the kittens just might work with your terrified one.  a couple of times Lil Bit 
 (who is afraid ofeveryone else) has gotten caught in father's room with the 
babies and she just seems mildly peterbed with them, but allows them to sleep 
curled up next to her.  Harley, the boy loves to be hld all the time or to play 
with the curser on the screen.  he is fascinated with the computer screen, all 
those colors and shapes.  the girl finally has a name - Dee as in Harley D.  
she also has a good motor.  right now, Harley is inside my shirt, going to 
sleep.  bye now and good luck with your babies.  dorlis
---- Diane Rosenfeldt <> wrote: 
> Dorlis --
> LOL, I feel your pain! The same thing happened to me, I took in a couple
> ferals that I had helped a friend catch in her back yard, COMPLETELY meant
> to give them to the Wisconsin Humane Society for adoption after they were
> socialized, but when push came to shove I worried too much that they would
> be separated because they are such buddies to each other, and I worried
> about the girl because she is pitch black, etc. So now we have 2 kittens in
> a household of 4 older cats. We named the kits Dumbledore and McGonagall (we
> might have named them differently if we'd meant to keep them! It's really
> hard to call them!). We are stunned at how easily they have integrated into
> the household -- while rambunctious, they are very polite and respectful to
> the others, and Dumbles clearly adores our elder, 17-year-old, Luc. Luc gets
> annoyed when the kits impede his progress but there's never anything more
> than a put-out "mew!" and a little slap. Even Tribble, our resident
> psychopath, is tolerant of stuff from them he would never put up with from
> the others, and in turn the kittens don't do the "OMG, is THAT the time?"
> kind of thing that the other cats do when Tribble approaches them. We have
> one cat who stays upstairs behind a screen door because he is so terrified
> of the downstairs cats, and we want to try him with the kittens. He's
> upstairs alone most of the day, and he likes having people around, so we're
> hoping the kits would be good company for him. 
> Diane 
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 1:24 PM
> To:
> Cc: Crystal Proper
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Nibbler Has Gone On - Please Add To CLS
> Crystal, you never really get used t him not being there.  I lost 2 of my 19
> year olds last February an I still half expect to see them coing to greet me
> in the morning.  But new furbabies came to fill my life and heart.  I had 6
> and 2 weeks ago, God gave me 2 crazy babies. He always knows when you need
> another to love, so be on the lookout, 1 or 2 will show up.  I had planned
> to foster them until the vet found a good home for them, even tried not
> naming them.  Didn't work.  The boy is Harley D because he has a motor that
> sounds like a Harley.  Still working on the girl.  She has circles on both
> sides and 2 stripes down her back.  she is a tortoise calico.  One more week
> and they will be old eough for their shots which tey have to have since I
> have 2 positives.  In the meantime, they are demolishing my father's
> bedroom.  In the mantime, remember that Nibbler has no more pain.  My
> prayers for you.  Dorlis
> ---- Crystal Proper <> wrote: 
> > Just wanted to let everyone know we had to let Nibbler go today.
> > It was the hardest thing I have ever done.
> > I'm not sure how I am going to get used to him not greeting me every
> morning and getting to say goodnight to him in front of the fireplace.
> > 
> > Thanks everyone that has helped with my questions about him.
> > Crystal
> > 
> > 
> >       
> > 
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