You are witnessing the transition of Yahoo to Verizon. Last week emails would time out and it would take several attempts for it to post. These always said resources were not available and try later. That's not the way it worked under Yahoo when there was a problem. But it may have been that Verizon engineers were implementing fixes to bugs that have long existed (not that I'm a big fan of Veri$on).

However I would remind people, especially those with AT&T email and their legacies like SBCGlobal that you can't use those for Groups login after Friday. Actually they wouldn't let me log in last week with my SBC Global account. HOWEVER, my Yahoo account was set up long before I had AT&T as a broadband provider. Some of you may have forgotten that. It may well be that emails will still work but the web will require logging in through the master account which I logged into last week to read Group posts on the web.

Obviously AT$T continuing to use Yahoo as a mail provider would be consider a "conflict of interest" with Veri$on running it. Some of my other groups even use my own company email instead of SBC email.

I still think this is going to cause a lot of confusion and anger.

On 06/26/2017 06:59 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Seems to depend also on the browser, Yahoo and the computer OS. I notice that after pushing the 'send' button the processing of the post out of my computer can take some moments. I suspect that switching right away within the tab to look at something else may goof up the process between computer and Yahoo. What is composed as a post it seems can get dropped in a 'crack in the coherence' of the process. 'Copy and paste' edits is a safe way for content and then linger a moment to let the programs run after pushing 'send' and then moving on.

---In, <> wrote :

OK, Yahoo must have eaten it then. The Post Count says 4 but only 3 have appeared.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Nope.  Things can be slow with Yahoo.
In my own posting I do aggregate scattered replies back in to a thread to be able to forward a consolidated link on to others to read context.

---In, <> wrote :

Did you delete my last post?

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :


FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups (FFL) receives an ongoing flow of applicants for membership. The request for new membership evidently includes a mix of meditators, initiators, alumni of various aspects of the larger ™ community and others. Sometimes journalists, authors, or scholars come researching FFL too.

Most simply lurk the conversations from the home page of FairfieldLife and may never post openly to the group.

For instance, this request for membership came in:

My husband and I are sidhas living in MN ... we come down to FF at least once a year to visit family and friends and do some rounding. We have been with TM since the 70's.

This membership request requires your approval because the

FairfieldLife group is restricted, which means you must

approve each new member.

---In, <ffl.postcount@...> wrote :

Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 06/24/17 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 07/01/17 00:00:00
34 messages as of (UTC) 06/25/17 22:03:37

14 dhamiltony2k5
7 hepa7
5 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
4 feste37
1 rajawilliamsmith
1 j_alexander_stanley
1 Dick Mays dickmays
1 Bhairitu noozguru
Posters: 8
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