Re: Bad news/JuneAmy

2006-04-26 Thread Nina

I'm sorry to hear about JuneAmy, she sounds like such a sweet little
lamb.  I can hear the loving torment in your words as you wait, watch
and pray.  I'm sorry to say that so many of us have been though similar
vigils.  Love her and BE with her, miracles happen everyday, I'm
praying for one for you and JuneAmy.

Pam Norman wrote:

  Yesterday was our vet appt in
Madison. It seemed to go well. Bloodwork showed WBCs actually a bit
high. HCT was 30.  The vet palpated JuneAmy's abdomen & thought the
mass there seemed to be smaller & based on that & my report
that she had been eating a bit, went ahead with the Vincriistine.
  But last night I noticed that her
breathing was changed.  And this morning it was not open-mouthed but
I"heavy". She was basically breathing with her whole body. So I took
her in to my vet here before they were even open. He palpated her &
right away found fluid in the abdomen. To be sure he put the ultrasound
probe on her -- he's no expert but even I could see the black blobs
on the screen that was fluid. So he did a needle aspirate & found
blood.  The tumor is bleeding into the abdomen.  The cause is unknown.
Could have been all the handling  yesterday. Could be siimply that
with such a fast growing tumor, as he says, the tumor basically
outgrows itself & ruptures in places. HJe also checked her HCT
& it was down to 26 from 30 yesterday.  He said we had two choices,
to let her go immediately or to wait & see if the bleeding resolved
on its own. If it was due to all the handling yesterday with a tumor
that was already in a taut condition, then this would be possible. He
said that is what he would do. Since at the time, JuneAmy had wanted to
be down on the floor & was walking around the room, he felt we
needed to take a wait & see stance. See if it gets worse, if she
gets noticeqbly weaker or if the abdomen gets bigger. He said he was
pretty sure she was not in any pain, but that unresolved if the
bleeding doesn't stop, she would just get weaker & weaker.
  I've had to be gone most of the day
but when I got back, I found her basically the same as this morning.
She has not eaten anything on her own & is still breathing heavily.
But right now she just left the room & is out in the house, went
out to the screened porch. So she is hanging in. I don't see any change
from this morning. No better, but no worse.
  I just don't know what to expect
now.  If she is strong enough still to walk out to the screened porch,
I can't think that her HCT has gone a whole lot lower. Her belly seems
about the same.  So I am just waiting to see which way things go. If
she gets worse, I will let her go, be it later today or first thing
  Pray for her, please. She is a good
  Hurricane Katrina's terrible
message:  if it is too dangerous for YOU to stay behind as a disaster
approaches, then why would you leave your PETS behind?  Never ever ever
leave them behind!  Have enough crates for all & take them with
you!  They are your family!

Terrie's Angel Sam

2006-04-26 Thread Nina

Oh Terrie how terrible!  How awful for you and your husband.  Was there
any other explanation other than stress?  I'm so so sorry.  You have
certainly been through hell with this move.  How are the other kitties
doing?  Oh, you must be just sick over this.  You'd think that this
move to a property with 3 acres would bring nothing but joy.  So sad
that you've had to bury one of your babies so soon.  I just don't get
it.  What does the boarding facility have to say about this?  Poor
Sam.  I hope you're not beating yourself up over this too much, and
that from now on it will be rainbows and sunshine in you and yours in
your new home.


Hi all,
    Wanted to let
you know I'm back after 6-7 weeks of hell. From Feb. 28th through the
current time.
My home and
rescue was being relocated on some property with about 3 acres.
I owned a very
nice huge manufactured home with additions and covered decks that were
damaged by the mobile home movers in transit. They are being sued of
course. We have a contractor coming on the 25th of April to start
repairing all the damages. The damages are unbelievable but at least we
are able to live in the home. You name it it is damaged. My home sat
until the latter part of March, wasn't ready until the first week of
April to live in. When it was supposed to be moved 1st of March. 
Yes, I'm a little
pissed putting it mildly.
At least we have
water and heat.
Due to the stress
of my Siamese being in boarding I lost one that broke my heart. All
were Vet checked prior and were in perfect health. 
They had been in
boarding since the 27th of Feb.
I hold the mobile
home movers responsible for this. My home was supposed to be moved on
the 1st of March which didn't happen. So the kitties were in boarding
over 18 days until we lost my "Sam" then we yanked them all out and
took them to the motel we were staying out. I could tell I was going to
lose a few more if I didn't do so. Yes, we did sneak them all in the
room. Told housekeeping we do our own cleaning and such. We paid an
extra $150 for a deposit to have them. They knew we had Siameses but
didn't know how many.
A few of you know
what I have been going through. It has been hell for my husband and
myself. Things are starting to get better but my heart still aches for
the loss of my Sam. I am glad to say I was able to bring him home to
bury him on our new property. Thank god it was raining that day because
while I was burying him I was crying my eyeballs out. He didn't have to
die but I knew in my heart that it was stress and anxiety that got him.

The amazing thing
was on our way to see the cats before taking them to the room there was
a beautiful rainbow that afternoon. My husband commented afterwards
that it was Sam passing and going to the bridge.
So reality is I'm
back and hope to get my cattery built when the funds become available.
My mailing
address and phone number is the same for the rescue.
Terrie Mohr
  Check sites for available Siameses
for adoption!
RESCUE Yahoo Group!
Adopt a Homeless Pet!

Marylyn's Kitty

2006-04-26 Thread Nina

Hello Marylyn,
I've just read about your sweet Kitty passing.  I know how much you
love her and how hard this is for you on so many levels.  I'm sorry for
your pain.  Please express my sympathy to your mom as well.  She's with
your dad now, watching over you as lovingly and closely as you did her.

Your posts to the list are always so full of love and understanding. 
Please soak in the love and support I'm sending out to you as I write
this.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Blessings to you,

Re: Bad news/JuneAmy

2006-04-26 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

I'm sending prayers and positive healing vibes for JuneAmy, 
Pam. Our little furballs can often surprise us with a (seemingly) miracle 
turnaround ... Hoping JuneAmy has a good night and feels a little 
better and stronger in the morning. 
hugs, Kerry

