If what I've heard about FIV and the way it's transmitted is true, then I don't see how this guy you are considering would pose any more of a threat to your felv cats than adding another cat just infected with felv would. He's friendly to other cats, right? Unless he's some kind of a madman that would go around biting everyone, I don't think there's much of a danger of him giving the others FIV. We've just been discussing mixing in general and the whole damn thing is a crap shoot anyway. As far as your other cats being a danger to the new guy, whatever time you give him, whatever time he has left, would be a gift to him since he is scheduled to be pts anyway. Nina

Tad Burnett wrote:

Speaking of having to decide.... I was just asked if I would take a young cat that is both FeLV+ and FIV+... How much risk does this add to my 10 FeLV+ cats??? This cat is supposed to be otherwise healthy but its like having a double whammy against his immune system and is that asking for trouble.???? I had a double pos once before and he came down with a 107 fever shortly after I got him and we fought it with much time spent in a cage at the vets for the next 3 weeks and then we let him go... This cat will be PTS tomorrow if I don't take him.... Help.. What to do??? Tad..

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