Dear Del,
I was just reading your wonderful tribute to Effie.  I had to smile when you described the great  'confetti' that can be made from unwatched paper towels and toilet paper.
My tribe once did a variation on this theme (I guess they were really bored that day).  I had given Luna an enema one night; in the bathroom so she was easily put in the tub for a quick butt-bath.  She has her own shallow litter box for these events and I use a small amount of clay litter because she digs and digs and the lightweight Cedarific ends up all over the floor and not in the box.  Well, it was a weeknight and I was busy, so when we were done I cleaned up, but forgot the bag of litter in the bathroom.  I didn't notice because I only use it when Luna is having an enema.  We got through the night just fine and I came home from work to a house that was just too quiet (know what I mean???) and not enough furry bodies greeted me at the door.  I started looking around the house, getting more and more suspicious.  Finally I made my way upstairs and, gee, the bathroom door was almost all the way closed and there were noises coming from inside.  I pushed the door open to a floor completely covered in cat litter!  Several little faces stopped (they were having a high old time playing in the litter) and I swear they looked guilty!  And, yes, over in one corner, one of the little darlings had left a 'deposit' (hey, it's litter, right?).
Little stinkers!!

"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
to protection by man from the cruelty of man. "

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated."

Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

Paws Come WITH Claws!!!

If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

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