  - Original Message - 
  To: Felv 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:41 
  Subject: Bad news/JuneAmy
  Yesterday was our vet appt in Madison. It seemed 
  to go well. Bloodwork showed WBCs actually a bit high. HCT was 30.  The 
  vet palpated JuneAmy's abdomen & thought the mass there seemed to be 
  smaller & based on that & my report that she had been eating a bit, 
  went ahead with the Vincriistine.
  But last night I noticed that her breathing was 
  changed.  And this morning it was not open-mouthed but I"heavy". She was 
  basically breathing with her whole body. So I took her in to my vet here 
  before they were even open. He palpated her & right away found fluid in 
  the abdomen. To be sure he put the ultrasound probe on her -- he's no 
  expert but even I could see the black blobs on the screen that was fluid. So 
  he did a needle aspirate & found blood.  The tumor is bleeding 
  into the abdomen.  The cause is unknown. Could have been all the 
  handling  yesterday. Could be siimply that with such a fast growing 
  tumor, as he says, the tumor basically outgrows itself & ruptures in 
  places. HJe also checked her HCT & it was down to 26 from 
  30 yesterday.  He said we had two choices, to let her go immediately or 
  to wait & see if the bleeding resolved on its own. If it was due to all 
  the handling yesterday with a tumor that was already in a taut condition, then 
  this would be possible. He said that is what he would do. Since at the time, 
  JuneAmy had wanted to be down on the floor & was walking around the room, 
  he felt we needed to take a wait & see stance. See if it gets worse, if 
  she gets noticeqbly weaker or if the abdomen gets bigger. He said he was 
  pretty sure she was not in any pain, but that unresolved if the bleeding 
  doesn't stop, she would just get weaker & weaker.
  I've had to be gone most of the day but when I 
  got back, I found her basically the same as this morning. She has not eaten 
  anything on her own & is still breathing heavily. But right now she just 
  left the room & is out in the house, went out to the screened porch. So 
  she is hanging in. I don't see any change from this morning. No better, but no 
  I just don't know what to expect now.  If 
  she is strong enough still to walk out to the screened porch, I can't think 
  that her HCT has gone a whole lot lower. Her belly seems about the same.  
  So I am just waiting to see which way things go. If she gets worse, I will let 
  her go, be it later today or first thing tomrrow.
  Pray for her, please. She is a good 
  Hurricane Katrina's terrible message:  if it 
  is too dangerous for YOU to stay behind as a disaster approaches, then why 
  would you leave your PETS behind?  Never ever ever leave them 
  behind!  Have enough crates for all & take them with you!  They 
  are your family!

Re: A miracle for Hannibal

2006-04-26 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

I just saw the posts about your darling Hannibal, Hideyo---I'm 
so glad to hear he's looking a little better, and I'm praying his recovery 
continues. He's such a trooper, just like his mom. I hope he and you have a good 
night. Sending lots of positive healing vibes for your miracle boy, love and 
hugs, Kerry

  - Original Message - 
  Hideyo Yamamoto 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:19 
  Subject: A miracle for Hannibal
  Hi, everyone, I wanted to thank 
  you all for all your prayers for Hannibal – I picked him last night at the vet 
  and brought him home and took him back to the vet this morning again for more 
  IV (planned already) – Kim (who is so good to my kitties and is a vet tech 
  there) was feeding him every hour with syringe while he was there all day 
  When I took him back this morning, 
  he seemed more alert at the vet, Kim thought – there was a kitty who was 
  meowing very loud and Hannibal was interested in finding out what’s 
  going on.  Also, Kim just called me and let me know that this morning, 
  Hannibal ate 
  on his own! (baby food and AD food), which is almost a miracle to me as he 
  has not eaten significant amount of solid food for the past few 
  weeks!  Also, he is now sitting more front of the cage as opposed to 
  hiding in the back!
  It made me cry --- I think 
  Hannibal is 
  feeling better!  I just wanted to let you know because I thought he was 
  so close to crossing and the only reason I did not give up was because Jasmine 
  (AC) told me that he is not ready to give up and we decided to continue to 
  Please continue to pray for my 
  little miracle boy  that he will continue to get 

Re: for Belinda--Re: I need your help for Paula Fasseas

2006-04-26 Thread Kerry MacKenzie
Thanks so mch Belinda! Kerry
- Original Message - 
From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: for Belinda--Re: I need your help for Paula Fasseas

>Hi Kerry,
>Yes I do vaccinate my negs, I used to test them every year first but 
> after 10 years of coming up negative I don't worry about that anymore so 
> I don't test anymore.  They all except Bailey only get the FeLV vaccine, 
> I've decided they are immune for life for everything else.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties
> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> FeLV Candlelight Service
> [affordable hosting & web design]
> BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: A miracle for Hannibal

2006-04-26 Thread Nina

I'll try to give you a call later.  I didn't see the posts about
Hannibal until tonight.  I'm so glad he's eating again!  Many prayers
that he continues to do well and has a full recovery.  He's such a
miracle boy and I know how much you love him.
Love to you and all of yours,

Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

  Thank you, Cindy!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of cindy reasoner
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: A miracle for Hannibal

I am so happy to hear that Hannibal started eating.  I
will keep both of you in my prayers and I hope that
Hannibal keeps improving.


--- Hideyo Yamamoto

Hi, everyone, I wanted to thank you all for all your
prayers for
Hannibal - I picked him last night at the vet and
brought him home and
took him back to the vet this morning again for more
IV (planned
already) - Kim (who is so good to my kitties and is
a vet tech there)
was feeding him every hour with syringe while he was
there all day


When I took him back this morning, he seemed more
alert at the vet, Kim
thought - there was a kitty who was meowing very
loud and Hannibal was
interested in finding out what's going on.  Also,
Kim just called me and
let me know that this morning, Hannibal ate on his
own! (baby food
and AD food), which is almost a miracle to me as he
has not eaten
significant amount of solid food for the past few
weeks!  Also, he
is now sitting more front of the cage as opposed to
hiding in the back!


It made me cry --- I think Hannibal is feeling
better!  I just wanted to
let you know because I thought he was so close to
crossing and the only
reason I did not give up was because Jasmine (AC)
told me that he is not
ready to give up and we decided to continue to


Please continue to pray for my little miracle boy 
that he will continue
to get better!

Thank you!




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Re: Is Nina ok?

2006-04-26 Thread Nina

No, don't worry, I'm okay.  I did respond to your off-list, you just
hadn't gotten it yet.  I've been so swamped with rescue and putting out
fires in my crazy life that I haven't had time to get to the computer. 
I miss you all very much and am always holding you in my thoughts and
prayers.  Hopefully, I'll be able to adopt out some of my little
refugees soon and I'll have more time to devote to my beloved group. 
Prayers for all those in need, 
Blessings and love to you all,


  I have not seen Nina on the list for a while, and she did not
respond to an off-list email I sent her. Does anyone know if she is ok
or not? I am kind of worried.  I hope she is just busy.

