Re: Azrael

2006-08-15 Thread Gina WN
That was beautifully said Nina.  I just couldn't find the words for what was in my heart, but you really spoke to it.  Thank you so much Leslie for what you have done for the Angels.     GinaNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Oh Leslie my heart is breaking for you! I want to stomp my feet and cry at the Universe about the unfairness of it all. Such a childish reaction, but there it is. I can only imagine how you are feeling. The "WHYS" of it all must be driving you crazy with grief. You are one remarkable woman to repeatedly put yourself in the path of such prospective pain to bring these Angels the love and care they deserve. No matter how fleeting, your efforts are so important and so appreciated. I'm praying with all my heart that the next little angel that enters
 your life will have more time to bask in the safety and love you provide. I know it's not my place to say this, that I have no right to even hope it, but I do so hope that you'll find the strength to open your heart to one of these deserving little babies again. How is Satch taking this new loss?With much love to you and head bumps to Satchmo,NinaLeslie wrote:> Hello everyone,> > I am writing with an update for you and a tribute to the sweet little > Azrael that came to be in my life for such a short time. It hurts my > heart to have to tell you all, but the new kitten that I just adopted > and just named, Azrael, passed on on Saturday. Her little chest cold, > thought to be a URI, after taking x-rays turned out to be a massive > infection in her lungs. Her sweet little heart didn't even show up on > the screen through the fluid. She didn't exhibit new symptoms, but >
 she seemed cold to me Saturday morning. I took her temp and it was > low, so I put her on a hot water bottle and wrapped her in a towel and > it raised a few points. I called my vet with the update, I was > worried, but not alarmed, but she said to go to the emergency vet. > There I was told that the situation was very grave, that even a > healthy kitten her age with this diagnosis had a very low survival rate. > > And it hurt so much to make the decision. I kept thinking, "But we > thought that it was just a URI!" and I tried to see in her eyes if she > wanted me to fight, but I couldn't tell. And the vet said that the > most compassionate course would be to put her down. So what could I > do, but? I told her how free her little soul would be away from her > sick body, that she could go back to running and playing. I told her > about my Sushi and Hepburn and how they were waiting
 for her. I told > her that I couldn't wait to meet her again someday and know her as she > was meant to be known, and that I was sorry that I couldn't have kept > her here longer. I thanked her for being in my life to the extent > that she was and that I was so happy that I'd made the decision to > adopt her and to feel her warmth and to be able to name her and see > her to her real journey.> > I've lost cats in the past and it is always hard for me, but this > little girl, though we didn't have the time together, just seemed so > damn unfair to have to say goodbye to.> > I know that I did all that I could, that my vet did, that the > emergency vet did, but I still feel guilt that I lost her. And when I > go by the new FeLV+ kitten at the humane society (a littermate of > Azrael's, but not Trixie who I very first mentioned), I feel huge > guilt for not rescuing
 her also. Part of me wants to just settle back > down again, put some distance between expenses and losses in my heart, > but part of me just wants to replace, wants to stem the pain by > focusing on a new kitten.> > I know that when I consider adopting again, an older, more proven cat > would probably be wisest, but... well, a) they are so dang cute and > b) I want to get them out of the shelter environment so badly.> > LesliePlease visit my Tigger Tales site!       At the bottom of the home and links pages are my merchant affiliate banners.  If anyone uses my links to make a purchase, I will receive a percentage of all
 final sales.  I am going to donate 100% of the proceeds to animal welfare organizations.  This is a great way to shop your favorite online pet stores and give something to a worthy cause.  Thank you in advance! 
		How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low  PC-to-Phone call rates.

Re: Boomer

2006-08-15 Thread LVega50899

I am so sorry for your loss. Boomer knew he was loved and loved you for 
sharing your life with him. God bless.

Re: Azrael

2006-08-15 Thread LVega50899

Leslie, I am very sorry for your loss. Azrael is now in heaven, we will see 
them again!

Fwd: Noah’s Ark needed for Animals in Lebano n!

2006-08-15 Thread LVega50899

Hi guys, I though some animal lovers would be interested in 
--- Begin Message ---

To view an online version of this email, click here.

Dear Members & Friends,


In the latest war in the Middle East, animals have been among the most forgotten victims.


But not for you. In fact, you’ve been the main lifeline to save hundreds of dogs and cats from the chaos and carnage in Lebanon. Since my last e-mail, you’ve donated more than $25,000 to the Best Friends Rescue Fund for the folks at BETA (Beirut for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) to care for the dogs and cats they’ve moved from shelters that were damaged in the bombing raids.


Last week, they were also featured on ABC World News Tonight, and more than 100 people called BETA offering to adopt the dogs. (We’ve heard that Nightline is planning to cover the story, too, this week.)


More news about this rescue effort is at


NEXT STEPS: Working with BETA, we’ve looked into lots of possible options for these dogs. But there’s so much damage to the country that taking care of them there, finding them new homes in the region, or moving them one at a time to new situations is pretty much impossible.


So we’ve agreed to have Best Friends be the staging area for adoptions in the United States. We can provide all the health and behavior assessments and home checks, and then the dogs will be able to go directly to GOOD NEW ADOPTIVE HOMES.


(Some people may ask why we’re helping animals abroad when the needs are still great in our own country. But this important rescue effort won't affect the regular work of Best Friends, and we see it as a major opportunity to show the value of kindness and caring in a region that’s so dominated by hatred and violence.)


