Hi Folks,

Today Pewter got her booster shots for as they call it distemper feline
leukemia, and rabies. SHe manages to get in my rrom with regularity. This is
where I keep Junior my FELV+ kitty.

Next week is the one year anniversary of his positive test. He had a rough
go of it until January. Finally I got him where he was stable and w/o pain.
That in itself is controversial, so I won't go there. We make choices about
quality of life for our babies and junior is better w/o pain and he is on a
medicine that could cause problems later.

While at the vet I had to get Revolution for some of the cats (OUCH). Pewter
had ear mites when I got her. She was treated for them on her first visit.
Junior has them now, but I think it is because they switched rooms. It is
amazing that little critters you cannot see are crawling on your bedding.
  I also got Junior Baytril the URI is going on 5 weeks maybe more. And
though he still eats well he seems like he was having a problem getting
comfortable last night, due to the congestion. He did a round of Amoxicillin
that he finished off over a week ago.

That is about it for the update.

Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little
Black, Lily, Daisy, Silver, and  Spike  Visit my BB for some pictures post
your as well.


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