Hi Sue,

Glad you have found our site.  It's a great one!  You
might consider upping the L-lysine dose for your
kitty.  I adopted a kitten last February that had
severe corneal ulcers (had to have one eye removed
before we adopted her).  After I took her home, I
tried everything the vet gave me (anti-viral drops,
like Viroptic, and antibiotics).  Nothing worked. 
Then I started Smookie on 500 mg., 2x a day, and I
couldn't believe the ulcer started going away!  It
took a while.  After her ulcer cleared up, we stopped
the lysine (she is not FeLV+).  She's been great
since.  Make sure your lysine does not contain
propylene glycol; it affects kitty's blood.  

I don't have any advice concerning the dental work,
other than you are going to be the best judge of
what's best for Shane.  If the dental IS definitely
needed to head off a potential problem later on, then
it's probably best to take care of it now, rather than
when kitty might be going through some other problem
associated with the FeLV.


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