>On Thu, 7 Dec 2006 18:07:17 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I would immediately put him on 500 mg/day of lysine for herpes.  For  the
> gingivitis you might want to try a 5 day course of clindamycin, an  antibiotic
> that is especially good for gums.


Hi Michelle,

Thanks for your reply and suggestions. The variety of responses I received,
both pro and con, on the dentistry emphasizes the fact that there is no
correct answer. <G> Shane has been on Lysine, 250 mg. twice daily, since the
ocular herpes was diagnosed and will remain on that for life. He was on
antiviral eye drops (eventually a prednisone eye drop was also added for the
inflammation) for about three months (he is off all the drops at present).
The eye looks okay at the moment, though it sometimes still looks a little
squinty. The vet had planned to do another thorough eye exam when he was
under for the dental. Right now, I am leaning toward proceeding with the
dental after pre-treating with antibiotics but I haven't decided yet. Thanks
again for your reply.

Sue and Shane
Jerome, AZ

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