On Sat, 2008-04-05 at 15:55 +0300, Pavel Shevchuk wrote:
> We would be happy to have any piece of artwork that can be used to
> theme KDE. Right now we have problem with KDM, which needs proper
> backrgound image, and svgs posted in wiki can't be rendered properly
> by kdm's svg engine
Then can you use PNGs? But, if you need to use SVGs I bet that opening
them in Inkscape and resaving them as Plain SVGs would make the
rendering by the kdm's SVG engine better. However, it uses a fair bit of
advanced effects like blur, which takes quite long time to render, so
I'd advice you to use PNGs instead.

Btw. I might be able to do a sketch for KDM (real theme is a no-go for
me, I don't have neither experience nor KDM) if you are interested, I
just need to know, how much you are able to do :)


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