
recently we discussed with andreasn on irc some of the System ->
Administration menu entries and agreed that some them can use icons
listed in the icon naming specs [1]. Because we both didn't have time to
discuss long enough, I went ahead, analysed the current usage and
created a wiki page [2] for tracking our progress.

If we standardise the icon names usage here, many icon themes will
benefit from it, currently it's the only menu that contains almost only
bluecurve icons, even if other icon themes are used, and we cannot
expect icon developers to take care of all different distribution
configuration tools (sometimes they even cannot due to buggy way of
referencing icons in desktop files of some system-config tools), so I
suggest to use more generic names, that could be used a) across
different desktops b) across different linux distributions.

Suggestions, discussion welcome either here or on #fedora-art :)



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