>Fri, 08 Dec 2006 09:44:00 -0800, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>How is Shane with vet visits?  Would he do okay with dental work while he's
>awake?  How long ago was your last vet visit?  Did he drop the weight quickly,
>or over a length of time?  Depending on how bad his gums are, you might want to
> try and address his gingivitis and herpes infection first.  Maybe try
> the antibiotics and lysine and see how he responds.

Hi Nina,

Shane does quite well at the vet's office. He usually purrs the whole time
he is there and is very cooperative about everything. However, I'm sure he
finds it stressful (don't most animals?) between being put in his carrier,
riding in the car and then all the weird sounds and smells at the clinic. He
certainly does better than many cats I've seen there. It had been about six
weeks since his last vet appointment so the weight loss took place over that
period of time. He's a little on the pudgy side, so he can actually stand to
lose a little weight. However, since I hadn't been making a concerted effort
to get any weight off of him, the weight loss does concern me. I plan to
take him back in about a week to see if he is continuing to drop weight. He
has been on L-lysine, 250 mg. twice daily for months (since his eye
infection was diagnosed). The vet didn't start him on an antibiotic yet but
will probably put him on a course of antibiotics whether we decide to do the
dental or not. Thanks for your help!

Sue and Shane
Jerome, AZ

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