Re: [Felvtalk] Just wondering-Isn't the purpose of this site for progressive treatment?

2009-10-03 Thread Chris
We all struggle in trying to figure out what's best for our kitties.  And
every day, we have to make decisions that we hope are the right ones.  All
our kitties are different--some can handle more invasive treatments, but for
other kitties, an injection, a transfusion, even a trip in a carrier to a
vet would put so much stress on them that any treatment would likely be

I do read about any new treatment possibilities.  It was on this site that I
first learned about immune regulin, and as it turned out, my own vet uses it
with the FELV + cats he treats.  For my Tucson, it seemed to do the trick on
the 2 occasions that her white blood cell count went down dangerously low.
Was it the immune regulin?  I can't prove that but her count went right back
up.  That doesn't mean it would work for all other cats.  And interferon,
well I opted not to use.  I'm sure it does help but for my Tucson and for
the late great Romeo, the stress alone would have killed them.  

As for newer treatments, I do like some sort of basis for their purported
success.  I did talk to my vet about the newest and he did not recommend, at
this time.  But I'm not in the same situation as you--if I had 6 kitties who
were dying before my eyes, I might have tried it.  

And there is nothing wrong w. putting down a kitty who is suffering.  I have
always regretted waiting a few days too long for my Romeo who it turned out
had a huge lymphoma mass in his chest.  But taking him to vet was incredibly
stressful to him that I held off trying various things and talking to my
vet.  He was having trouble breathing and I should have taken him as soon as
that started instead of waiting a few days

Bottom line, each of our situations is so very different.  I've learned a
tremendous amount from this board and though I don't necessarily follow the
regimens others do, I've learned enough about each option to make what I
hope are informed decisions.  That's what we're all here for.  Conversations
can sometimes get a bit rough but this is an awful disease that takes a lot
out of each of us, emotionally and financially.  We do the best we can and
learn from each other.

Christiane Biagi
Cell:  914-720-6888 
Volunteer-St. Bernard Parish Animal Shelter

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Alice Flowers
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 5:14 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Just wondering-Isn't the purpose of this site for
progressive treatment?

I was directed to this site because of the "Mission Statement" being one of
progressive treatments. I don't understand the negativity towards people who
opt to treat their cats with newer treatments. If you don't want to treat,
that's fine-it's just really mean to knock the people who are treating and
have hope still. I did just lose 4 kitty brothers in the past 6 months-I
only tried to transfuse one...forgive me for wanting him to live. The last
one (at just a year old)  did not get that, but he screamed out while he
panic-ed and couldn't breathe due to all the fluid in his chest-forgive us
for having him euthanized to spare him a few hours of agony. The fluid came
bubbling out his nostrils after his last breath. We probably should have
gone to the movies until he passed. Why are you on a site constantly harping
at and about people who are trying the products that are listed on this site
as showing promise.I don't get it at all-I know you care
 about your pets, why can't you allow us to care for ours? What I do know is
my 2 remaining cats have so much energy now-they beg to play with the laser
pointer, Rosie brings her favorite mousie for us to throw so she can play
fetch-are they suffering?? Quite the opposite, these 2 are having fun
finally! I haven't had a cat in over 12-15 years, then rescued these 6
kittens last year-I didn't have a clue-never even knew anyone with FeLV
cats.  Please forgive me for wanting to learn and try and treat the disease.
I did not expect this site to have all the nasty "cattiness" (ha-ha) of some
of the other sites when I read the website's opening page-have you read it?
Here is a portion of it cut and pasted from the site:
Our mission in presenting the information on these web pages is intended to
help those whose feline babies are not responding to traditional veterinary
methods of treating feline leukemia. People should be forewarned that many
vets are skeptical and will resist using these newer treatments. We urge
folks that encounter such opposition to seek out another vet that is willing
to administer these medications as recommended below. In July of 1997, the
Central States Veterinary Conference held in Kansas City, Missouri held
discussions on these newer methods and were optimistic about their use in
treating FeLV+ cats. For more details on the protocols for these drugs,
please review the book, The 5 minute Veterinary Consulta

Re: [Felvtalk] Just wondering-Isn't the purpose of this site for progressive treatment?

2009-10-03 Thread MaryChristine
as this is clearly directed at me, i'll respond just a little bit.

the mission statement does not refer, i expect, to things with little or no
scientific backing. for the information of those who don't know, i am very
much an adherent of alternative treatments--as a person with disabilities
myself, i use them to keep myself going. there's a huge difference between a
vet who refuses to acknowledge the known advances in their field, which
includes the need to retest FeLVs, how the virus is and isn't transmitted,
etc, and those who care enough to listen to their clients, look into a
treatment or protocol, and decide that there isn't enough evidence to
recommend it.

i lived and worked at a special-needs sanctuary, and at least one hundred of
our FeLVs died during my time there, so any implication that i don't care
for FeLVs or want to save them is both inaccurate and insulting.

what i don't care for, however, is companies that prey upon people's fears
and desperation.

i would LOVE to find out that LCTI really helps with FeLVs, but i don't know
that it does, because there is just not enough evidence. it's been around
for years now, so it's not a new product, just new to imulan. had imulan's
business and marketing practices been different, i would be more comfortable
with seeing people spending a great deal of money on an unproven treatment.
essentially, i don't want folks to be given false hope.

if you think that's mean, i'm sorry.

yes, this is my opinion. my considered opinion, after speaking with many
many professionals, and using my own education and experience.


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference

Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue (
Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team)
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Interferon, etc

2009-10-03 Thread Lorrie

I'm sorry this came across as santimonious and unkind.
I sincerely believe we all do the very best we can for 
the cats we LOVE and care for.


On 10-02, Jane Lyons wrote:
> Lorrie wrote:
> Thank you for asking people in the group to look into their hearts
> to see if these treatments are for the cat or for themselves because
> they want to keep the cat alive no matter what it has to endure.
> This is an unkind and sanctimonious remark, Lorrie. I hope you are  
> kinder to the cats you "care" for.
> Jane
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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