
I forgot to say that if you do contact Dianne Addie then state your history and 
involvement in feline rescue as I am sure you would anyway. But as a rule 
Glasgow University are not at liberty to provide information to anyone other 
that vets. When I contacted her I said I was involved in animal rescue and 
asked if she had any reference to research that I was interested in at the time 
and stated in my mail that if she was unable to give that information to me 
directly could she please pass it to my vet (who would then give it to me). She 
actually contacted me but alas no info available on paediatric FIV which is 
what I wanted. I'm sure she must have some references that would be appropriate 
for you though. She has researched FIP for nearly 20 years and been involved in 
FIV research as I'm sure you know already.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

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