I am rather new to FeLV but Cornell University has good sites for information on this illness.  If the anemia is from FeLV it has to be in the bone marrow which according to what I have read, means the FeLV has been with the cat for a long time.  Our vet has our Stinky cat on Interferon and amoxicillin.  Yesterday she had a red blood count of about 13 than a retest showed a count of 18 which they feel is too high for a transfusion but, that will probably be low enough by Monday for another transfusion.  However, the anemia may not be from FeLV at all.  There are other things lurking out there that cause it like FIA which is hard to detect but, the doxycycline should handle that if that is what your cat has.  And, as Michelle has pointed out, and my vet has pointed out, it may be cancer that is at the bottom of anemia so, don't despair, it may not be FeLV.  Even as sick as my Stinky cat is, I am still holding out hopes that ELISA was wrong and the IFA test was right! 
Best of luck and all our prayers!
Stinky's Mom and Dad

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