Hi All, 

For developers a new tool called ‘faustbench’ can be used to help find out the 
best compilation options for a given DSP program, using the C++ generated code 
and located in tools/benchmark folder. The faustbench script calls the Faust 
compiler with different compilation parameters, produces a set of .h files with 
different variant of the mydsp C++ class, and compiles them with a 
faustbench.cpp wrapper to produce an executable.  When running, the program 
will measure the DSP use of each code variant, and report the best set of 
compilation parameters. The tool can be used to create ready to use iOS 
projects, to be run in Xcode. Here is the description: 

faustbench allows to test CPU use of DSP programs compiled with different 
compiler parameters:

- faustbench <file.dsp> runs the test for the given file.dsp
- faustbench -ios <file.dsp> produces an iOS project to be launched in Xcode

Available on master and faust2 branches.

Testing and report welcome !

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