I have found a technique for pilling reluctant cats that works like a charm.  I just had three cats on abx at the same time and since discovering this trick, it's never been easier to medicate.  Get yourself some Pill Pockets.  They sell them on the internet and even carry them in Petsmart.  I had some in my fridge for a very long time and I don't even know why I kept them.  Some cats gobble them down with the pill hidden inside, but none of my cats were interested in them.  In fact, they looked at me like I was crazy when I offered them one, even without a pill hidden inside.  I had a feral that I was desperate to medicate and I tried the pill pockets again.  This time I used only the smallest amount of the pill pocket, (they get like silly putty from the warmth of your fingers and you can mold them around the pill), and hid it in the middle of a small pile of something extremely yummy.  Use something like tuna, or chicken, something that can be partially cubed to the same size as the pill pocket as well as smaller "shredded" pieces to encourage them to gulp.  I've even stopped holding my breath as I watch to make sure the pill went down.

As far as the IR being good for their gum problems, I have no idea.  It's a bacteria that is introduced to encourage the immune system to respond, so I guess it might work for stomatitis.  Let us know what if you decide to try it and if it helps.

Tad Burnett wrote:
My 1st FeLV+ cat, I have had him 3 years, is healthy and active
except that he has a chronic gum problem.. Antibiotics help some but
he hates them and hides from us when he thinks that is what he is
going to get...
Would Immuno Regulin be good for this ??
Its easier to take him to the vet than it is to get antibiotics in him...

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