Placing the dogs in new homes will, in many ways, be the easy part. Bringing them out of Lebanon to safety is a greater challenge. So:


THE PLAN is to fly all 150 dogs to the United States as soon as possible. Most likely we’ll need to drive them from Lebanon to Jordan and fly them from there. And once they’re at Best Friends, we’ll give them further health and behavior checkups, and move them to their new homes as quickly as possible.


(After Hurricane Katrina, incidentally, we were able to get help chartering planes that could carry large numbers of dogs to safety, so we’re going to try the same thing again. It’s a longer distance this time, and will be more expensive. But, between us all, we can do it.)


DETAILS:  We’ll keep you up to date on how these plans are transpiring on the Best Friends Network website at




*  YOUR DONATION, large or small, for this rescue effort is invaluable. To add your support to the Best Friends Rescue Fund, please go to:


* DO YOU HAVE CONTACTS IN THE AIR TRAVEL WORLD? We need to evacuate the dogs in just one or a very few large loads. If you can help organize and/or secure the donation of such a flight, this will be a huge help. Please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]


* ADOPTIONS:  We already have a lot of adoption applications, and we’ll be taking more. But right now we need to focus on the evacuation. So we'll let you know more about adoptions later.


* CATS: Yes, cat lovers, there are cats, too! But they don’t yet have health certificates, and there are some other issues to be sorted out before we can start working on that. Meanwhile, we have plenty on our hands getting the dogs taken care of. So we’ll have more on the cats after that.


Again, you can get up-to-date news every day at:


Thanks so much. And please keep this major rescue effort in your thoughts and prayers, too. Together, we can all play a part in salvaging some truly innocent creatures from the carnage of war.


Michael Mountain

Best Friends Animal Society


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--- End Message ---

Re: Kitten love, part 2

2006-08-15 Thread catatonya
Glass?  Plants?  Any kind of knick knacks?  Rugs??? Forget it!     t[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Kerry wrote:   After I discovered the 3rd pool of throw up yesterday (oh yes, and a 4th when i got home last night) in desperation I threw out my last remaining plant.  Wait, you have PLANTS? In your HOUSE?!!     LOL, this is becoming a theme for me (the shock)... I can't believe you guys actually try to live normal lives and have normal homes with normal things in them!     On a side note, donate your house plants to nursing
 homes, most seniors are happy to have a plant in their room to take care of. :)     Phaewryn     Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners: Needs Cat Resources: shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance Program: Shop at GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much difference to a sick cat in need!No virus found in this outgoing
 message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.9/417 - Release Date: 8/11/2006

Re: Azrael

2006-08-15 Thread Marissa Johnson
Wow, Leslie!  That was beautiful!!!  So many lessons to learn from these little really is amazing!  Thanks for sharing and I'm glad you are beginning to heal.     Hugs back! :)     MJLeslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Thank you all so much for your support and kind words.  I am doing better with the loss of this sweet one.  I'll let you know what happens with getting another, I'm just letting this work itself out right now, not trying to force anything.  It's you all who are amazing, being able to give and give, I need to move a little more slowly than most, I think.  I am learning so much from you all right now.      Yes, Tonya, this was Powder.  I've asked for an update on her littermate,
 Trixie - who it turns out wasn't adopted, but was removed from the available adoptee list because of a URI.  I'm getting the update on her today from her foster mom, who was helping her back on her feet.  It doesn't sound like she had the problems that Azrael had, but then it also doesn't seem like Az had a URI in retrospect.  It would hearten me greatly if Trixie could pull through to healthy again.      In fairness to Satch (who, Nina, is just a little confused as to why I was guarding the bathroom and taking plates of tuna and baby food in there for a few days if I wasn't hiding anything - the two of them never met), he is the one that teaches me to enjoy every moment of every day.  You never know when that same spot on the carpet might turn into food, so run to it, sniff it, lick it with gusto; each time the girl comes back from out of sight, rejoice!, you may be about to get rubbed, or fed, or she may
 release the crazy red lightbug.  When a drawer is opened, hope, hope, hope with all of your heart that there is something to chase ready to pop out.  When someone else is eating, don't lose heart! - something could drop from the plate.  When your people are in sight, be happy, all is well with the world.  When they are out of sight, that's okay too (see when the girl returns).  And when you close your eyes to sleep, be content, for when you open them again, be it in a moment, or an hour, glorious things will await you to greet, eat, bite, chase, or ponder.      Azrael - - she taught me grace.  She taught me the selflessness of giving comfort to another while you are the one that they grieve for.  She taught me that the unknown is often much less fearful than the known.  She taught me...that if presented with the situation that you most fear, that your spirit will not break, and you will not be
 alone (or she led me to you who taught me that also).  She reconfirmed that the world gives you what you need when you need it.      Okay, enough, no tears at work.  They are amazing creatures, leuk positive, leuk negative, furred, feathered, four-legged or two, there is always so much more to learn and remember what we'd once known but forgotten.      Hugs to you all and whatever form of critter sleeps next to you at night and brings you comfort in the present or in memory.     Leslie 
		Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

