There will be an outage starting at 2008-12-05 18:00 UTC, which will last
approximately 12 hours.  During this time systems may be unavailable.
Though any service disruption should be small with the exception of a 1 to
2 hour total outage of almost all services towards the end of this window.

To convert UTC to your local time, take a look at
or run:

date -d '2008-12-05 18:00 UTC'

Affected Services:

CVS / Source Control
Fedora Hosted
Fedora Talk
Mirror System
Translation Services

Unaffected Services:

Fedora People

Ticket Link:

Reason for Outage:

We'll be doing a switch upgrade as well as a number of system updates and
re-cabling.  We'll also be removing old hardware to install some new. This
outage window is very large instead of writing out many smaller outages I
thought it best just to make one large window.  The longest outage should
last 1 to 2 hours.  The shorter ones will likely not be noticeable to most

We'll work hard to keep outages as short as possible.  If all goes
according to plan there the primary website (non wiki) and mirrors site
will not go down as they have built in redundancy.  Everything else needs
access to various databases in our datacenter and their connectivity will
be interrupted.

Contact Information:

Please join #fedora-admin in or respond to this email to
track the status of this outage.

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