Re: Bandy has ringworm on his nose

2006-04-26 Thread Nina

My God Kerry, you can't seem to be able to catch your breath!  Are you
still treating his eyes?  He was the one that you had been treating for
eye problems that wouldn't clear up, right?  I can't remember exactly
what was wrong, is that what's causing the blindness?  I just can't
believe what you've had to deal with, I don't know how you and Michelle
hold on to your sanity.  When I was dealing with the loss of one after
another I remember saying in despair and frustration,  NO MORE
ANIMALS!  Bruce just smiled and pointed out that even if we didn't
acquire any new ones, we were still going to have to go through the
inevitable so many more times.  What can you do?  When we open our
hearts, the pain comes pouring in right beside the joy and love.  Poor
Bandy!  Poor Kerry!  I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with
serious illness so soon again, but Bandy is one fortunate fellow to
have you at his side.  I'm glad you're getting him off the pred.  Why
don't you try the goldenseal as Gloria suggested for the ringworm?  I
can't believe Bandy has to contend with ringworm on top of everything
else.  I don't know Kerry, you know how I feel about all these immune
suppressing drugs, even antibiotics work in a way that wipe out good at
the same time as the bad.  I'm pulling for you guys and my prayers and
thoughts are with you.  Please keep posting and call if you want or
need a shoulder,

Kerry Roach wrote:

  I took Bandy back to the doctor today, and he can't see..I don't
know if we can reverse his blindness or not.  She mixed some other
drops that have about 5 things in it...I don't remember what it
is called...I take him back in a week...He has no depth perception.  I
did take his food to him so he ate some, but won't drink water as I
just don't think he can see the bowl...I hope when he gets thirsty, he
will try..I know he doesn't know what to do.
  I did talk to her about the ringworm meds and we won't leave him
on the oral for the 30 days if we don't have to...I am so afraid of
that...She didn't do blood work this time.
  I posted what they were in an earlier post.  I have used
goldenseal once before on a stray cat, but have never dealt with it in
my we haven't ever had ringworm before...this is probably due
to his weakened immune system anyway from the Felv and FIV..and he has
been on pred for almost a month which I am weaning him off it right
now...He doesn't need it in my opinion, and I think it contributed to
the ringworm..
  Any other help would be appreciated..
  Thanks to you all for your help, you are the greatest..
  Kerry and Bandy
  New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call
regular phones from your PC and save big.

Re: Bandy has ringworm on his nose

2006-04-26 Thread Kerry Roach
I took Bandy back to the doctor today, and he can't see..I don't know if we can reverse his blindness or not.  She mixed some other drops that have about 5 things in it...I don't remember what it is called...I take him back in a week...He has no depth perception.  I did take his food to him so he ate some, but won't drink water as I just don't think he can see the bowl...I hope when he gets thirsty, he will try..I know he doesn't know what to do.  I did talk to her about the ringworm meds and we won't leave him on the oral for the 30 days if we don't have to...I am so afraid of that...She didn't do blood work this time.  I posted what they were in an earlier post.  I have used goldenseal once before on a stray cat, but have never dealt with it in my we haven't ever had ringworm before...this is probably due to his weakened immune system anyway from the Felv and FIV..and he has been on pred for almost a month which I am
 weaning him off it right now...He doesn't need it in my opinion, and I think it contributed to the ringworm..  Any other help would be appreciated..  Thanks to you all for your help, you are the greatest..  Kerry and Bandy   
		New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.

Is Nina ok?

2006-04-26 Thread Lernermichelle

I have not seen Nina on the list for a while, and she did not respond to an 
off-list email I sent her. Does anyone know if she is ok or not? I am kind of 
worried.  I hope she is just busy.

Re: mixing

2006-04-26 Thread catatonya
Nope.  Typically every 2 to 3 years.  I've decided now to quit vaccinating my cats at all.  They've all lived their entire lives with at least one positive in residence.  My vet insists they need an annual vaccination, but I haven't done it.  In fact I don't think I'm going to do any more shots with my guys except rabies because it's required by the state.  I may get the distemper, but I am done with felv shots...     But remember my cats did all get vaccinated and boostered their first year and got boosters yearly for a while.     But bringing in the newest cat (adult). I'm just not that concerned about it if the cat has been vaccinated.     tcindy reasoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Do they get vaccinated
 every year?Cindy--- catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:> No. I would never mix without vaccinating. I> vaccinate my negatives too.. just in case> the test is wrong. It doesn't harm them to> vaccinate if they're positive according to my vet. > Every cat that comes in gets a vaccination and a> booster EVEN if it's test was negative. Of course> if it turns up positive later I don't keeep> boostering.> t> > BONNIE J KALMBACH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:> Yep, here comes my opinion- I had a kitten that> was a false negative.> When his virus activated after a dental, when he had> anesthesia, he> infected three of mine - none of whom had been> vaccinated. Two died and> one reverted to negative within a month. > This was my first experience with FELV - I had no> idea that my little> one was
 now positive and shedding the virus - I just> know that almost> suddenly he was slowing down and becoming ill. > > Bonnie in WI> >> > - Original Message -> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Monday, April 24, 2006 4:25 pm> Subject: Re: mixing> To:> > > You'll get a mixed reply on that one. I have> mixed, and will again > > - > > don't because I have foster kitties that belong to> the rescue > > group. It's kind of a hot potato. Some vets> euthanize the pos. > > Our > > rescue vet says he doesn't think it's that> contagious (and I agree, > > I > > don't think it's that contagious). Lots of vets in> between. > > And... > > some folks say vaccinate the negs, some don't.>
 > > > Gloria> > > > > > At 03:19 PM 4/24/2006, you wrote:> > >So is eveyone here saying it is ok to mix my pos> and my neg?> > >> > >> > >Sincerely> > >Carrie> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: New

2006-04-26 Thread catatonya
Hi Pam,     I'm sorry to hear the diagnosis, but it sounds like your vet is encouraging.  Prayers coming your way.     tonyaPam Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi, this is Pam, mom for JuneAmy. Altho I have no FeLv kitties, I have been so grateful for the help that has already come from those here even tho I have not been on your list, that I had to join.     I will post her story later but suffice to say right now that she has large cell lymphoma. Big mass in the abdomen, & more thorughout the liver, spleen, intestines & lymph nodes. She was diagnosed a week ago today.
 Had hse been a old kitty (& I am not at all sure how old she is but think she is probably older than what I have been told), I would probably have let her go with that diagnosis, which was pretty grim.  But I let the vets at U of WI vet hospital give her a watered down injection of L'spar & started her on 1`0 mg of pred last week as a trial.  They thought to start the full U of WI protocol would kill her.     She responded just enough for them to decide to go ahead & today she got Vincristine. I am not at all sure I am doing the right thing.  But my feeling is that I have to try.  I could just treat her with pred & natural supplements, which is very tempting, & it may come to that depending on how she does, but I have been encouraged by those who know us, to try.      Right now she is so tired. I fed her some "lunch" of Purina DM on comimg home but she needs to rest. As I type, I am also watching her breathing & thinking she is having some mild difficulty. I don't know. Going to be a long evening/night.        Pam        Hurricane Katrina's terrible message:  if it is too dangerous for YOU to stay behind as a disaster approaches, then why would you leave your PETS behind?  Never ever ever leave them behind!  Have enough crates for all & take them with you!  They are your family!

Re: Bandy has ringworm on his nose

2006-04-26 Thread felv

Sending good vibes and positive energy for Bandy. 
Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue: PLEASE DONATE 
TO THE TANGLE FUND:Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured when 
someone wrapped wire around his neck to strangle him,Little Cheetah Cat 
Rescue is raising funds to bring Tangle to Vermont to find him a good 
We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital camera (for 
pictures), and more towels! 
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Re: Bad news/JuneAmy

2006-04-26 Thread felv

I'm sorry to hear about the turn for the worse Pam. I do think that her not 
getting weak and lethargic over the period of the day is a good sign, if she 
were losing very much blood, she would be too tired to be stalking around the 
Are you taking her back in the morning to draw off more fluid to check to 
see if it's fresh or clotted blood?
Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue: PLEASE DONATE 
TO THE TANGLE FUND:Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured when 
someone wrapped wire around his neck to strangle him,Little Cheetah Cat 
Rescue is raising funds to bring Tangle to Vermont to find him a good 
We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital camera (for 
pictures), and more towels! 
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Re: Mixing FeLVs and FIVs?

