016-10-17 Thread olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Good article. There is an associated quote that sums it up, "Everything that 
Trump touches, dies." 

He has somehow, almost magically, come to embody all that is dark, scheming, 
corrupt, disgusting, weak, prejudiced, hypocritical, sexist, racist, socially 
backward, despicable, lazy, manipulative, unhealthy, dishonest, offensive, 
grotesque, creepy, and mentally unbalanced. And that is just for starters.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Excellent Article on Maharishi's Invincible Defense Technology!

2014-08-25 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

"If Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu arranges for his defense forces to 
establish Prevention Wings of the Military, they will ease the current 
high tensions, reverse centuries of mistrust and hatred and 
permanently prevent future unrest."

On 8/25/2014 1:11 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
So the Marshy effect will make Israel give Palestinians the right of 

Non sequitur. An inference or conclusion that does not follow from the 
premises or evidence. There will never be a "right of return" for 
"Palestinians" because that would be the extermination of Israel as a 
nation and the end of Israel's right to exist.

Or stop Israel limiting the amount of food onto the Gaza strip by 
minimum required calories for the prisoners?

Non sequitur. The border crossings from Israel and Egypt are closed not 
to limit food and medical supplies but to prohibit the transfer of 
rockets and weapons.

They could do that already and much more, like dismantle the illegal 
settlements on the West Bank - and they wouldn't need any yogic "flyers".

Non sequitur. There is a strong reluctance to award its citizenship to 
an overwhelming number of a potentially hostile population whose allies 
were sworn to the destruction of Israel.


Maybe they want another "effect" to take place capitulation to the 
Zionist dream perhaps?

Non sequitur. Since the creation of modern Israel, the role of the 
movement has declined and it is now a peripheral factor in Israeli politics.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

This link has the best article I've ever read about the scientifically 
measured, miraculous and unique peace-producing benefits of the 
Maharishi Effect!


Dear TM friends,
Today my Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) editorial titled: *PM
Netanyahu: 'Show Me the Science!'* was published in */Pravda.ru
/* at this URL:

As of this writing, this Op-Ed is on the top of the list for being
the most popular article of the day. I would be grateful if you
would click on the */Pravda.ru /* link above
and read my editorial so it continues to stay popular so more
people in Russia as well as worldwide will read it during this
most dangerous time.
Please also consider forwarding this message to appropriate people.
My US Air Force friends who knew me from my younger days when I
was stationed at Offutt AFB home to Strategic Air Command (SAC),
probably never foresaw the day when David Leffler would be
published in "Pravada.ru " on the topic of
Invincible Defense Technology (IDT). But back then, to the
Russians credit I lectured on IDT at the Soviet Air Force Academy
and other defense-related places in Moscow. For a historical
perspective see also, "*A New Military Science in Moscow*"
Also, later to the Russian’s credit, many generals and other
military-related leaders from Russia and other former Soviet-block
countries attended the Third International Conference on
Invincible Defense in The Netherlands.
See: The Need for a Prevention Wing of the Military by the
Conference Participants

Senior leaders wrote encouraging assessments of the potential of
Invincible Defense Technology and apparently reported back to
their governmental leaders, urging implementation. See also:The
Race for “Inner Space”

related information.
Maybe the time is right for the Russian military to implement
Maharishi’s Invincible Defense Technology. Please help us achieve
this goal by promoting this article.
Lastly, special thanks first to South African TM Governor Nigel
Kahn who contacted me when he heard the quote from Israeli Prime
Minister Netanyahu and urged me to write an article using it.
Thanks also to *Joe Boxerman, *former Purusha media expert.
*Teresa Studzinski, *President and Co-Founder of The Global
Alliance for Preventive Wings in the Military
*Ken Chawkin, *former Director of Communications and Public
Relations at The Maharishi Foundation, and former Maharishi
University of Management professor *Dr. Jim Karpen*. This group of
these experienced writers/editors worked diligently together as a
team to get this Pravda.ru  editorial published
promptly during this crucial time.
Thank you.
Jai Guru Dev.
David R. Leffler, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Center for Advanced Mil

[FairfieldLife] Re: Excellent Article on Maharishi's Invincible Defense Technology!

