On Sep 30, 2008, at 12:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- we should probably go with the simple design for the disc itself as we
did for Fedora 9. I'll take on the task of updating the artwork so it
says Fedora 10 instead of 9.
- we need a sleeve design for Fedora 10. The disc will come in a
cardboard sleeve. Any takers? (Ryan, yours came out great for Fedora 9,
*hint hint* *wink wink*)

Hi All,

This is Jarod Wen. I am new here, but I want to start on some contributions to our group. I have some experience on desktop publishing(a local magazine for NGO). I am not a seasoned designer on artwork, but I wish I could learn more here in our group!

I want to have a try on the disk/media artwork for F10. I will try to based on the idea of disk/media artwork of F9. Wish I can publish a draft by this weekend.

To Ryan: I am a new comer so may I turn to you if I have any questions on this task?

Jarod Wen

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