2006-04-26 Thread felv
A FIV+ cat is several times more likely to get FELV than a negative cat, they 
about the same chances as kittens in catching FELV (or any cat with a weak or
undeveloped immune system).

That being said, you have to go by quality of life. Even IF he does get FELV 
mixing with your crew, would that be a worse fate then being left out on the 
or where-ever he came from to begin with?

There's very little risk to you FELV cats, if that was more of the question. 
FIV is
ONLY spread through deep penetrating bite wounds. So long as you aren't getting 
cat fights there, then your FELV cats wont be in any danger of getting the FIV 

Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue:
Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured when someone wrapped wire 
his neck to strangle him,
Little Cheetah Cat Rescue is raising funds to bring Tangle to Vermont to find 
him a
good home!
DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital camera 
pictures), and more towels!

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Re: Mixing

2006-04-26 Thread catatonya
I would.hd cc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  IM NOT PANICING CAN I ACCEPT THE NEGATIVE IFA- Original Message -   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   To:   Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 4:23 PM  Subject: Re: MixingOk Carrie lets not panic  get the mega c and the interferon lets see if we can get them to through the virus.  retest on the ifa in 120 days  Karen

Re: Bad news/JuneAmy

2006-04-26 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Don't give up Pam !
healing vibes on the way

Re: Bad news/JuneAmy

2006-04-26 Thread Pam Norman
Thank you, Lance.  We need all the prayers we can get.

- Original Message - 
From: "Lance" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: Bad news/JuneAmy

> I just said a prayer for her. Take care of yourself, and love your  
> girl. I'm glad she got some porch time in.
> Lance

Re: Bad news/JuneAmy

2006-04-26 Thread Lance
I just said a prayer for her. Take care of yourself, and love your  
girl. I'm glad she got some porch time in.


Re: Mixing FeLVs and FIVs?

2006-04-26 Thread Susan Hoffman
I have two FIV+ cats and I have been told not to vaccinate them against FeLV.  I personally am reluctant to take in an FeLV+ cat because of these two boys, as well as a couple of seniors, and the constant stream of foster kittens. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi Guys!I'm so sorry I haven't been able to keep up with list as much as I wouldlike...seems I can't get a break lately!I just have a quick question for those who care for both FeLVs andFIVs...I just found out that a stray guy that we took in a bit ago isFIV+! This actually wasn't surprising to me as he seemed to have a fewhealth issues that just weren't clearing up! He's been hanging out inour spare room w/ all the amenities but I'd like to let him join the GP,if that is at all possible! My vet wasn't at all concerned...sheactually has a FIV
 guy who mingles with her crew...but she says that sheseparates food and water dishes as a precaution. Well, I don't know howeasy that would be for is left out round the clock andeverybody shares the water bowl!So I guess I'm just looking for a little advice from those who care you mix? It would be some time before he'll join the gang aswe need to address his health issues first (bad stomatitis for which hehas a "dental" scheduled next week--I wouldn't be surprised if a fewteeth need to be pulled!)...But all-in-all, he's the sweetest guy...somellow and only asks that you pet him 24/7... ;)Thanks so much, guys!Jen"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will beunique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; Youbecome responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine
 deSaint-Exupéry"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will knoweach other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and whatyou do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief DanGeorge

Re: Bad news/JuneAmy

2006-04-26 Thread Pam Norman

Thank you Carrie, I so appreciate it.

  - Original Message - 
  carrie chance 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 2:52 
  Subject: Re: Bad news/JuneAmy
  I have been praying like crazy for all of mine 
  so I will surely add her to those 
- Original Message - 
To: Felv 
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:41 
Subject: Bad news/JuneAmy

Yesterday was our vet appt in Madison. It 
seemed to go well. Bloodwork showed WBCs actually a bit high. HCT was 
30.  The vet palpated JuneAmy's abdomen & thought the mass there 
seemed to be smaller & based on that & my report that she had been 
eating a bit, went ahead with the Vincriistine.
But last night I noticed that her breathing was 
changed.  And this morning it was not open-mouthed but I"heavy". She 
was basically breathing with her whole body. So I took her in to my vet 
here before they were even open. He palpated her & right away found 
fluid in the abdomen. To be sure he put the ultrasound probe on her -- 
he's no expert but even I could see the black blobs on the screen that was 
fluid. So he did a needle aspirate & found blood.  The tumor 
is bleeding into the abdomen.  The cause is unknown. Could have been 
all the handling  yesterday. Could be siimply that with such a 
fast growing tumor, as he says, the tumor basically outgrows itself & 
ruptures in places. HJe also checked her HCT & it was 
down to 26 from 30 yesterday.  He said we had two choices, to let her 
go immediately or to wait & see if the bleeding resolved on its own. If 
it was due to all the handling yesterday with a tumor that was already in a 
taut condition, then this would be possible. He said that is what he would 
do. Since at the time, JuneAmy had wanted to be down on the floor & was 
walking around the room, he felt we needed to take a wait & see stance. 
See if it gets worse, if she gets noticeqbly weaker or if the abdomen gets 
bigger. He said he was pretty sure she was not in any pain, but that 
unresolved if the bleeding doesn't stop, she would just get weaker & 
I've had to be gone most of the day but when I 
got back, I found her basically the same as this morning. She has not eaten 
anything on her own & is still breathing heavily. But right now she just 
left the room & is out in the house, went out to the screened porch. So 
she is hanging in. I don't see any change from this morning. No better, but 
no worse.
I just don't know what to expect now.  If 
she is strong enough still to walk out to the screened porch, I can't think 
that her HCT has gone a whole lot lower. Her belly seems about the 
same.  So I am just waiting to see which way things go. If she gets 
worse, I will let her go, be it later today or first thing 
Pray for her, please. She is a good 
Hurricane Katrina's terrible message:  if 
it is too dangerous for YOU to stay behind as a disaster approaches, then 
why would you leave your PETS behind?  Never ever ever leave them 
behind!  Have enough crates for all & take them with you!  
They are your family!

Mixing FeLVs and FIVs?

2006-04-26 Thread jenmeyer
Hi Guys!

I'm so sorry I haven't been able to keep up with list as much as I would
like...seems I can't get a break lately!

I just have a quick question for those who care for both FeLVs and
FIVs...I just found out that a stray guy that we took in a bit ago is
FIV+!  This actually wasn't surprising to me as he seemed to have a few
health issues that just weren't clearing up!  He's been hanging out in
our spare room w/ all the amenities but I'd like to let him join the GP,
if that is at all possible!  My vet wasn't at all concerned...she
actually has a FIV guy who mingles with her crew...but she says that she
separates food and water dishes as a precaution.  Well, I don't know how
easy that would be for is left out round the clock and
everybody shares the water bowl!

