Thank you.  You just gave a name to something I think I'm dealing with in an 
older kitten who has had what appeared to be a persistent uri.  We've already 
made a vet appointment and planned to culture the nasal discharge but I think 
you've given me the name -- Cryptococcosis -- and I know exactly what I'm 
looking at. 

"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:          The cat with the ear 
tumor would be MUCH better off long-term by having the ear removed than by 
being on pred long-term. There is a very involved, but effective total ear 
abalation surgery that removes the entire ear canal, including the inner and 
outer ear, and usually leaves a normal looking ear flap, but if the tumor 
involves the flap, you could take that as well. If it's only on the flap, of 
course, that's VERY easy to remove.
  I have not heard of Pred being used for seizures, but I could be wrong there.
  The extreme nasal discharge you are describing sounds like it began as a 
Herpes outbreak, or possibly Calici, and has since turned into a bacterial 
nasal infection in some of your cats. I would advise stronger or different 
antibiotics if you are not seeing improvement within 1 week of starting your 
current antibiotics. Another thing worth trying is testing the mucous for 
fungal infection, which often is something that is overlooked unless the owner 
specifically requests it be checked for.
  Here is a lab service that can test for most URI issues: 
  But, I would consider also doing a fungal test, at least for the most common 
nasal fungal infection, Cryptococcosis, as it is a serious issue if left 
untreated (the fungus can eat out the bones in the face if left to fester - it 
can also lead to some of the other symptoms you mentioned in your other cats, 
like blindness, and seizures - it's all around a NASTY thing that should be 
seriously considered if antibiotics do not help). 
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