Some more info.

I notice that on my RedHat Enterprise Linux 4 FDS Server, I have to punch two 
holes on FireWall (iptables) before I could get my Windows FDS Console to work. 

I suspect this is due to the fact that I have SELINUX set to "disabled" BUT 
SELINUXTYPE set to "targeted" in /etc/sysconfig/selinux, anyone could explain 

# cat /etc/sysconfig/selinux

One hole for port 389 (ldap), the other for port 38900 (admin port for my case).

# vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables

Add two lines:

-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 389 -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 38900 -j 

# service iptables restart

BTW, I am happily using J2SDK 1.5.0 on Windows, startconsole.bat seems to run 
without issue, although J2SDK 1.5.0 is not yet certified to work with FDS.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tay, Gary
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:53 AM
To: Sam Tran; General discussion list for the Fedora Directory server project.
Subject: **Caution-External**: RE: [Fedora-directory-users] Open-source 
Management Console andAdminserver

FDS User Folks,

I have written a script to help to create a "startconsole.bat".

You have to run this script at RedHat server, it expects a "startconsole.txt" 
which is the output of RedHat "startconsole -D" command, and it generates 

You should edit "/opt/fedora-ds" in this script to reflect the FDS root 
directory of your installation.

You should edit also "" in this script to suit your need and 
copy "startconsole.bat" over to c:\fedora\java.

"startconsole.bat" should be run after "cd c:\fedora\java".

Content if "startconsole.txt"

/opt/fedora-ds/bin/base/jre/bin/java -ms8m -mx64m  -cp 
-Djava.util.prefs.userRoot=/opt/fedora-ds/java -D  -A

Content of ""

#! /bin/sh
# input: startconsole.txt
# output: startconsole.bat
sed -e 's/\/opt\/fedora-ds\/bin\/base\/jre\/bin\///' \
    -e 's/\/opt\/fedora-ds\/java/./g' \
    -e 's/\/opt\/fedora-ds\/lib/..\\lib/g' \
    -e 's/:/;/g' \
    -e 's/\//\\/g' \
    -e 's/http;\\\\/http:\/\//' \
    -e 's/;/' \
    startconsole.txt > startconsole.bat

Content of "startconsole.bat" generated by running ""

java -ms8m -mx64m  -cp 
      -Djava.util.prefs.systemRoot=.\.java -Djava.util.prefs.userRoot=. -D  -A



-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sam Tran
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 9:47 PM
To: General discussion list for the Fedora Directory server project.
Subject: Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Open-source Management Console and 

On 7/6/05, Thierry Lanfranchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Sam Tran a écrit :
>  On 7/5/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Rich Megginson wrote:
>  Sam Tran wrote:
>  On 7/5/05, Rich Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Sam Tran wrote:
>  Hi,
> When are you planning to release the management console and admin
> server source code?
>  Probably before the end of the year. We can't yet provide dates.
>  Rich,
> Are you planning to have a Windows version of the management console?
> It would be really convenient for admins who have a Windows box.
>  I don't know if we will have an "officially supported version" for
> Windows, but you will be able to run it on Windows. You can run it 
> right now if you know the java class and arguments - it's just a 
> java/swing application. The startconsole binary just sets up the 
> environment, classpath, ld library path, etc. then invokes java.
>  Sam,
> with only a little more hassle one can build or download the Win32
> bits of JSS, NSS and NSPR from and get SSL going too. 
> Those are the only native parts of the Console besides the 
> startconsole wrapper. That will allow your Console to connect to the 
> Admin Server via https and the Directory Server via ldaps. It'll also 
> be less fussy when creating ldaps replication agreements.
> Launch the Console in debug mode with "startconsole -D" to see how to
> invoke java to get the Console to run.
>  Thanks Rich and Uffe for your help.
> It would be nice to have a HOWTO for that.
> Sam
> --
> Fedora-directory-users mailing list 
>  Hi,
>  This is how I proceeded to get the console working under Windows :
>  * made a c:\fedora directory on my windows box and copied
> /opt/fedora-ds/java and /opt/fedora-ds/lib from red hat box to windows 
> box
>  * started console on the red hat box with the -D command line option like
> Rich recommended, and obtained the full command line
>  * created a .BAT in my c:\fedora\java directory on the windows box
>  edited the .BAT to :
>  * modify the path to the java executable
>  * replace ':' in the -cp option with ';'
>  * replace the / in the pathes with \ (except for the admin server
> url)
>  I obtained a .BAT with that line (might be split into several lines
> by my mail client, but it's a single command line):  java -ms8m -mx64m  
> -cp 
> .;.\nmclf70.jar;.\base.jar;.\ldapjdk.jar;.\mcc70.jar;.\nmclf70_en.jar;
> .\mcc70_en.jar;.\jss3.jar
> -Djava.library.path=..\lib\jss 
> -Djava.util.prefs.systemRoot=.\.java
> -Djava.util.prefs.userRoot=.
> -D  -A
> http://myserver:55456
>  (java executable is in my path and the .bat is ran from the
> c:\fedora\java
> directory)
>  working great so far
>  Thierry

Fantastic Thierry!

Merci. ;)


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