2014-08-25 Thread salyavin808

"If Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu arranges for his defense forces to establish 
Prevention Wings of the Military, they will ease the current high tensions, 
reverse centuries of mistrust and hatred and permanently prevent future unrest."
 So the Marshy effect will make Israel give Palestinians the right of return? 
Or stop Israel limiting the amount of food onto the Gaza strip by minimum 
required calories for the prisoners? 

 They could do that already and much more, like dismantle the illegal 
settlements on the West Bank - and they wouldn't need any yogic "flyers".

 Maybe they want another "effect" to take place capitulation to the Zionist 
dream perhaps?



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 This link has the best article I've ever read about the scientifically 
measured, miraculous and unique peace-producing benefits of the Maharishi 



 Dear TM friends,
 Today my Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) editorial titled: PM Netanyahu: 
'Show Me the Science!' was published in Pravda.ru http://Pravda.ru/ at this URL:
 As of this writing, this Op-Ed is on the top of the list for being the most 
popular article of the day. I would be grateful if you would click on the 
Pravda.ru http://Pravda.ru/ link above and read my editorial so it continues to 
stay popular so more people in Russia as well as worldwide will read it during 
this most dangerous time.
 Please also consider forwarding this message to appropriate people.
 My US Air Force friends who knew me from my younger days when I was stationed 
at Offutt AFB home to Strategic Air Command (SAC), probably never foresaw the 
day when David Leffler would be published in "Pravada.ru http://Pravada.ru/"; on 
the topic of Invincible Defense Technology (IDT). But back then, to the 
Russians credit I lectured on IDT at the Soviet Air Force Academy and other 
defense-related places in Moscow. For a historical perspective see also, "A New 
Military Science in Moscow" http://davidleffler.com/1992/insight/ 
 Also, later to the Russian’s credit, many generals and other military-related 
leaders from Russia and other former Soviet-block countries attended the Third 
International Conference on Invincible Defense in The Netherlands.
 See: The Need for a Prevention Wing of the Military by the Conference 
Participants http://istpp.org/military_science/third_invincible_defense_p13.html
 Senior leaders wrote encouraging assessments of the potential of Invincible 
Defense Technology and apparently reported back to their governmental leaders, 
urging implementation. See also: The Race for “Inner Space” 
for related information.
 Maybe the time is right for the Russian military to implement Maharishi’s 
Invincible Defense Technology. Please help us achieve this goal by promoting 
this article.
 Lastly, special thanks first to South African TM Governor Nigel Kahn who 
contacted me when he heard the quote from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and 
urged me to write an article using it.
 Thanks also to Joe Boxerman, former Purusha media expert. Teresa Studzinski, 
President and Co-Founder of The Global Alliance for Preventive Wings in the 
http://www.gapwm.org/home/the-gapwm-board-of-directors/teresa-studzinski/, Ken 
Chawkin, former Director of Communications and Public Relations at The 
Maharishi Foundation, and former Maharishi University of Management professor 
Dr. Jim Karpen. This group of these experienced writers/editors worked 
diligently together as a team to get this Pravda.ru http://Pravda.ru/ editorial 
published promptly during this crucial time.
 Thank you.
 Jai Guru Dev.
 David R. Leffler, Ph.D.
 Executive Director
 Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS)
 Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy
 1000 N. Fourth Street
 Fairfield, Iowa 52557 USA
 (845) 489-8653
 http://StrongMilitary.org http://strongmilitary.org/



[FairfieldLife] Re: Excellent article on the Petreus scandal

2012-11-13 Thread turquoiseb
It just gets curiouser and curiouser and funnier
and funnier:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> Written by the guy who was inadvertently roped into the
> very center of it by the monsters we call the Internet
> and the Mainstream Media. The article is called "I Lived
> A CIA Conspiracy Theory," and begins hilariously:
> "I had an interesting weekend. Maybe you did, too. It's 
> always a mixed bag, you know? Some Friday nights are 
> drunken and exhilarating; other Friday nights are empty 
> and reserved. And then, of course, there are those Friday 
> nights when random people believe you accidentally forced 
> the resignation of the head of the CIA.
> We've all been there."
> http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/8624514/chuck-klosterman-david-petraeus-scandal-living-cia-conspiracy-theory

[FairfieldLife] Re: Excellent article on the first Mrs McCain

2008-06-09 Thread Richard J. Williams
Sal Sunshine wrote:
> Excellent article on the first Mrs McCain
So, it's settled.

"He is the best man for president." 
- Carol McCain