Hello Group,
Because of my efforts with Ceasar, I met this incredible lady that has designed a "super trap"  to catch  those hard to get guys: http://www.amrt.net/feraltrap/trap.htm  Well I was there yesterday and she told me about the tracking device they use to track Momma ferals back to her kittens.  She says she's used this method dozens of times and always with success.  DOZENS OF TIMES!!  When they trap a lactating female, they put on a transmitting collar, (made for use with housecats), while she's under for her spay.  They release her early and track her right back to her babies!  They round up the kittens into a carrier then re-trap Momma, using the kittens as bait, (you know, kittens in a carrier, trap butted against it, everything covered with a cloth).  If the kittens are old enough, she and a helper pull the "break away" collar with the tracking device off of Momma through the trap and release her.  If the kittens still need her, they bring them all home and release the Momma later when the kittens are weaned.  I tell you, this lady and her brilliant ideas get me more excited than my husband ever did, (Don't tell Bruce that!).  I usually dread it when I hear of, or see a new mom, now I've got hope that I'll be able to help every single one of them and tame her kittens!!  Here's the website for the tracking device and collars: http://www.thecatlocator.com/
Spread the word on this one!

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