So I guess I'm just looking for a little advice from those who care for you mix?  It would be some time before he'll join the gang as
we need to address his health issues first (bad stomatitis for which he
has a "dental" scheduled next week--I wouldn't be surprised if a few
teeth need to be pulled!)...But all-in-all, he's the sweetest
mellow and only asks that you pet him 24/7... ;)

Thanks so much, guys!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

Re: Bad news/JuneAmy

2006-04-26 Thread Marylyn

Enjoy the time you have with herforget about 
"letting her go"  that is a black cloud over you both.  She will let 
you know if she needs help leaving this world.  Kitty left on her own after 
two visits from her First woman and without having to travel and go to a 
vet.  Enjoy your time with her and love her.  That is all she asks and 
it is the very best you can give her.  Honest.  I know how hard it 
is.  You can do this.  Love her.  None of us know our 
futures.  Love her.   
If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  carrie chance 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:52 
  Subject: Re: Bad news/JuneAmy
  I have been praying like crazy for all of mine 
  so I will surely add her to those 
- Original Message - 
To: Felv 
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:41 
Subject: Bad news/JuneAmy

Yesterday was our vet appt in Madison. It 
seemed to go well. Bloodwork showed WBCs actually a bit high. HCT was 
30.  The vet palpated JuneAmy's abdomen & thought the mass there 
seemed to be smaller & based on that & my report that she had been 
eating a bit, went ahead with the Vincriistine.
But last night I noticed that her breathing was 
changed.  And this morning it was not open-mouthed but I"heavy". She 
was basically breathing with her whole body. So I took her in to my vet 
here before they were even open. He palpated her & right away found 
fluid in the abdomen. To be sure he put the ultrasound probe on her -- 
he's no expert but even I could see the black blobs on the screen that was 
fluid. So he did a needle aspirate & found blood.  The tumor 
is bleeding into the abdomen.  The cause is unknown. Could have been 
all the handling  yesterday. Could be siimply that with such a 
fast growing tumor, as he says, the tumor basically outgrows itself & 
ruptures in places. HJe also checked her HCT & it was 
down to 26 from 30 yesterday.  He said we had two choices, to let her 
go immediately or to wait & see if the bleeding resolved on its own. If 
it was due to all the handling yesterday with a tumor that was already in a 
taut condition, then this would be possible. He said that is what he would 
do. Since at the time, JuneAmy had wanted to be down on the floor & was 
walking around the room, he felt we needed to take a wait & see stance. 
See if it gets worse, if she gets noticeqbly weaker or if the abdomen gets 
bigger. He said he was pretty sure she was not in any pain, but that 
unresolved if the bleeding doesn't stop, she would just get weaker & 
I've had to be gone most of the day but when I 
got back, I found her basically the same as this morning. She has not eaten 
anything on her own & is still breathing heavily. But right now she just 
left the room & is out in the house, went out to the screened porch. So 
she is hanging in. I don't see any change from this morning. No better, but 
no worse.
I just don't know what to expect now.  If 
she is strong enough still to walk out to the screened porch, I can't think 
that her HCT has gone a whole lot lower. Her belly seems about the 
same.  So I am just waiting to see which way things go. If she gets 
worse, I will let her go, be it later today or first thing 
Pray for her, please. She is a good 
Hurricane Katrina's terrible message:  if 
it is too dangerous for YOU to stay behind as a disaster approaches, then 
why would you leave your PETS behind?  Never ever ever leave them 
behind!  Have enough crates for all & take them with you!  
They are your family!

Re: Bad news/JuneAmy

2006-04-26 Thread carrie chance

I have been praying like crazy for all of mine 

so I will surely add her to those 

  - Original Message - 
  To: Felv 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:41 
  Subject: Bad news/JuneAmy
  Yesterday was our vet appt in Madison. It seemed 
  to go well. Bloodwork showed WBCs actually a bit high. HCT was 30.  The 
  vet palpated JuneAmy's abdomen & thought the mass there seemed to be 
  smaller & based on that & my report that she had been eating a bit, 
  went ahead with the Vincriistine.
  But last night I noticed that her breathing was 
  changed.  And this morning it was not open-mouthed but I"heavy". She was 
  basically breathing with her whole body. So I took her in to my vet here 
  before they were even open. He palpated her & right away found fluid in 
  the abdomen. To be sure he put the ultrasound probe on her -- he's no 
  expert but even I could see the black blobs on the screen that was fluid. So 
  he did a needle aspirate & found blood.  The tumor is bleeding 
  into the abdomen.  The cause is unknown. Could have been all the 
  handling  yesterday. Could be siimply that with such a fast growing 
  tumor, as he says, the tumor basically outgrows itself & ruptures in 
  places. HJe also checked her HCT & it was down to 26 from 
  30 yesterday.  He said we had two choices, to let her go immediately or 
  to wait & see if the bleeding resolved on its own. If it was due to all 
  the handling yesterday with a tumor that was already in a taut condition, then 
  this would be possible. He said that is what he would do. Since at the time, 
  JuneAmy had wanted to be down on the floor & was walking around the room, 
  he felt we needed to take a wait & see stance. See if it gets worse, if 
  she gets noticeqbly weaker or if the abdomen gets bigger. He said he was 
  pretty sure she was not in any pain, but that unresolved if the bleeding 
  doesn't stop, she would just get weaker & weaker.
  I've had to be gone most of the day but when I 
  got back, I found her basically the same as this morning. She has not eaten 
  anything on her own & is still breathing heavily. But right now she just 
  left the room & is out in the house, went out to the screened porch. So 
  she is hanging in. I don't see any change from this morning. No better, but no 
  I just don't know what to expect now.  If 
  she is strong enough still to walk out to the screened porch, I can't think 
  that her HCT has gone a whole lot lower. Her belly seems about the same.  
  So I am just waiting to see which way things go. If she gets worse, I will let 
  her go, be it later today or first thing tomrrow.
  Pray for her, please. She is a good 
  Hurricane Katrina's terrible message:  if it 
  is too dangerous for YOU to stay behind as a disaster approaches, then why 
  would you leave your PETS behind?  Never ever ever leave them 
  behind!  Have enough crates for all & take them with you!  They 
  are your family!