Re: Azrael

2006-08-15 Thread Barb Moermond
Oh Leslie, you say it so well!  They are a never-ending source of amazement and love.  Watching youngsters learn about their world is wonderful and having a creature love you SOO much. it's humbling and makes me feel very grateful to be able to appreciate it.Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Thank you all so much for your support and kind words.  I am doing better with the loss of this sweet one.  I'll let you know what happens with getting another, I'm just letting this work itself out right now, not trying to force anything.  It's you all who are amazing, being able to give and give, I need to move a little more slowly than most, I think.  I am learning so much from you all right now.      Yes, Tonya, this was Powder.  I've asked for an update on her
 littermate, Trixie - who it turns out wasn't adopted, but was removed from the available adoptee list because of a URI.  I'm getting the update on her today from her foster mom, who was helping her back on her feet.  It doesn't sound like she had the problems that Azrael had, but then it also doesn't seem like Az had a URI in retrospect.  It would hearten me greatly if Trixie could pull through to healthy again.      In fairness to Satch (who, Nina, is just a little confused as to why I was guarding the bathroom and taking plates of tuna and baby food in there for a few days if I wasn't hiding anything - the two of them never met), he is the one that teaches me to enjoy every moment of every day.  You never know when that same spot on the carpet might turn into food, so run to it, sniff it, lick it with gusto; each time the girl comes back from out of sight, rejoice!, you may be about to get rubbed, or fed,
 or she may release the crazy red lightbug.  When a drawer is opened, hope, hope, hope with all of your heart that there is something to chase ready to pop out.  When someone else is eating, don't lose heart! - something could drop from the plate.  When your people are in sight, be happy, all is well with the world.  When they are out of sight, that's okay too (see when the girl returns).  And when you close your eyes to sleep, be content, for when you open them again, be it in a moment, or an hour, glorious things will await you to greet, eat, bite, chase, or ponder.      Azrael - - she taught me grace.  She taught me the selflessness of giving comfort to another while you are the one that they grieve for.  She taught me that the unknown is often much less fearful than the known.  She taught me...that if presented with the situation that you most fear, that your spirit will not break, and you will
 not be alone (or she led me to you who taught me that also).  She reconfirmed that the world gives you what you need when you need it.      Okay, enough, no tears at work.  They are amazing creatures, leuk positive, leuk negative, furred, feathered, four-legged or two, there is always so much more to learn and remember what we'd once known but forgotten.      Hugs to you all and whatever form of critter sleeps next to you at night and brings you comfort in the present or in memory.     LeslieBarb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."- Anonymous 
		How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low  PC-to-Phone call rates.

Re: Azrael

2006-08-15 Thread Leslie
Thank you all so much for your support and kind words.  I am doing better with the loss of this sweet one.  I'll let you know what happens with getting another, I'm just letting this work itself out right now, not trying to force anything.  It's you all who are amazing, being able to give and give, I need to move a little more slowly than most, I think.  I am learning so much from you all right now.

Yes, Tonya, this was Powder.  I've asked for an update on her littermate, Trixie - who it turns out wasn't adopted, but was removed from the available adoptee list because of a URI.  I'm getting the update on her today from her foster mom, who was helping her back on her feet.  It doesn't sound like she had the problems that Azrael had, but then it also doesn't seem like Az had a URI in retrospect.  It would hearten me greatly if Trixie could pull through to healthy again.

In fairness to Satch (who, Nina, is just a little confused as to why I was guarding the bathroom and taking plates of tuna and baby food in there for a few days if I wasn't hiding anything - the two of them never met), he is the one that teaches me to enjoy every moment of every day.  You never know when that same spot on the carpet might turn into food, so run to it, sniff it, lick it with gusto; each time the girl comes back from out of sight, rejoice!, you may be about to get rubbed, or fed, or she may release the crazy red lightbug.  When a drawer is opened, hope, hope, hope with all of your heart that there is something to chase ready to pop out.  When someone else is eating, don't lose heart! - something could drop from the plate.  When your people are in sight, be happy, all is well with the world.  When they are out of sight, that's okay too (see when the girl returns).  And when you close your eyes to sleep, be content, for when you open them again, be it in a moment, or an hour, glorious things will await you to greet, eat, bite, chase, or ponder.

Azrael - - she taught me grace.  She taught me the selflessness of giving comfort to another while you are the one that they grieve for.  She taught me that the unknown is often much less fearful than the known.  She taught me...that if presented with the situation that you most fear, that your spirit will not break, and you will not be alone (or she led me to you who taught me that also).  She reconfirmed that the world gives you what you need when you need it.

Okay, enough, no tears at work.  They are amazing creatures, leuk positive, leuk negative, furred, feathered, four-legged or two, there is always so much more to learn and remember what we'd once known but forgotten.

Hugs to you all and whatever form of critter sleeps next to you at night and brings you comfort in the present or in memory.

Re: OT: Feline Acne, Pramoxine HCI shampoo

2006-08-15 Thread felv

His auto feeder is plastic... come to think of it, it's been months since I 
let it completely empty and actually washed it with soap. Do they make metal 
auto feeders?
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.10/418 - Release Date: 8/14/2006

Re: OT: Kitten love, part 2, OT: a poem I just wrote

2006-08-15 Thread TenHouseCats

"kindling wrapped in fabric" is almost as good as the way another
friend recently described snakes: "bungee cords with personalities."


