I work with an online rescue group--the clinic came highly recommended. we sent 10 cats to be s/n vetted. I recd phone call one cat is fiv+ and one is felv+. I said, okay-dont' pts-I'll find them refuge or something. then I got the bill emailed to me adn there's a charge for felv vax on the felv+ cat. I email back--hello--isn't this charge wrong?
here's the answer I recd back-pls help or point me to research about the safety or truth to this "method" --
Because of the assembly-line methods we use, all the vaccines are drawn up and administered prior to drawing blood; therefore we don't test first then vaccinate based on the test results.  The vaccine won't harm a cat who tests positive and won't affect the test results.  I'm told this is how other high-volume clinics do it although I've never directly confirmed that.
what's ironic is same person "saved" another felv+ that came into her clinic--and needs to find refuge for it also. she loves that cat.
I would like to find research to say to the clinic, hey don't vax first and then test because---cornell say this or another vet univ.said this.
For now I've learned to say, HEY test first then vax. it's my da*n dime paying for these rescued cats! $10 saved on a felv vax is two days of boarding fees.
thanks for any help,

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