Hi Sandy,
You struck a cord with your story of dog-person to cat-person. I was a "dog-person" too, until a very special cat entered my life. I always tell people that say they don't like cats, that they just haven't had the opportunity to be loved by the right cat! Someone on another list just posted about how cats are associated more with "energy" and dogs more with the "physical". That hadn't really occurred to me before. When I thought back to when cats began entering my life, it did coincide with the point in my life when satisfying my physical desires, (I used to be quite the party animal!), became less important to me than pursuing more "spiritual" quests.

In answer to you question about cats being territorial, they are, but they are also very social. Much more social than most people who don't truly observe them give them credit for. It's amazing how dependent on each other they can become. It's especially true of feral colony interaction. I remember reading somewhere how cats get along better in large groups, (as long as they have enough personal space and their survival needs are being met). That there can be more friction in a household with two to four cats than in one with five or more. I don't know why five seems to be the magic number. There's generally a bit of hissing and posturing that goes on while they work out their status and hierarchy, but it does seem like they get to the point that they become more accommodating of new arrivals, when they just keep coming!

Dudes wrote:

I'm always amazed when people say that they have lots of cats.  I would
probably have a lot more if my husband didn't stop me.  I have always had
dogs my entire life, until we were adopted by our first cat, Miss, some
years ago.  I remember the exact moment that I knew I loved her.   I looked
into her eyes as she sat in the crook of my arm purring, just staring at me
with half closed eyes in contentment.  I was amazed at how calming and
peaceful a cat is.

But on the other hand, I have 4 who are all indoors, and they barely get
along.  I can't imagine what would happen if we added more.  Aren't cats
notoriously territorial?  I consider myself a cat novice, so I wonder what
those of you with lots of cats observe about yours.

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