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Azrael

2006-08-15 Thread Nina

I just wanted to remind you that two of the six felv bottle babies that 
I rescued are doing great at over 3yrs old now.  One of them has tested 
neg and the other has never been tested.  There is hope that the little 
littermate of Azrael's still at the shelter might be one of the 
exceptions to the rule.  I do understand the impulse and wisdom of 
adopting someone that has better odds at a long and healthy life.  I was 
blessed to have a healthy, loving kitten enter my life, (push her way 
into it is more apt a description), not long after losing my Grace and 
Jazz to felv.  Her name is Pistol Pete, (there was confusion over gender 
when she was named), but I constantly call her my Joy.  I know there are 
never any guarantees, but it does make my heart soar when I think of the 
possibilities of having Petey in my life for years and years to come.  
No matter what you and Satch decide, any animal would be blessed to 
share their lives with you.  What you gave Azrael is priceless and I do 
still hope you may find the courage to do the same for her littermate.  
Sometimes being forewarned helps.  I have an FIV boy named Starman.  He 
was in terrible shape when he came to me and I was told to not expect 
him to live long.  I decided that I would not live in expectation, one 
way or the other, that I would be grateful for the time we had together 
and for giving him the opportunity to learn to trust and enjoy life as a 
pampered house cat.  He's been here for about 8 mos now and he's 
absolutely robust.  I suspect he's not going anywhere soon, and even if 
he does, I'll never be sorry for helping him discover what Home means.


... when I go by the new FeLV+ kitten at the humane society (a 
littermate of Azrael's, but not Trixie who I very first mentioned), I 
feel huge guilt for not rescuing her also.  Part of me wants to just 
settle back down again, put some distance between expenses and losses 
in my heart, but part of me just wants to replace, wants to stem the 
pain by focusing on a new kitten.
I know that when I consider adopting again, an older, more proven cat 
would probably be wisest, but...  well, a) they are so dang cute and 
b) I want to get them out of the shelter environment so badly.

Re: OT: Kitten love, part 2, OT: a poem I just wrote

2006-08-15 Thread Gary Murphy

   Hi everyone, I didn't know kitty barf would be such a hot topic!  I really think Dash just stuffs himself silly, no hairballs yet, just a huge pile of half-digested cat food.  I'll switch him back to his old food and see how he does.  I had a long-haired kitty many years ago, I still remember that awful feeling of slimy hairballs underfoot.  This gang is short-haired, so I'm hoping they'll be better about that.  Although if they aren't, it isn't so bad, as we got rid of our carpet and put in all laminate flooring throughout the house.  Much easier to deal with...
    I have to switch out of digest-mode or whatever, as it seems to sometimes just give me the headers and skips the message for some reason.  I couldn't read the declaw poem until someone else attached it to the bottom of their reply...
    Phaewryn, I loved your poem!  That is how I feel about declaws too!  Many (most) of my friends and family have declawed their cats.  I can almost understand the decision if there are toddlers in a house, as I was scratched in the eye by my first cat when I was 2 (shouldn't have had one that young anyway).  But just to save some kindling wrapped in fabric?  No way, not for me.  But I have never criticized anyone I know who went ahead and did it, as I felt it was their business, and at least the cats had homes.  So why in the heck are they all so beligerent and in my face when I tell them I'm not doing that to my cats?  Right away I get the "what about the sofa" argument, followed quickly by the "it doesn't hurt them, they jump on their toes the same day" rationalization.  I don't care, I just don't believe in it for me.  I've even had a lady with our local kitty rescue act horrified when I told her I was looking for a fully-clawed companion for my cat (this was prior to catching this litter, not looking anymore!)  I absolutely don't care about the sofa.  We had a rescue Doberman for 9 years that ATE couches everytime there was a thunderstorm.  We just kept taking second-hand couches from people we knew, tossed a  shredded one out on the curb 2-3 times a year (our garbage men had to hate us).  I don't miss one of those couches, but I would give anything to have that dog alive and with me again...   

OT: pet loss help

2006-08-15 Thread Barb Moermond
To all who have lost fur-friends/family recently, my deepest condolences.  There is a safe friendly non-pushy place you can go if you need to talk about your loss or if you just want some company while you figure out if you need to talk or not - MC has mentioned it and I've been hanging out in a number of the chat rooms (scheduled topical chats) for well over a year now.  This is the general site link:    This is the link to the cat chats:    There are a number of rooms and Cat Care Central and Haven-Pet Loss are the two I hang out in the most.  While as a whole, they aren't as fab as THIS list (I mean, really, who is?), they are a bunch of good people with a lot of
 experience and knowledge.Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."- Anonymous 
		Do you Yahoo!? Next-gen email? Have it all with the  all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: OT: Feline Acne, Pramoxine HCI shampoo

2006-08-15 Thread TatorBunz

Are you feeding him with plastic bowls for food and water?
In most cases this will cause Feline Acne on the chin.
In a message dated 8/14/2006 7:23:52 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Anyone know if Relief shampoo with Pramoxine HCI and Colloidal Oatmeal would be good for feline acne? I just noticed Doobie's chin is absolutely FESTERING right now, and all I have on hand is Mythic's allergy shampoo. Is there anything OTC I could get for the acne on Doobie's chin, something from the local drug store? I can't afford another vet visit right now, and I'm sure it's acne. I tried to squeeze some of it out, but it's too painful, so I scrubbed it with the shampoo, got most of the black goo off, now he's just pink, and oozy looking.

 Terrie Mohr-ForkerTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: Kitten love, part 2

2006-08-15 Thread Nina
You slay me MC!  And btw, I think you can rest assured, few would accuse 
you of being "normal"


TenHouseCats wrote:

at one point, i considered putting the cats into the glass-fronted
bookcases just so i could leave the breakables out...

