Fedora Update Notification
2008-12-02 23:54:38

Name        : publican-fedora
Product     : Fedora 9
Version     : 0.16
Release     : 0.fc9
URL         : https://fedorahosted.org/publican
Summary     : Publican documentation template files for fedora
Description :
This package provides common files and templates needed to build documentation
for fedora with publican.

Update Information:

- Disable make.graphic.viewport. BZ #467368  - Add missing XEP namespace. BZ
#467256  - Add catch for ValidateTables where table for tgroup could not be
found. BZ #468789  - Fix right margin error on verbatim and admonitions in PDF.
BZ #467654  - Added foreignphrase to list of validated tags.  - Add
foreignphrase, acronym, hardware to list of tags aspell should ignore.  - Fixed
left align of verbatim items in notes.  - Fixed contrib class in CSS. BZ #469595
- Changed para & simpara to div in HTML. BZ #469286  - Fix layout of author in
Revision History. BZ #469986  - Validated function tag. BZ #471144  - Fixed menu
entry text. BZ #470967  - Validated type, methodname, excAppendix.xmleptionname,
varname, interfacename tags. BZ #461708  - Banned glosslist (untranslatable) BZ
#461864  - Validated uri, mousebutton, hardware tags. BZ #461870  - Validated
othername tag. BZ #464315  - Removed collab from front page to match PDF output.
BZ #469298  - Formalised handling of draft mode, root node only. BZ #468305  -
Removed old help text from create_book and make type case insensitive. BZ
#471776  - Fixed footnote numbers collapsing together. BZ #462668  - Fix
translation report for po in nested directories.  - Changed Formal Para Title to
follow parent indent. BZ #466309  - Validated qandadiv, tweaked layout. BZ
#472482  - Handle xslthl:annotation. BZ #472500  - Fix dot on docnav css. BZ
#472627  - Fix ol display in article. BZ #472491  - Added section of Drafting
rules. (bforte)  - Fix CCS display of image in term.  - Add product URL. Modify
header to use product url.  - Fix formalpara missing div. BZ #473843  - Fix OL
missing margin in article. BZ #473844

* Mon Dec  1 2008 Jeff Fearn <jfe...@redhat.com> 0.16
- Add override for PROD_URL
* Tue Sep  9 2008 Jeff Fearn <jfe...@redhat.com> 0.15
- Removed corpauthor from template. BZ #461222
- Updated Fedora legal notice. BZ #448022
* Mon Sep  1 2008 Jeff Fearn <jfe...@redhat.com> 0.14-0
- Fix styles for publican 0.35 mods
- Removed common entity files as they break translation
- Remove ID's from common files. BZ #460770
* Mon Apr 14 2008 Jeff Fearn <jfe...@redhat.com> 0.13-0
- Fix missing list image in html-single articles
- QANDA set css fix BZ #442674
- Override PDF Theme
- Added package tag BZ #444908
- Added Article and Set Templates

  [ 1 ] Bug #467368 - border does not match image in html
  [ 2 ] Bug #467256 - Publican XSL stylesheet for PDF missing namespace 
  [ 3 ] Bug #468789 - build error from xmlclean when trying to build the 
installation guide
  [ 4 ] Bug #467654 - corners missing on <example> when it contains 
<programlisting> or <screen>
  [ 5 ] Bug #469595 - RFE: Improve support for <othercredit>
  [ 6 ] Bug #469286 - screen inside para outputs invalid XHTML
  [ 7 ] Bug #461708 - unsupported "developer content relevant" tags
  [ 8 ] Bug #461864 - Add <glosslist> and <function> to list of "known tags"
  [ 9 ] Bug #471776 - create_book --article does not work. Please remove from 
  [ 10 ] Bug #473844 - <itemizedlist> white space below not quite right.
  [ 11 ] Bug #466309 - formalpara's title does not align correctly when these 
are listitems
  [ 12 ] Bug #473843 - <para> tags inside <formalpara> tags do not get the 
proper div applied to them.
  [ 13 ] Bug #469986 - pdf display of revision history lacks spacing
  [ 14 ] Bug #471144 - RFE: please support function tag
  [ 15 ] Bug #470967 - sub-title is used as the menu item for books
  [ 16 ] Bug #461870 - Update list of known tags
  [ 17 ] Bug #464315 - Publican should support <othername> tag
  [ 18 ] Bug #469298 - RFE: Improve support for <collab> tags
  [ 19 ] Bug #468305 - <section status="draft"> ignored
  [ 20 ] Bug #462668 - PDF: inconsistent numbering for ulinks and footnotes
  [ 21 ] Bug #472482 - <qandadiv> results in a warning
  [ 22 ] Bug #472500 - java annotations in sample code causes problems for 
  [ 23 ] Bug #472627 - HTML: black square on screen when using "Next" and 
"Previous" to navigate
  [ 24 ] Bug #472491 - <orderedlist> not rendering correctly in html-single on 
an article

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update publican-fedora' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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