Hey Cindy,

I am not sure if anyone answered this email or not. 
They might have thought it was regarding the other
Smokey and not even opened it.  I am not sure what
test is the most definitive, but if you repost and ask
with that in the subject line, I know you will get
some answers if you haven't already.  Did you already
have Smokey tested?  If so, how did it go and which
test did the vet use?  Did you have bloodwork done?  I
think unless he's sick, that you only need to do blood
work once a year.  And I'm not sure that everyone even
does it that often.  Hope this helps.


--- cindy reasoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I had a few questions regarding my Smokey. I am
> taking
> him to the vet tomorrow to be retested for feline
> leukemia. He hasn't been tested since February. I
> have
> read about some of the different types of test.
> Which
> test is the best? He hasn't had a complete blood
> count
> done since March. Should I have another one done on
> him? He seems to be doing good right now. He is
> eating
> good and he is playing. I haven't been able to read
> alot of the post on the list lately because work has
> been very very hectic.  My boss had a heart attack
> so
> it has been very busy with him out.  He is doing
> better now.  To all of you that have lost your
> babies
> I am so sorry. All of you were so kind to me when my
> Stinky passed away and gave me great info. when
> Smokey
> tested positive. You all gave me hope that just
> because a cat test positive for feline leukemia it
> isn't an immediate death sentence like many vets
> tell
> you. Thank you.
> Cindy
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