Re: Azrael

2006-08-15 Thread Nina
Oh Leslie my heart is breaking for you!  I want to stomp my feet and cry 
at the Universe about the unfairness of it all.  Such a childish 
reaction, but there it is.  I can only imagine how you are feeling.  The 
"WHYS" of it all must be driving you crazy with grief.  You are one 
remarkable woman to repeatedly put yourself in the path of such 
prospective pain to bring these Angels the love and care they deserve.  
No matter how fleeting, your efforts are so important and so 
appreciated.  I'm praying with all my heart that the next little angel 
that enters your life will have more time to bask in the safety and love 
you provide.  I know it's not my place to say this, that I have no right 
to even hope it, but I do so hope that you'll find the strength to open 
your heart to one of these deserving little babies again.  How is Satch 
taking this new loss?

With much love to you and head bumps to Satchmo,

Leslie wrote:

Hello everyone,
I am writing with an update for you and a tribute to the sweet little 
Azrael that came to be in my life for such a short time.  It hurts my 
heart to have to tell you all, but the new kitten that I just adopted 
and just named, Azrael, passed on on Saturday.  Her little chest cold, 
thought to be a URI, after taking x-rays turned out to be a massive 
infection in her lungs.  Her sweet little heart didn't even show up on 
the screen through the fluid.  She didn't exhibit new symptoms, but 
she seemed cold to me Saturday morning.  I took her temp and it was 
low, so I put her on a hot water bottle and wrapped her in a towel and 
it raised a few points.  I called my vet with the update, I was 
worried, but not alarmed, but she said to go to the emergency vet.  
There I was told that the situation was very grave, that even a 
healthy kitten her age with this diagnosis had a very low survival rate. 
And it hurt so much to make the decision.  I kept thinking, "But we 
thought that it was just a URI!" and I tried to see in her eyes if she 
wanted me to fight, but I couldn't tell.  And the vet said that the 
most compassionate course would be to put her down.  So what could I 
do, but?  I told her how free her little soul would be away from her 
sick body, that she could go back to running and playing.  I told her 
about my Sushi and Hepburn and how they were waiting for her.  I told 
her that I couldn't wait to meet her again someday and know her as she 
was meant to be known, and that I was sorry that I couldn't have kept 
her here longer.  I thanked her for being in my life to the extent 
that she was and that I was so happy that I'd made the decision to 
adopt her and to feel her warmth and to be able to name her and see 
her to her real journey.
I've lost cats in the past and it is always hard for me, but this 
little girl, though we didn't have the time together, just seemed so 
damn unfair to have to say goodbye to.
I know that I did all that I could, that my vet did, that the 
emergency vet did, but I still feel guilt that I lost her.  And when I 
go by the new FeLV+ kitten at the humane society (a littermate of 
Azrael's, but not Trixie who I very first mentioned), I feel huge 
guilt for not rescuing her also.  Part of me wants to just settle back 
down again, put some distance between expenses and losses in my heart, 
but part of me just wants to replace, wants to stem the pain by 
focusing on a new kitten.
I know that when I consider adopting again, an older, more proven cat 
would probably be wisest, but...  well, a) they are so dang cute and 
b) I want to get them out of the shelter environment so badly.

Re: Boomer

2006-08-15 Thread Nina
Oh such a sad, sweet tale about Boomer!  What an incredible miracle boy 
he was!  I'm so sorry for your loss.  It's a testimate to your love and 
care that he was able to stay with you longer than expected.  It never 
gets easier losing them, whether we have "prepared" ourselves, or not.  
Most of us know all too well that expectation of seeing them in their 
favorite places and the unexpected hardship of NOT having to give meds 
or attend to special needs.  I still see some of my Angels out of the 
corner of my eye, perhaps they are really there.  I used to fight the 
urge to call out to them, now, sometimes I do.  They can't come running 
the way they used to, but I believe they can still hear me.  I'm sending 
out love and understanding to you and your partner in your time of 
grief.  May the memories of Boomer's antics soon have you smiling 
through your tears.

With sympathy,

Precious Pets, Almost Home wrote:

Dear Sherry:

Tell Dexter mom to just take one day at a time!  It is
amazing how the days add up into months!  Trust me, I
know from fresh experience!

My partner/roommate that does rescue with me had a 16
year old cat named Boomer with congestive heart
failure.  Last November of 2005, the specialist gave
Boomer two to four months to live.  We give him his
medication and let him eat anything and everything on
the kitchen table.  Boomer just left us last
Wednesday.  Boomer lived five months more then the
specialist expected! We brought home Popeye's chicken
late Wednesday night after doing an adoption and
checking on our cats at the PETsMART Adoption Center. 
Boomer had his favorite chicken and proceeded to go

back to his resting place.  He threw a blood clot and
his back legs became paralyzed.  We picked him up and
started for the emergency room.  We just got around
the corner from the emergency room and he died in my
arms.  It is hard to go into the kitchen now!  I
expect to see Boomer on the kitchen table waiting for
his Sheba like every morning before his death!  He
will be missed!

I started writing this to assure you that you may have
more time with Dexter.  Not expecting that
reaccounting that night would bring tears.  I have not
cried since that night for Boomer but writing this has
brought back the tears!  Hopefully, Dexter will live
longer then estimated and you and his mother will have
more days then expected to enjoy him!  I am off to
find some tissue!

