Re: [FairfieldLife] Why people get angry when their faith is challenged

2014-10-27 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/27/2014 6:10 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
Because it's FAITH, dummies. They believe the things they believe 
without evidence, and without any proof that they're true.

Cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by 
an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or 
values at the same time.

/"I've seen someone levitate. Many times. In many settings, from the Los 
Angeles //
//Convention Center to the Anza-Borrego Desert to a Denny's restaurant 
in the wee //

//hours of the night."/ - TurquoiseB

Subject: TM is a Cult?
Author: TurquoiseB
Group: Yahoo Fairfieldife
Date: Friday, 23 May 2014

This is an OK state to live in as long as they are surrounded by 
people who all believe the same things, with the same absence of 
evidence. Being surrounded by other believers provides a kind of 
"insulation" against the cognitive dissonance that might arise if they 
were forced to address the fact that they believe in things that they 
can't make a rational case for believing. One of the biggest "draws" 
of living in a cult community IS this environment of being surrounded 
by fellow believers, so that this cognitive dissonance never comes up.

But it's the age of the Internet, and unless the believers have their 
head so far in the sand that they don't ever access it, sooner or 
later they're going to run into someone who is going to hear what they 
believe and point out that from a rational point of view they believe 
in silly things that they originally accepted without proof, and that 
they continue to accept without proof.

Stuff like "the meditation technique I was taught is the best and most 
effective in the entire world." This is a completely delusional and 
insupportable belief unless the person stating it has actually 
*learned and practiced* ALL other techniques of meditation in the 
world. And yet millions of TMers have repeated it for years, and 
continue to do so, all without evidence.

Stuff like, "the practice of the TMSP makes my mind 10,000 times more 
powerful than the 'lesser' minds of those who don't practice it." 
Again, this belief is downright delusional, because there is and has 
never been any evidence to support it. Yet again TMers will repeat it 
because they've heard the leaders of the organization that taught it 
to them repeat it so often.

But sooner or later these True Believers run into someone who points 
out that all of this stuff sounds downright crazy to them, and asks 
the TBs to provide some rational argument or evidence for the things 
they believe.

And they CAN'T.

Because there is none. They chose to believe this stuff on pure faith, 
and now that the beliefs been challenged, they realize that faith is 
all they have.

Not being willing to admit this, the TBs get ANGRY. They lash out at 
the people asking for evidence of what they believe, call them names, 
and do anything they can to make them shut up and stop saying the 
things they're saying.

But IMO this is *misplaced anger*. The True Believers aren't *really* 
angry at the people who have pointed out that they believe things for 
which there is no evidence and no rational explanation. They're angry 
at THEMSELVES, for having been so gullible as to have believed these 
things for so many years without ever even *noticing* that they're 
believing things for which there is no evidence and no rational 
explanation. They're angry at THEMSELVES for having backed themselves 
into a corner in which their own gullibility and lack of intelligence 
is being pointed out for all to see.

But really, wouldn't it be more sane to take some of this cognitive 
dissonance they feel and *examine* it to see whether the things 
they've believed for so long really *deserve* their belief, rather 
than get their panties in a twist and turn into cultists trying to 
silence the critics?

We TM critics *understand* your anger and your embarrassment about the 
things you've believed for so many years or decades. Because to some 
extent we believed them, too.

What we don't understand is your willingness to *continue* believing 
in these thing once the lack of proof for them has been pointed out. 
What we don't understand is how you can justify lashing out at people 
whose only real crime is pointing out the lack of evidence for the 
things you believe in, instead of doing a little "inner work" and 
trying to figure out whether these beliefs might be better thrown away 
than held onto. We don't understand how you can take the embarrassment 
of having believed unbelievable things for decades and then add MORE 
embarrassment on top of it by acting like cultists.

[FairfieldLife] Why people get angry when their faith is challenged

2014-10-27 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Because it's FAITH, dummies. They believe the things they believe without 
evidence, and without any proof that they're true. 

This is an OK state to live in as long as they are surrounded by people who all 
believe the same things, with the same absence of evidence. Being surrounded by 
other believers provides a kind of "insulation" against the cognitive 
dissonance that might arise if they were forced to address the fact that they 
believe in things that they can't make a rational case for believing. One of 
the biggest "draws" of living in a cult community IS this environment of being 
surrounded by fellow believers, so that this cognitive dissonance never comes 

But it's the age of the Internet, and unless the believers have their head so 
far in the sand that they don't ever access it, sooner or later they're going 
to run into someone who is going to hear what they believe and point out that 
from a rational point of view they believe in silly things that they originally 
accepted without proof, and that they continue to accept without proof. 

Stuff like "the meditation technique I was taught is the best and most 
effective in the entire world." This is a completely delusional and 
insupportable belief unless the person stating it has actually *learned and 
practiced* ALL other techniques of meditation in the world. And yet millions of 
TMers have repeated it for years, and continue to do so, all without evidence. 

Stuff like, "the practice of the TMSP makes my mind 10,000 times more powerful 
than the 'lesser' minds of those who don't practice it." Again, this belief is 
downright delusional, because there is and has never been any evidence to 
support it. Yet again TMers will repeat it because they've heard the leaders of 
the organization that taught it to them repeat it so often. 

But sooner or later these True Believers run into someone who points out that 
all of this stuff sounds downright crazy to them, and asks the TBs to provide 
some rational argument or evidence for the things they believe. 

And they CAN'T. 

Because there is none. They chose to believe this stuff on pure faith, and now 
that the beliefs been challenged, they realize that faith is all they have. 

Not being willing to admit this, the TBs get ANGRY. They lash out at the people 
asking for evidence of what they believe, call them names, and do anything they 
can to make them shut up and stop saying the things they're saying. 

But IMO this is *misplaced anger*. The True Believers aren't *really* angry at 
the people who have pointed out that they believe things for which there is no 
evidence and no rational explanation. They're angry at THEMSELVES, for having 
been so gullible as to have believed these things for so many years without 
ever even *noticing* that they're believing things for which there is no 
evidence and no rational explanation. They're angry at THEMSELVES for having 
backed themselves into a corner in which their own gullibility and lack of 
intelligence is being pointed out for all to see. 

But really, wouldn't it be more sane to take some of this cognitive dissonance 
they feel and *examine* it to see whether the things they've believed for so 
long really *deserve* their belief, rather than get their panties in a twist 
and turn into cultists trying to silence the critics? 

We TM critics *understand* your anger and your embarrassment about the things 
you've believed for so many years or decades. Because to some extent we 
believed them, too. 

What we don't understand is your willingness to *continue* believing in these 
thing once the lack of proof for them has been pointed out. What we don't 
understand is how you can justify lashing out at people whose only real crime 
is pointing out the lack of evidence for the things you believe in, instead of 
doing a little "inner work" and trying to figure out whether these beliefs 
might be better thrown away than held onto. We don't understand how you can 
take the embarrassment of having believed unbelievable things for decades and 
then add MORE embarrassment on top of it by acting like cultists.