RE: Bandy has ringworm on his nose

2006-04-26 Thread Precious Pets, Almost Home

Did your vet do bloodwork before prescribing oral
medication for Brandy?  Which ringworm oral medication
did the vet prescribe?  Also, you are in Chicago
right?  Who is your vet?  I am located in Chicago as

Precious Pets

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Bad news/JuneAmy

2006-04-26 Thread Pam Norman

Yesterday was our vet appt in Madison. It seemed to 
go well. Bloodwork showed WBCs actually a bit high. HCT was 30.  The vet 
palpated JuneAmy's abdomen & thought the mass there seemed to be smaller 
& based on that & my report that she had been eating a bit, went ahead 
with the Vincriistine.
But last night I noticed that her breathing was 
changed.  And this morning it was not open-mouthed but I"heavy". She was 
basically breathing with her whole body. So I took her in to my vet here 
before they were even open. He palpated her & right away found fluid in the 
abdomen. To be sure he put the ultrasound probe on her -- he's no expert but 
even I could see the black blobs on the screen that was fluid. So he did a 
needle aspirate & found blood.  The tumor is bleeding into the 
abdomen.  The cause is unknown. Could have been all the handling  
yesterday. Could be siimply that with such a fast growing tumor, as he 
says, the tumor basically outgrows itself & ruptures in places. HJe 
also checked her HCT & it was down to 26 from 30 yesterday. 
 He said we had two choices, to let her go immediately or to wait & see 
if the bleeding resolved on its own. If it was due to all the handling yesterday 
with a tumor that was already in a taut condition, then this would be possible. 
He said that is what he would do. Since at the time, JuneAmy had wanted to be 
down on the floor & was walking around the room, he felt we needed to take a 
wait & see stance. See if it gets worse, if she gets noticeqbly weaker or if 
the abdomen gets bigger. He said he was pretty sure she was not in any pain, but 
that unresolved if the bleeding doesn't stop, she would just get weaker & 
I've had to be gone most of the day but when I got 
back, I found her basically the same as this morning. She has not eaten anything 
on her own & is still breathing heavily. But right now she just left the 
room & is out in the house, went out to the screened porch. So she is 
hanging in. I don't see any change from this morning. No better, but no 
I just don't know what to expect now.  If she 
is strong enough still to walk out to the screened porch, I can't think that her 
HCT has gone a whole lot lower. Her belly seems about the same.  So I am 
just waiting to see which way things go. If she gets worse, I will let her go, 
be it later today or first thing tomrrow.
Pray for her, please. She is a good 
Hurricane Katrina's terrible message:  if it 
is too dangerous for YOU to stay behind as a disaster approaches, then why would 
you leave your PETS behind?  Never ever ever leave them behind!  Have 
enough crates for all & take them with you!  They are your 

RE: A miracle for Hannibal

2006-04-26 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Thank you, Cindy!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of cindy reasoner
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: A miracle for Hannibal

I am so happy to hear that Hannibal started eating.  I
will keep both of you in my prayers and I hope that
Hannibal keeps improving.


--- Hideyo Yamamoto

> Hi, everyone, I wanted to thank you all for all your
> prayers for
> Hannibal - I picked him last night at the vet and
> brought him home and
> took him back to the vet this morning again for more
> IV (planned
> already) - Kim (who is so good to my kitties and is
> a vet tech there)
> was feeding him every hour with syringe while he was
> there all day
> yesterday.
> When I took him back this morning, he seemed more
> alert at the vet, Kim
> thought - there was a kitty who was meowing very
> loud and Hannibal was
> interested in finding out what's going on.  Also,
> Kim just called me and
> let me know that this morning, Hannibal ate on his
> own! (baby food
> and AD food), which is almost a miracle to me as he
> has not eaten
> significant amount of solid food for the past few
> weeks!  Also, he
> is now sitting more front of the cage as opposed to
> hiding in the back!
> It made me cry --- I think Hannibal is feeling
> better!  I just wanted to
> let you know because I thought he was so close to
> crossing and the only
> reason I did not give up was because Jasmine (AC)
> told me that he is not
> ready to give up and we decided to continue to
> fight!
> Please continue to pray for my little miracle boy 
> that he will continue
> to get better!
> Thank you!
> Hideyo

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Re: A miracle for Hannibal

2006-04-26 Thread cindy reasoner
I am so happy to hear that Hannibal started eating.  I
will keep both of you in my prayers and I hope that
Hannibal keeps improving.


--- Hideyo Yamamoto

> Hi, everyone, I wanted to thank you all for all your
> prayers for
> Hannibal - I picked him last night at the vet and
> brought him home and
> took him back to the vet this morning again for more
> IV (planned
> already) - Kim (who is so good to my kitties and is
> a vet tech there)
> was feeding him every hour with syringe while he was
> there all day
> yesterday.
> When I took him back this morning, he seemed more
> alert at the vet, Kim
> thought - there was a kitty who was meowing very
> loud and Hannibal was
> interested in finding out what's going on.  Also,
> Kim just called me and
> let me know that this morning, Hannibal ate on his
> own! (baby food
> and AD food), which is almost a miracle to me as he
> has not eaten
> significant amount of solid food for the past few
> weeks!  Also, he
> is now sitting more front of the cage as opposed to
> hiding in the back!
> It made me cry --- I think Hannibal is feeling
> better!  I just wanted to
> let you know because I thought he was so close to
> crossing and the only
> reason I did not give up was because Jasmine (AC)
> told me that he is not
> ready to give up and we decided to continue to
> fight!
> Please continue to pray for my little miracle boy 
> that he will continue
> to get better!
> Thank you!
> Hideyo

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Re: Bandy has ringworm on his nose

2006-04-26 Thread Kerry Roach
The oral med is fulvicin 62.5mg/ml and he gets 1cc daily for 40 days.  The topical med is conofite every 12 hrs on the affected area..  I know the fulvicin can be toxic to a kitty or their bone marrow..I didn't know that at the time, but his vet said he needed the oral med to help it heal faster, I guess...  We are going back to the vet today as I think he is going blind because of the other problem...He doesn't seem to be able to see very well if any at all...I can't get him interested in his string or any toys..He won't get out of his bed so I took his food to him...He ate only a small amount today..I don't know what to do...I will post again when we get back from the vet later tonight...  thanks to all..  I hope everyones furbabies are doing well today..  Kerry and Bandy
		Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.

Re: mixing

2006-04-26 Thread carrie chance

thanks I wont give up, I am very thankful my myatonia cat doesnt have
it, lord knows she has enough problems as it is

- Original Message - 
From: "TenHouseCats" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: mixing

IFA tests have been known to stay positive longer than snap tests, up
to 7 months, and still go negative.. it's back to that
time-of-exposure thing, and giving the virus a chance to work its way
out of the cat's system

On 4/25/06, carrie chance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

has anyone ever had a IFA test that was Positive later turn negitive?

- Original Message -
From: "cindy reasoner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: mixing

>I took in a cat back in November (Smokey) before I
> brought him into the household I took him to the vet
> and had him checked and tested for felv.  The test
> showed negative.  I brought him home and let him be
> around some of my other cats.  All of my other cats
> had been vaccinated every year.  Then in December
> Smokey started running a fever.  Every time the vet
> could get his fever down well in 2 or 3 days it was
> back again.  Finally they tested him for felv again
> this time it was positive.  The vet told me that he
> probably was recently exposed to the virus and the 1st
> time he was tested it hadn't had time to show up in
> his bloodstream.  I was freaked about my other cats.
> I took all to the vet and had them tested all were
> negative.  The vet wanted to recheck in 3 months so on
> May 6 they will go back.  I am keeping my fingers
> crossed.  This is my first experience with felv.  I
> ended up changing vets for Smokey.  He is doing good
> so far.  I still take my other cats to my old vet.  I
> have been going there for probably 12 years and they
> feel like family.  I just didn't think they were the
> best to treat felv.  My old vet did tell me that they
> have changed their protocol since Smokey.  They test
> and retest in 3 months.  They had never had this
> happen before.  I don't mix my cats now.  I have a
> room for Smokey to stay in and I go spend time with
> him and he has lots of toys.  For me I just didn't
> want the worry.
> Cindy
> --- hd cc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So is eveyone here saying it is ok to mix my pos and
>> my neg?
>> Sincerely
>> Carrie
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

RE: Bandy has ringworm on his nose

2006-04-26 Thread gblane
I use Golden Seal tincture (not with alcohol 
though) and drip or paint it on the ringworm.  It 
costs about $8, and it works great.