Precious Pets, Almost Home Association 

Re: Patches

2006-08-15 Thread Nina

Diane and Gail,
I haven't been able to participate in the list and I just saw your post
about having to let Patches go.  I'm so sorry.  I know you were hoping
for a miracle to turn his illness around.  Please remember that you
already shared a miracle the day you all found each other.  You rescued
him from the street, gave him love, showed him it was safe to trust
again and best of all taught him the meaning of home and family.  You
loved him enough to release him from a body that no longer served him. 
As painful as that decision was, it was truly a gift of love.  He's
happy and healthy now, chasing butterflies in Heaven.  Thank you for
your compassion and for being the type of people that continue to open
your hearts to those in need.  My sympathies to you, Gail and the rest
of your family.  
Bless you sweet Patches, and bless your moms too,

Diane Rosenfeldt wrote:

  This morning my housemate Gail and I had to
make the decision to help Patches to the Bridge.  
  As you know, he's been refusing all food --
or he'd taste it once and then the next time ignore it.  In the past
few days it became apparent that swallowing was becoming an issue, so
we took him to the vet this morning.  The vet said his lymph nodes were
swollen and he seemed to be in pretty classic crash mode, and rather
than put him through more unpleasantness with syringing and pills, we
chose to let him go.  We stayed with him until he was gone, quickly and
  When he came to us, he was filthy and full
of vermin, and it was days before he would let us touch the parts of
his body where the mats had been.  When he left, at least, he was clean
and loved to be petted all over.  This at least we could do for him,
and give him all the love and care we could.  This morning, I told him
that if it turns out he gets another time around, he should come back
to us.  He was a dear little soul, and we will miss him.  Gentlest of
Bridge vibes to our Patches.
  I want to thank everybody here for their
support and caring and wonderful information during this brief sojourn
with Patches.  You have all been beyond great.
  Diane R.

Re: Azrael

2006-08-15 Thread Marissa Johnson
Oh Leslie!  I am so sorry to hear your news!!  My heart breaks for you.  But I'm glad she was able to feel loved and cared for in her brief time here.  Bless you for that tremendous gift you gave her.  I know you had a hard time deciding whether to adopt her in the first place (and we were all looking forward to kitten updates and news of her introduction to Satchmo), but I think she chose you because she knew you could give her the one things she needed most at this time (love).     Only you can decide whether you want to adopt another one now.  But fortunately, love never runs out and we always have more to give.  So if you do decide to get another, I know that you will give them all that you can as well.     Hugs and comfort to you!!!  And gentlest of crossings to Azrael.     MJ[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Oh Leslie, I'm so very sorry to hear that! I know she gave you so much joy in her few days with you! What a wonderful little soul you had the short time of knowing though, that she came into your life just to give you such pleasure, and then was gone. Perhaps her visit was a message to you, telling you to find joy in the little things we all take for granted in life, for their presence here can be so short, and swift in passing! Certainly, I feel like I got an eye opener out of your experience. Each day is precious, and we should all keep that in mind throughout our lives, for it is all in passing.     I think you should go get the other one tomorrow...  Phaewryn     Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners: Needs Cat Resources: shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance Program: Shop at GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much difference to a sick cat in need!No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.9/417 - Release Date: 8/11/2006 
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Re: Boomer

2006-08-15 Thread Marissa Johnson
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you deal with the loss of Boomer.  Know that he knew he was loved and he left happy.  And he loved you.  Sending vibes for peaceful crossing and for comfort for you.     MJDiane Rosenfeldt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I'm sorry to hear that you lost your Boomer. It sounds like you dealt witha hard diagnosis with wisdom, letting him live each remaining day however hewanted. Gentle Bridge vibes to him.Diane R. 
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2006-08-15 Thread marta gasper
Leslie,  My condolences on sweet Azrael passing, may she cavort forever happily at the Bridge  Marta  Please visit my shop Cat Agora gifts for cat caregivers             

Re: Patches

2006-08-15 Thread Marissa Johnson
Diane,     I'm so sorry to hear your news!!  He was very lucky to have you and Gail to do all you could for him.  Bless you for loving him.  I will be thinking of and praying for both of you...and sending wishes for a peaceful crossing to Patches.       Hugs,  MJDiane Rosenfeldt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  This morning my housemate Gail and I had to make the decision to help Patches to the Bridge.       As you
 know, he's been refusing all food -- or he'd taste it once and then the next time ignore it.  In the past few days it became apparent that swallowing was becoming an issue, so we took him to the vet this morning.  The vet said his lymph nodes were swollen and he seemed to be in pretty classic crash mode, and rather than put him through more unpleasantness with syringing and pills, we chose to let him go.  We stayed with him until he was gone, quickly and peacefully.     When he came to us, he was filthy and full of vermin, and it was days before he would let us touch the parts of his body where the mats had been.  When he left, at least, he was clean and loved to be petted all over.  This at least we could do for him, and give him all the love and care we
 could.  This morning, I told him that if it turns out he gets another time around, he should come back to us.  He was a dear little soul, and we will miss him.  Gentlest of Bridge vibes to our Patches.     I want to thank everybody here for their support and caring and wonderful information during this brief sojourn with Patches.  You have all been beyond great.     Diane R.  ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^
 ="Nice kitty!" -- Prof. Radcliffe Emerson  The Snake, the Crocodile and the Dog^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^= ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ =     
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Re: OT: a poem I just wrote

2006-08-15 Thread Belinda
  I used to be somewhat anal about keeping my house clean, dusting and 
vacuuming 3 or 4 times a week, sometimes more, then came the furballs, 
used to have nick nacks, no more, used to have plants, no more, used to 
buy nice furniture, now look for material that hides cat hair and 
replace it more often.  Now we all live together quite happily on our 
slightly worn out furniture, and in our not so spotless, kind of messy 

I really must thank them because I don't miss the cleaning at all!

