
I am rather new to this list, but wanted to ask Sue how long ago was it that sweet Casper was vacinated for Feline Leukemia before she tested positive? I am just curious as I am learning so much about this horrible disease. I have been reading many posts since I joined in January and I just want to say thank you to all of you out there who care for these positive furballs like a do. I can't believe how much I have learned. I also would like to share my story with you.

My daughter and I foster for a small rescue in PA (bottle babies is our specialty) and we have just recently became a positive house. Prior to January, we had a negative cat, Polly (our own) which we adopted in 2006 and Chessie, adopted in September 2008. In December of 2008, we took in a foster cat from a vet that had a hip injury and the original owners were going to have her put to sleep due to lack of finances. The vet felt that Jasmine (1-2 years old) had such a sweet personality and deserved better. She contacted the rescue and asked if we would be willing to take her. Before we brought her home, she was tested at the vets for Feline Leukemia and it came back negative. She had her surgery, spayed, etc. and healed fine. Anyway, Chessie became sick right around Christmas and when he stopped eating, I took him to the vet and he tested positive. He progressed very fast and passed away in January. After having the other two cats tested, Polly was negative (has since died due to tumor), and Jasmine tested positive.

This caused a big stir in our house and the lady we foster for as that meant several cats needed to be tested. In January we also lost 2 other kittens who were adopted out which were exposed to my Positive cats while they were kittens (and later, since one of them wasn't adopted right away, the one was exposed to the cats from the lady we rescue from). After much testing between the lady who we rescue cats for and our house, we have determined that Jasmine seems to be the one who has spread it. We are assuming that she is a carrier. She is a very healthy cat. Since one of the other cats at our rescue (in another house) tested positive, we took her in. We have many more cats there that have tested negative, but are getting retested in a couple of months.

Today we just added a beautiful, positive Snow Shoe girl to our family. We have named her Tootsie. She was found 3 weeks ago by a friend of mine and was neglected/abused. My friend took her in and has saved her (had an exposed trachea and gangerine) and didn't think she would find anyone with a positive cat(s). Surprise! My friend has dealt with a lot of trauma/wounds, but has never seen anything like this. We look forward to providing for her and giving her the best care she could have. Thanks for letting me share.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Frank & Sue Koren" <fs...@roadrunner.com>
To: "FeLV talk" <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 7:47 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

My poor sweet Casper is FeLV+. So by making the decision to mix I have condemned him. He is anemic and he is going on Doxycyclne and Prednosolone. Has anyone ever heard of a cat that has anemia living longer then a few months?
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