I guess I should say something regarding raw meat. When I have a sick kitty I will entice them with beef. I will boil chicken for them as well. I have boiled pork in the past but they didn't really care for it.
When one is sick I will feed just about anything whether it's cheap canned food or dry food along with the expensive.
Main concern is to get something in them which is better than nothing.
So I keep a supply of cheap foods along with expensive food for emergencies.
Being a rescue I can get many cats/kittens in one setting at times so I have to watch my costs.
So I believe there is no right or wrong way of what to feed when they are ill. As long as they are getting something in their tummies. It is dangerous for them not to eat after 24 hours.
I value all information/advise on this list since I joined back in 2000
I also agree with Belinda...Cornell is way behind their info regarding Felv kitties. I have read the same info for years.
They do need to update!

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