Hold on to that one!


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> We found my cat Simba, at about the age of 5 weeks. 
> He tested  positive for 
> FIV.  We had him retested at approx 6 mos & he was
> still  positive.  It is 
> true that FIV tests of young kittens may only be
> picking  up maternal antibodies, 
> so it would be a good idea to retest the little guy 
> after 6 mos.  Simba is 
> going to be 8 years old in July.  We have  allowed
> him to mix freely with our 
> other 12 cats all along & none of ours  has ever
> tested positive.  He even gets 
> into occasional spats w/ one of the  others & he
> licks several that he is 
> good friends with, shares bowls,  litterboxes, etc &
> it has never caused a 
> problem.  He is so  healthy that we've had him
> retested several times over the 
> years, because it's  just so hard to believe that he
> is positive.  He keeps coming 
> back  positive, but I've stopped worrying about it. 
> I just make sure he gets  
> good care & thank God that he is healthy.  I have
> also elected not to  
> vaccinate due to a study done at Cornell awhile back
> that found that viral loads  
> for the FIV increased after vaccination.  I don't
> recall how I initially  found 
> out about this study, but I did call & talk to them
> to confirm  the info.  I 
> have not heard anything about it ever since, tho. 
> I'll  have to do a little 
> digging & see if that was researched any  further. 
> I don't have a reference 
> that I can give you right off hand, but  I'll look
> for one.   Simba did get his 
> initial round of  vaccinations as a kitten, however.
>  This was my 
> experience...personally, I  have no qualms about
> mixing FIV+ with negatives, but everybody 
> has to do what  works for their situation.  Hope
> this helps.  
> Yvonne
> In a message dated 6/22/2006 7:45:19 A.M. Central
> Daylight Time,  
> have  been researching the net for information on
> FIV in kittens and hope to 
> get  more info here. My daughter came home two weeks
> ago with a little freal 
> kitten  appr. 5 weeks old. We already hav a 3 year
> old cat and had not planned 
> on  another cat, but ofcourse everybody in the
> family fell in love with this  
> little thing. Yesterday we were told she tested
> positive for FIV, which realy  
> upset everybody, but we have decided to keep her and
> deal with things as they 
>  come. Now I read that when a little kitten tests
> positive, you need to keep  
> testing it until at least 6 month of age because it
> might be mothers  
> anti-bodies, passed through mothers milk that might
> make the test come back  
> positive. Is there anybody in this forum that indeed
> had that happen, meaning  that at 
> first the test came back positive but later
> negative? I know we are  grasping 
> at straws, but hope helps. We are also trying to
> decide whether to  keep the 
> two cats separate for ever or introduce them anyhow,
> I will talk to  the vet 
> to have the older one tested too now and if that
> comes back negative,  to have 
> him vacinated, but wonder whether that would be
> sufficient protection.  Any 
> advise??

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