That's very interesting. Reminds me that there's a Wisconsin protocol, which alternates traditional chemo drugs. I noticed it after one of my FELV kitties, Mittens, was on Vincristine and prednisone. It extended his life, I think, but only a few months.

The link I find is


On Nov 28, 2010, at 6:11 AM, Melinda Kerr wrote:


I am not certain of the exact protocol. At one time I had it, but have long since lost it. I am in Japan and the American base vet cannot obtain the cancer medications. My Japanese vet has been very attentive and so far everything he has done has been successful. In the beginning he made me wait 10-14 days between treatments in order to allow her body to recover from the "strong medicine." He does seem surprised that she recovered so quickly the first time and I am sure will be amazed once again when he sees the results of his second round. Unfortunately, I don't know what he used this last time.

She received the following five treatments. All extremely strong drugs!

      Oncovin- 1st treatment
Cyclophosphamide- 2nd treatment
Doxorubicin- 3rd treatment
Oncovin- 4th treatment
      Doxorubicin- 5th treatment

All of this with 10mg of Prednisone per day. (We have since cut the Prednisone down to 5mg per day. )

I envy your access to an oncologist. Whatever is recommended, I'm sure will be your best bet!

Thanks for the good wishes.

Melinda, Fuji and VooDoo

On Nov 28, 2010, at 9:23 AM, Stacy Zacher wrote:

Hi Melinda:

I am sorry about Fuji's mass but so happy she responded to chemo. What chemo did you give her? I recently joined the lymphoma list and for Spanky's type of mass (that has yet to be confirmed by biopsy) many have success with prednisoline and leukeran and some are using ac-11 to boost the white blood cells. I have a call into his oncologist/internal med specialist to see what she thinks about putting him on the leukeran. He is doing well on the pred - eating better and even ran up the stairs today which he hasn't done in many weeks. Purraying your Fuji continues to do well and thank you for sharing her story and success.
Stacy and Spanky

Message: 5
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2010 23:11:24 +0900
From: Melinda Kerr <>

Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


kitty Fuji is almost 18 months old.  In July, she was diagnosed with
FeLV and a mediastinal mass.  Very little effort was spent diagnosing
her, but the final conclusion was lymphoma because of the presence of
FeLV.  At that time, all I wanted was to make her more comfortable.
She responded immediately to the chemotherapy treatment that she
received.  She continued to receive 4 more treatments at 10+ day
intervals over the next couple of months. During that time she showed
absolutely no side affects. The treatments were discontinued because
her WBC count was too low (because of the FeLV) for our Japanese vet to feel he could safely do them considering the mass was completely gone.

her last treatment in September, she has had two rounds of antibiotics for minor infections (I took her in for sneezing the first time.) Last
week, I took her in with vomiting and discovered the mass had
returned.  Second remissions are supposed to be extremely hard to
obtain.  However, Fuji responded immediately once again to the
treatment.   A week later, she eats, plays, purrs and does everything
she did before.  She definitely acts like a more mature cat, but of
course she is. We will follow up next week with additional blood tests
to see if she can get a second treatment.

I know every cat is
different, but I never expected to have 4+ more months with my baby.
She is still alive and doing pretty good for an FeLV cat with lymphoma!

Best of luck to you and Spanky.

Melinda, Fuji and VooDoo

On Nov 27, 2010, at 11:35 AM, Stacy Zacher wrote:

Hi Sharyl:
Thanks to you and everyone on this list for your replies and purrayers. . I'm so sorry about your sweet Albert but glad you had the 1.5 years with him.

It's been quite a week for us - Spanky went to his vet, then the
internal med specialist/oncologist and was diagnosed with a mediastinal
tumor in his chest, thus the fluids. My vets too said a few days only
if I didn't do something. So I put him on prednisolone for now and may
do a stronger round of something to try to kill the tumor. But I know
it is dicey with his FELV + status/symptoms.   I can't even think
straight.......but have to try to keep helping him. He made it through
Thanksgiving and we are taking it one day (one hour!) at a time.
Stacy and Spanky

Message: 8
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 22:49:46 -0800 (PST)
From: Sharyl <>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Spanky - fluid in chest
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

I'm so sorry to read Spanky now has this problem. There is a Yahoo heart group that may help.

your vet give Spanky any Lasix?  It does help reduce the fluid.  My
sweet Albert went into CHF and was dx with severe HCM. When he went
into CHF the vet gave him days/wks to live.   He was lasix for 1 1/2
yrs before his little heart gave out.

It is something to try.

--- On Tue, 11/23/10, Stacy Zacher <> wrote:

From: Stacy Zacher <>
Subject: [Felvtalk] Spanky - fluid in chest
Date: Tuesday, November 23, 2010, 8:58 PM
I am crossposting this message also.
I urgently need advice on my kitty, Spanky (FELV+, early
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy).?
I noticed over the weekend and week he started feeling
worse and that his respiration rate
?seemed to be higher than normal (he is usually about 18

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