And of course, one is supposed to clean pretty 
thoroughly... wash bedding and all that.


At 02:22 PM 4/26/2006, you wrote:


The Herd had ringworm back in November. We 
didn't give an oral med due to the cost. we did 
use a shampoo twice a week and a spray daily. 
its made by malasebnad cost 23-26$ a bottle. 
holding wet cats isnt much fun but it did work.



Bandy has been losing his hair between his eyes 
the last couple of I took him to the 
doctor Tues. and under the black light it showed 
to be green..She put him on the oral meds for it 
and a topical one, too..I am afraid of the oral 
med as it can alter the bone marrow.  I don't 
know how he got it as I have never had any with it..
Is it because his system is so weak?  We are 
still dealing with the anterior uveitis, too..It 
seems that it is going to be the chronic form 
and he will have to have meds for it the rest of 
his life...But now ringworm...I checked the 
archives looking for some info..But if any of 
you have any more suggestions about these meds 
he is on, please let me know...The oral med is 
for 40 days...that seems like a long time on such a strong med...

Thanks for your help,
Kerry, Bandy, Inky, and Angels Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make 
PC-to-Phone calls. 
rates starting at 1¢/min.

RE: Bandy has ringworm on his nose

2006-04-26 Thread clarissa- Floyd
The Herd had ringworm back in November. We didn't give an oral med due to the cost. we did use a shampoo twice a week and a spray daily. its made by malasebnad cost 23-26$ a bottle. holding wet cats isnt much fun but it did work. Karen

Bandy has been losing his hair between his eyes the last couple of I took him to the doctor Tues. and under the black light it showed to be green..She put him on the oral meds for it and a topical one, too..I am afraid of the oral med as it can alter the bone marrow.  I don't know how he got it as I have never had any with it..

Is it because his system is so weak?  We are still dealing with the anterior uveitis, too..It seems that it is going to be the chronic form and he will have to have meds for it the rest of his life...But now ringworm...I checked the archives looking for some info..But if any of you have any more suggestions about these meds he is on, please let me know...The oral med is for 40 days...that seems like a long time on such a strong med...
Thanks for your help,
Kerry, Bandy, Inky, and Angels Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min. 

Re: for Belinda--Re: I need your help for Paula Fasseas

2006-04-26 Thread Belinda

  Hi Kerry,
  Yes I do vaccinate my negs, I used to test them every year first but 
after 10 years of coming up negative I don't worry about that anymore so 
I don't test anymore.  They all except Bailey only get the FeLV vaccine, 
I've decided they are immune for life for everything else.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

A miracle for Hannibal

2006-04-26 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Hi, everyone, I wanted to thank you all for all your prayers
for Hannibal – I picked him last night at the vet and brought him home
and took him back to the vet this morning again for more IV (planned already) –
Kim (who is so good to my kitties and is a vet tech there) was feeding him
every hour with syringe while he was there all day yesterday.


When I took him back this morning, he seemed more alert at
the vet, Kim thought – there was a kitty who was meowing very loud and Hannibal was interested
in finding out what’s going on.  Also, Kim just called me and let me know
that this morning, Hannibal
ate on his own! (baby food and AD food), which is almost a miracle to me as
he has not eaten significant amount of solid food for the past few weeks! 
Also, he is now sitting more front of the cage as opposed to hiding in the


It made me cry --- I think Hannibal is feeling better!  I just wanted to
let you know because I thought he was so close to crossing and the only reason
I did not give up was because Jasmine (AC) told me that he is not ready to give
up and we decided to continue to fight!


Please continue to pray for my little miracle boy  that he
will continue to get better!

Thank you!



Re: New

2006-04-26 Thread Gloria Lane

thanks, Michelle, I'm glad to know about the Dex and Depo combination.


On Apr 25, 2006, at 9:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, Pam.  I have had several positives who got lymphoma. I think  
you are doing the right thing by trying the chemo. It can do  
wonders with extending life and making them more comfortable and  
happy while they are here.  If you do stop the chemo at any point,  
rather than the natural route (which I support where effective, and  
used with one of our dogs who had a sarcoma and she did well-- so I  
am not against it at all normally but it does not seem to work well  
for lymphoma) I would suggest doing combination shots of  
dexamethasone and depomedrol (1/2 cc each, as often as needed but  
can last up to a few weeks).  The steroids are effective at  
shrinking lymphoma and make the cats feel really good physically  
and emotionally, and they usually do not have any short-term side  
effects.  I have had cats who seemed on their death beds, not  
eating or drinking and hardly moving, who got up and ate within an  
hour of getting one of these shots.  Others on this list have had  
the same experience. It is not a conventional treatment for  
lymphoma, but I learned it from a vet whose practice uses these  
shots for all terminally ill cats, and she swears by them and says  
she has seen cats go months on these shots alone with lymphoma,  
feeling good.  I would not do it instead of chemo, but if you need  
to stop the chemo for any reason.  I convinced my cat Simon's  
oncologist to try it, after he was at first resistant, and he was  
shocked at how effective it was.


In a message dated 4/25/2006 7:24:33 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
Hi, this is Pam, mom for JuneAmy. Altho I have no FeLv kitties, I  
have been so grateful for the help that has already come from those  
here even tho I have not been on your list, that I had to join.

I will post her story later but suffice to say right now that she  
has large cell lymphoma. Big mass in the abdomen, & more thorughout  
the liver, spleen, intestines & lymph nodes. She was diagnosed a  
week ago today. Had hse been a old kitty (& I am not at all sure  
how old she is but think she is probably older than what I have  
been told), I would probably have let her go with that diagnosis,  
which was pretty grim.  But I let the vets at U of WI vet hospital  
give her a watered down injection of L'spar & started her on 1`0 mg  
of pred last week as a trial.  They thought to start the full U of  
WI protocol would kill her.

She responded just enough for them to decide to go ahead & today  
she got Vincristine. I am not at all sure I am doing the right  
thing.  But my feeling is that I have to try.  I could just treat  
her with pred & natural supplements, which is very tempting, & it  
may come to that depending on how she does, but I have been  
encouraged by those who know us, to try.

Right now she is so tired. I fed her some "lunch" of Purina DM on  
comimg home but she needs to rest. As I type, I am also watching  
her breathing & thinking she is having some mild difficulty. I  
don't know. Going to be a long evening/night.


