My Bandy is FIV and Felv +.  He was tested last August, 2005 which confirmed IFA postive for both..He is doing better right now than he has in almost a year..Our worst problem for the last few months has been ringworm...He has had recurring high fevers coming on about every 8 days with only dex to bring it down..but we have now been since Aug. 5 without an elevated temp...keeping our fingers crossed for that to stay down..He has been on interferon daily since July, 2005 and many, many supplements..I have alternated lots of things in the past year..but have never failed to give him bovine colostrum in all his meals..or at least twice a day now..He has anterior uveitis which we treat now once daily with steroid drops as he was almost blind back in May..but his eye specialist is really pleased with his progress with that..I guess it is due to either the FIV or Felv or both, I don't know..I do know he was almost blind at one point and now he can see.  His pupils won't move though..they are stuck ( fixed ), but he can see.  He is 6 yrs old and came to me in 2001 so I guess he was born with these diseases as he hasn't been outside since I took him in back in 2001. He had a urinary infection June, 2005 which is how all this came about cause we couldn't get it cleared up..He was on baytril for almost 10 months 1/2 dose..daily.
Anyway, it is by no means a reason to give up on him..I have learned alot thru this group and you are right they are an incredible group of people...
They also did many other tests on Bandy last year.  sonogram and lots more blood work. He even took epogen for awhile cause his PCV was around 20..It is around 30 now and the anemia isn't causing him a problem right now..and that is what his internal med specialist said would be his fate..If I can be of any help, please email me if you want..
Hope Cracker is doing good today,
Kerry, Bandy and Inky

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