Reminds me of a (former!) friend who is completely anal about 
tidiness. Even I began to dislike visiting her because I felt my mere 
presence in her living-room constituted untidiness.
In response to her expression of horror when I said my cats used my 
sofas and scratched my furniture, I simply said, " My cats are more 
important than my furniture."  
This same person was talking about getting a dog, but fortunately (in 
my opinion) changed her mind.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

RE: Kitten love, part 2

2006-08-15 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

I heard a recent crash, but a brief glance 
(middle of night, feeling half-drugged) left me none the wiser. Later in week 
discovered one of them had knocked a glass vase off the mantelpiece. Amazingly 
it survived. Not even a chip. However it had hit a glass lampbowl on the 
floor--that did not survive. 
Now I discover that all my adult cats have 
taken to parading back and forth along the mantelpiece -- one used to do it as a 
kitten, but then gave up. One of them has also taken to parading along a high 
shelf that goes along two walls in my kitchen. Trouble is, once he's up there he 
can't get down. Yells for help at all sorts of weird times. My most precious 
vase (sentimental value only-belonged to my favorite aunt) was on that shelf, 
supposedly out of harm's way. I've now locked it in a closet. 
What's going on---midlife kitty 

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 11:09 
PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Kitten love, 
part 2

My Felicity was the best (God rest her soul)she would barf her furballs 
into the toilet - i kid you not.  What a good girl.
I don't get up for the crashes either (unless it's serious).  If 
Phelix gets up - well...then I better get up too.  Believe it or not I keep 
over 100 house plants inside (during winter)..and with 8 cats I have never 
had a problem.  
In a message dated 8/14/2006 5:48:58 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, 
at one point, i 
  considered putting the cats into the glass-frontedbookcases just so i 
  could leave the breakables out...and i should have qualified my 
  original note: i, too, will get up forserious fights or if it sounds like 
  someone's hurt. with more than adozen long-haired cats in the house, if i 
  got up for every hairball,i'd NEVER get any sleep. and with that many 
  long-hairs, stepping inhaiballs is just a given not pleasant, mind 
  you, but expected.On 8/14/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  wrote:>>> MC wrote:> unless it's the sound of 
  breaking glass, i no longer respond to the> night-time sounds of many 
  cats>> You mean you keep GLASS stuff? In your HOUSE?! LOL... 
  oh the folly!>> I've had the cats knock things over so loudly in 
  the night that it made me> and Jeff both shock awake in bed, sitting up 
  in a panic... and then he says> "What was that?!!", and my response: 
  "Oh, its just the cats breaking> things.."> And then we go back 
  to sleep, LOL!>> I only get up if it sounds like it could have 
  caused a kitty injury... you> know, after having TWO with broken backs, 
  I tend to be a bit paranoid now. I> used to think cats were invincible, 
  now I'm always paranoid about them> getting hurt.>> 
  Phaewryn>> Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat 
  Rescue!!!>> Low cost Spay&Neuter 
  services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for> cat 
  owners:>> Special Needs Cat 
  Resources:>> Please shop 
  online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary> Emergency 
  Assistance Program:>> Shop at GREAT 
  stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's> 
  Friend, and LOTS more!> It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it 
  makes so much difference to> a sick cat in need!> No virus found 
  in this outgoing message.> Checked by AVG Free Edition.> 
  Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.9/417 - Release Date: 
  8/11/2006>>>-- MaryChristineAIM / 

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor
This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

RE: OT: a poem I just wrote

2006-08-15 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Brilliant. A keeper!
Reminds me of a (former!) friend who is 
completely anal about tidiness. Even I began to dislike visiting her because I 
felt my mere presence in her living-room constituted untidiness. 
In response to her _expression_ of horror when 
I said my cats used my sofas and scratched my furniture, I simply said, " My 
cats are more important than my furniture."  
This same person was talking about getting a 
dog, but fortunately (in my opinion) changed her mind. 

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 7:07 
AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: OT: a poem I 
just wrote

This is wonderful - my feelings exactly...said so well.
In a message dated 8/14/2006 6:41:52 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, 

  Someone on another list was asking about if she should allow her cat to 
  shred her chair. I just had to share my reply with you guys, cause it kinda 
  turned into a poem:
  " My cats have a $300 cat tree scratching post. Yes they use it often.. 
  but they still use the couch too. If you're not to attached to it, I'd say, 
  what's the harm, it's a chair, after all, and chairs are replaceable, and 
  don't have feelings. Cats, on the other hand, are very NON-replaceable, and 
  their time with us is too short to begin with. If it makes them happy, what is 
  a chair or sofa to me, when the happiness of my cat is the goal of my life? 
  It's all in the perspective, of course. Some people are very attached to 
  their material possessions, to the point of cutting off their cat's toes to 
  save the sofa. Personally, I'd rather NOT be in that category of people. 