Re: New

2006-04-26 Thread lernermichelle

It's generally 1/2 cc dexamethasone mixed with 1/2 cc depomedrol.  Normal dosage for each independently is a whole cc.  I have, on at least one occasion, given 1 cc of dex and 1 cc of depo.
Michelle -Original Message-From: Pam Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSent: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 20:35:03 -0700Subject: Re: New 

Thanks Michelle, this is REALLY good to know.  I will print & put it in her file!  can you give me dosages?  I assume per weight?

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: New 

Hi, Pam.  I have had several positives who got lymphoma. I think you are doing the right thing by trying the chemo. It can do wonders with extending life and making them more comfortable and happy while they are here.  If you do stop the chemo at any point, rather than the natural route (which I support where effective, and used with one of our dogs who had a sarcoma and she did well-- so I am not against it at all normally but it does not seem to work well for lymphoma) I would suggest doing combination shots of dexamethasone and depomedrol (1/2 cc each, as often as needed but can last up to a few weeks).  The steroids are effective at shrinking lymphoma and make the cats feel really good physically and emotionally, and they usually do not have any short-term side effects.  I have had cats who seemed on their death beds, not eating or drinking and hardly moving, who got up and ate within an hour of getting one of these shots.  Others on this list have had the same experience. It is not a conventional treatment for lymphoma, but I learned it from a vet whose practice uses these shots for all terminally ill cats, and she swears by them and says she has seen cats go months on these shots alone with lymphoma, feeling good.  I would not do it instead of chemo, but if you need to stop the chemo for any reason.  I convinced my cat Simon's oncologist to try it, after he was at first resistant, and he was shocked at how effective it was.
In a message dated 4/25/2006 7:24:33 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi, this is Pam, mom for JuneAmy. Altho I have no FeLv kitties, I have been so grateful for the help that has already come from those here even tho I have not been on your list, that I had to join.
I will post her story later but suffice to say right now that she has large cell lymphoma. Big mass in the abdomen, & more thorughout the liver, spleen, intestines & lymph nodes. She was diagnosed a week ago today. Had hse been a old kitty (& I am not at all sure how old she is but think she is probably older than what I have been told), I would probably have let her go with that diagnosis, which was pretty grim.  But I let the vets at U of WI vet hospital give her a watered down injection of L'spar & started her on 1`0 mg of pred last week as a trial.  They thought to start the full U of WI protocol would kill her.
She responded just enough for them to decide to go ahead & today she got Vincristine. I am not at all sure I am doing the right thing.  But my feeling is that I have to try.  I could just treat her with pred & natural supplements, which is very tempting, & it may come to that depending on how she does, but I have been encouraged by those who know us, to try. 
Right now she is so tired. I fed her some "lunch" of Purina DM on comimg home but she needs to rest. As I type, I am also watching her breathing & thinking she is having some mild difficulty. I don't know. Going to be a long evening/night.


Re: mixing

2006-04-26 Thread cindy reasoner
Do they get vaccinated every year?


--- catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No.  I would never mix without vaccinating.  I
> vaccinate my negatives too.. just in case
> the test is wrong.  It doesn't harm them to
> vaccinate if they're positive according to my vet. 
> Every cat that comes in gets a vaccination and a
> booster EVEN  if it's test was negative.  Of course
> if it turns up positive later I don't keeep
> boostering.
>   t
> wrote:
>   Yep, here comes my opinion- I had a kitten that
> was a false negative.
> When his virus activated after a dental, when he had
> anesthesia, he
> infected three of mine - none of whom had been
> vaccinated. Two died and
> one reverted to negative within a month. 
> This was my first experience with FELV - I had no
> idea that my little
> one was now positive and shedding the virus - I just
> know that almost
> suddenly he was slowing down and becoming ill. 
> Bonnie in WI
> - Original Message -
> Date: Monday, April 24, 2006 4:25 pm
> Subject: Re: mixing
> To:
> > You'll get a mixed reply on that one. I have
> mixed, and will again 
> > - 
> > don't because I have foster kitties that belong to
> the rescue 
> > group. It's kind of a hot potato. Some vets
> euthanize the pos. 
> > Our 
> > rescue vet says he doesn't think it's that
> contagious (and I agree, 
> > I 
> > don't think it's that contagious). Lots of vets in
> between. 
> > And... 
> > some folks say vaccinate the negs, some don't.
> > 
> > Gloria
> > 
> > 
> > At 03:19 PM 4/24/2006, you wrote:
> > >So is eveyone here saying it is ok to mix my pos
> and my neg?
> > >
> > >
> > >Sincerely
> > >Carrie
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 

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for Belinda--Re: I need your help for Paula Fasseas

2006-04-26 Thread Kerry MacKenzie
Belinda--a quick but vital Q re your much appreciated contribution to my
Paula Fasseas/PAWS letter--do you vaccinate your negatives for FeLV? (I know
we've covered this before but I couldn't find the answer in the archives).
Thanks again, Kerry
- Original Message -
From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 3:32 AM
Subject: Re: I need your help for Paula Fasseas

> Bailey, diagnosed FeLV+ at 5 months of age, will turn 11 years old
> in May of 2006.  Has 5 housemates all negative, they eat, sleep, play,
> groom and on the rare occasion have disagreements.  In the almost 11
> years they have all lived together nobody has become positive.
> --
> Belinda
> Happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties ...
> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> FeLV Candle Light Service
>  (affordable hosting & web design)
> ---
> BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Bandy has ringworm on his nose

2006-04-26 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Kerry is the med Keto? I had to have my fiv+  on Keto for 30 days when he had what we call the "fungus". Almost all the fur kids at Sids have some form of it.  SherryKerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Bandy has been losing his hair between his eyes the last couple of I took him to the doctor Tues. and under the black light it showed to be green..She put him on the oral meds for it and a topical one, too..I am afraid of the oral med as it can alter the bone marrow.  I don't know how he got it as I have never had any with it..  Is it because his system is so weak?  We are still dealing with the anterior uveitis, too..It seems that it is going to be the chronic form and he will have to have meds for it the rest of his life...But now ringworm...I checked the archives looking for
 some info..But if any of you have any more suggestions about these meds he is on, please let me know...The oral med is for 40 days...that seems like a long time on such a strong med...  Thanks for your help,  Kerry, Bandy, Inky, and Angels Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy  Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.
		Yahoo! Mail goes everywhere you do.  Get it on your phone.

Bandy has ringworm on his nose

2006-04-26 Thread Kerry Roach
Bandy has been losing his hair between his eyes the last couple of I took him to the doctor Tues. and under the black light it showed to be green..She put him on the oral meds for it and a topical one, too..I am afraid of the oral med as it can alter the bone marrow.  I don't know how he got it as I have never had any with it..  Is it because his system is so weak?  We are still dealing with the anterior uveitis, too..It seems that it is going to be the chronic form and he will have to have meds for it the rest of his life...But now ringworm...I checked the archives looking for some info..But if any of you have any more suggestions about these meds he is on, please let me know...The oral med is for 40 days...that seems like a long time on such a strong med...  Thanks for your help,  Kerry, Bandy, Inky, and Angels Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy
		Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates starting at 1¢/min.