I am a total Faust NOOB.I got the effect I wanted after about 5 days, I 
compiled it as a VST in Win64 and Audacity said it was incompatible. I tried it 
anyway and there was a message about the DLL not being able to be registered. I 
used regsvr32 and it said something about no entry point. I tried other DLLs 
that were VSTs and they worked fine. I saved the project for use in Android and 
the effect work perfectly. I tried the DLL in Reaper, and it said it was a 
VSTI. I know I did not save it as a VSTI, but I tried again and had the same 
result. Just for the heck of it, I compiled it as a VSTI and Reaper said that 
was also a VSTI.

What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance

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