  So to all the cats I say: "Go forth my sweet kitties, and shred the sofas 
  of life, leave not a sliver of upholstery upon which you have not laid your 
  touch, for until you touched it, it had no meaning to me, with your touch, you 
  brought your own special personality to light upon the material world, and 
  thus improved it. For when you are long passed from this life, and I look 
  fondly in the vision of my mind upon your memories, as I sit upon that 
  shredded sofa, my own tears shall fall upon the same surface as you yourself 
  touched, and together we will be again, if only for a moment, sitting quietly, 
  upon sofa we shared in our own special way. I wont be remembering yelling at 
  you, or squirting you with a water bottle, or taking you in the have your toes 
  cut off. I wont be remembering you running scared from the sound of a rolled 
  up newspaper, from me. I wont be remembering anything but you, in all your 
  feline glory, stretching up in a graceful arch, with the look of pure glee 
  upon your face, and the sound of fabric ripping, as you happily do what comes 
  naturally to you, marking your territory. Only fond memories, will those of 
  you be, to be. "
  Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
  Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
  Needs Cat Resources: 
  shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
  Assistance Program: Shop at 
  GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's 
  Friend, and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it 
  makes so much difference to a sick cat in need!No virus found in 
  this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.405 / 
  Virus Database: 268.10.9/417 - Release Date: 8/11/2006

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor
This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: Kitten love, part 2

2006-08-15 Thread Precious Pets, Almost Home
I like that idea of the cats in the glass-fronted
bookcases so the breakables can be out!  LOL

Precious Pets, Almost Home Association

--- TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> at one point, i considered putting the cats into the
> glass-fronted
> bookcases just so i could leave the breakables
> out...
> and i should have qualified my original note: i,
> too, will get up for
> serious fights or if it sounds like someone's hurt.
> with more than a
> dozen long-haired cats in the house, if i got up for
> every hairball,
> i'd NEVER get any sleep. and with that many
> long-hairs, stepping in
> haiballs is just a given not pleasant, mind you,
> but expected.
> On 8/14/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > MC wrote:
> > unless it's the sound of breaking glass, i no
> longer respond to the
> > night-time sounds of many cats
> >
> > You mean you keep GLASS stuff? In your HOUSE?!
> LOL... oh the folly!
> >
> > I've had the cats knock things over so loudly in
> the night that it made me
> > and Jeff both shock awake in bed, sitting up in a
> panic... and then he says
> > "What was that?!!", and my response: "Oh, its just
> the cats breaking
> > things.."
> > And then we go back to sleep, LOL!
> >
> > I only get up if it sounds like it could have
> caused a kitty injury... you
> > know, after having TWO with broken backs, I tend
> to be a bit paranoid now. I
> > used to think cats were invincible, now I'm always
> paranoid about them
> > getting hurt.
> >
> > Phaewryn
> >
> > Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat
> Rescue!!!
> >
> > Low cost Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency
> Financial Assistance for
> > cat owners:
> >
> > Special Needs Cat Resources:
> >
> > Please shop online through i-give and support the
> Feline Veterinary
> > Emergency Assistance Program:
> >
> > Shop at GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith,
> Pet Food Direct, Musician's
> > Friend, and LOTS more!
> > It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it
> makes so much difference to
> > a sick cat in need!
> > No virus found in this outgoing message.
> > Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> > Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.9/417 -
> Release Date: 8/11/2006
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> MaryChristine
> AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
> ICQ: 289856892

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Re: OT: a poem I just wrote

2006-08-15 Thread ETrent

This is wonderful - my feelings exactly...said so well.
In a message dated 8/14/2006 6:41:52 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, 

  Someone on another list was asking about if she should allow her cat to 
  shred her chair. I just had to share my reply with you guys, cause it kinda 
  turned into a poem:
  " My cats have a $300 cat tree scratching post. Yes they use it often.. 
  but they still use the couch too. If you're not to attached to it, I'd say, 
  what's the harm, it's a chair, after all, and chairs are replaceable, and 
  don't have feelings. Cats, on the other hand, are very NON-replaceable, and 
  their time with us is too short to begin with. If it makes them happy, what is 
  a chair or sofa to me, when the happiness of my cat is the goal of my life? 
  It's all in the perspective, of course. Some people are very attached to 
  their material possessions, to the point of cutting off their cat's toes to 
  save the sofa. Personally, I'd rather NOT be in that category of people. 

  So to all the cats I say: "Go forth my sweet kitties, and shred the sofas 
  of life, leave not a sliver of upholstery upon which you have not laid your 
  touch, for until you touched it, it had no meaning to me, with your touch, you 
  brought your own special personality to light upon the material world, and 
  thus improved it. For when you are long passed from this life, and I look 
  fondly in the vision of my mind upon your memories, as I sit upon that 
  shredded sofa, my own tears shall fall upon the same surface as you yourself 
  touched, and together we will be again, if only for a moment, sitting quietly, 
  upon sofa we shared in our own special way. I wont be remembering yelling at 
  you, or squirting you with a water bottle, or taking you in the have your toes 
  cut off. I wont be remembering you running scared from the sound of a rolled 
  up newspaper, from me. I wont be remembering anything but you, in all your 
  feline glory, stretching up in a graceful arch, with the look of pure glee 
  upon your face, and the sound of fabric ripping, as you happily do what comes 
  naturally to you, marking your territory. Only fond memories, will those of 
  you be, to be. "
  Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
  Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
  Needs Cat Resources: 
  shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
  Assistance Program: Shop at 
  GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's 
  Friend, and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it 
  makes so much difference to a sick cat in need!No virus found in 
  this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.405 / 
  Virus Database: 268.10.9/417 - Release Date: 8/11/2006