I thought about this after I looked at it - there are so many wonderful books 
in the world, but if I HAD to pick just one, I would have to say Lonesome Dove. 
The prequels and the sequels weren't worth much, but Lonesome Dove, I can't 
imagine any writer having more fun writing anything than that book, which was 
so funny and so mortal at the same time.

 From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 2:31 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The celebrities you're stalking tell you about 
their favorite books


Just a few of mine.
The Men from Earth by Buzz Aldrin. How man got to the moon, straight from the 
horses mouth. Includes his brilliantly romantic description of floating free in 
space. The human spirit captured for your astonishment.

The Executioners Song by Norman Mailer. True story of the life and death of 
Gary Gilmore, drop-out turned murderer who took the state of Utah to court to 
have himself executed. Epic comment on crime and punishment.

A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. Story of a boy who sticks with his best 
friend even though he accidentally kills his mother. It's a strangely religious 
tale of redemption and martyrdom. Irving should have quit after this one...

Precious Bane by Mary Webb. Victorian love story about a girl born disfigured, 
but who finds true love when her poems move the right soul. Fabulously well 
written and evokes the English countryside beautifully, but also the nasty 
superstitions of village life. You'll cry at the end.

Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut. Yeah, it's on everyone's "best books ever" 
list, but for a reason. The most savagely ironic story ever told. Just how 
stupid is mankind?

The Death Guard by Philip Chadwick. Highly disturbing tale about genetic 
engineering written before WW2 and banned from publication by a government 
concerned that its bleak message might counter their own propaganda. It was 
finally released in 1989 and concerns an attempt by a veteran of the Western 
front to reduce human death in war by creating an army of purpose built 
monsters to do the fighting for us. Do I need to tell you that it all goes 
horribly wrong?

Voyage of the Beagle by Charles Darwin. Rip-roaring boys adventure tale about a 
biologist who gets a job on a ship sent to map the south coast of America. 
Along the way he finds fossils of giant creatures that don't exist anymore, sea 
shells on top of mountains and a chain of islands where the local finches seem 
designed to have different beaks to feed on the different foods present. It all 
makes him wonder. Darwin wasn't aware of where it would lead at the time, but 
anyone with even the remotest knowledge about science can see one the greatest 
ideas that anyone ever had unfolding before their eyes.

London Fields by Martin Amis. Dark tale about a dying writer who has a chance 
encounter with a girl who's planning her own murder and decides to write a book 
about it, but which of the local characters that she plays off against each 
other has she chosen for the deed? Can he work it out before he dies and the 
world ends? File under post-modern nightmare.

Helliconia by Brian Aldiss. A splendid scientific romance by one of our most 
dependable sci-fi writers. Tells the tale of a world with such a long and 
elliptical orbit it's seasons last for generations and are so intense the 
inhabitants actually evolve into almost separate life forms. Little do they 
know, life on their planet is watched from Earth by a manned satellite. It's a 
genuine classic and so much better than it sounds with brilliant characters and 
a perfectly realised society.

The Midwich Cuckoos by John Wyndham. Anything by him actually but this is 
really good stuff. A village in England loses it's memory for two days. It 
transpires that every woman in town got pregnant during that time. The children 
are very odd indeed. 

War of the Worlds by HG Wells. God I love old sci-fi and this is the best. What 
an imagination, the battle scenes of cannon and riflemen on horseback fighting 
giant tripod creatures from outer space must have shocked the Victorian world 
utterly rigid. And one of the best opening chapters in publishing history.

Jonathan Livingstone Seagull by Richard Bach. Worst book I ever read. So 
offensively new age and banal I actually wanted to track the author down and 
give him the kicking he so richly deserves.

Moby Dickby Herman Melville. No really, try it. It's brilliant and can be read 
in so many ways. Most people get hung up about the metaphors inherent in 
captain Ahab and his impossible fight against nature - a fight mankind cannot 
win. But it's also a fascinating history of the mindless slaughter that helped 
make our civilisation so wealthy. A spectral colossus haunts the inflated myth 
of progress, as the poet said. Even at the time people thought whaling was too 
unpleasant for words and were happy that it took place out at sea with the 
bounty coming ashore in barrels so they didn't have to think about it.

I could go on and on....

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

I particularly liked:

Robin Williams
“Oh my god, Isaac Asimov’s Foundation trilogy. It’s one of the greatest books 
of all time, and the greatest character is The Mule.”

50 Cultural Icons on Their Favorite Books

50 Cultural Icons on Their Favorite Books
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