I am sending a link of the website which explains some of the treatments that Michelle mentioned – from what I heard VO interferon, and Immunogloubin can be beneficial depending on your kitty’s condition – there are some articles on this website that you might find helpful to read -  I think there are some people on the list you may be able to buy VO interferon from, since it will take a few months to get it from England –


Thank you for taking care of FeLV kitties – I know it’s not easy thing to do as their condition can be very fragile form time to time – but I am praying for your kitty that he is going to get through this and will get better – but please try everything you can first!




-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 10:43 AM
To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: feline leukemia:my preciuos son shorty isnt doing very goodat all!what can i do


M y cat shorty is now about a year and a half old. He has had leukemia since he was born. We were lucky to find him before they put him to sleep. He is normally very talkative,very outgoing, always wanting to play and run around. Now he did have a sister that was also felv+ ,we also took her home to have a good long life. Unfortunatly his sister jade lived only for 1yr. and 6days. the vet told us that she also had something called fip? im not quite sure what that is..... i was so sad about my baby girl passing... that my boyfriend made the effort and found another felv + kitten also a female.... shorty was much happier with some one to play with.. then our new addition to the family (jayden) well then she started having some problems also... she also passed away.. Now  me and my boyfriend knew and know about the possibilities with having leukemia kittens, we didnt know that it would cost over $2000 to keep them alive. but  i love animals, they need homes to, they need love and toys. and i knew that these kittens needed a home. so i gave them one. me and my boyfriend had to end up moving out of our first apt. because of all out vet bills.. we just got them paid off and now shorty is showing signs of heavy breathing, not eating alot, only urinating little tiny poos here and there and he doesnt want to be held or played with and hes very touchy when we try to love on him. now i dont know what i would do with out my baby boy, he is my love , without him well id rather be in over my head with vet bills for the rest of my life. is there reall a cure for leukemia? he does not go out side he is an indoor cat only. is there ANYTHING ANYTHING AT ALL that my help my kitty        PURR FOR A CURE!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU PLEASE IF YOU HAVE ANY INFO  WRITE ME BACK PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

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