We just got our hand on the published copy of the Iranian National

  ISIRI 6219:2002  Information Technology -- Persian Information 
  Interchange and Display Mechanism, using Unicode

It is dated November 2002, and is about viii+33 pages.

The standard is mainly guidelines for encoding Persian texts in Unicode,
and tries to solve some of Unicode ambiguities in handling the Persian
language and the Arabic script locally.

An unofficial online version (which is exactly the standard minus its
cover) is available from:


A paper copy may be acquired at the price of 4125 IRR from:

  Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran
  PO Box 31585-163
  Karaj, IRAN
  Fax: +98 (261) 280-7045

Roozbeh Pournader,
for the FarsiWeb Project Group

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