---- Lee Evans <> wrote: 
> Definitely agree with you Margo. Even for humans. My mom used to toss all 
> sorts of herbal pills and capsules at me to improve anything and everything. 
> It improved mostly nothing. However, I do use echinacea on occasion when I 
> think I have been exposed to the flu or some other icky virus. However, there 
> is a holistic homeopathic/allopathic veterinarian in my area who has at times 
> treated a cat or two of mine with herbal medications, but under close 
> supervision and with the warning that if I see anything that worries me to 
> phone him right away. This is OK because he uses herbs just like he would use 
> any other medication. Incidentally I would not trust Dr. Becker to treat a 
> cockroach. Snake oil anyone?

> From: Margo <>
>Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 6:22 AM
>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] ringworm
>         I avoid any and all essential oils for cats. Dogs and humans can 
>metabolize them, cats can't. They lack a liver enzyme needed to process the 
>oils. I get very annoyed seeing substances containing essential oils touted as 
>"safe" for cats because they're "natural".
>         Cinnamon oil is particularly high in phenols, which are considered 
>harmful to cats.
>         This is from a site that SELLS essential oils, but states some are 
>not safe for cats.
>         This is my favorite site addressing the use of essential oils around 
>cats, and again, they sell them...
>         I use Advantage on my non-FeLV cats and their dogfriends, and it 
>seems to keep the flea population under control on everyone.
>         It's up to each catslave what they choose to control those annoying 
>little bloodsuckers, but just thought I'd give another point of view. Natural 
>does not mean safe.
>-----Original Message-----
>>Sent: Aug 28, 2013 11:35 PM
>>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] ringworm
>>I don't like the commercial flea drops at all. My cats have all had a 
>>reaction to them.  I found an herbal one on Dr. Becker's site (Mercola site). 
>> It has cinnamon and other "natural" ingredients.  The cats were not too 
>>happy with it at first, I think mostly because the cinnamon smell is pretty 
>>strong when it first goes on, but at least they have not had any adverse 
>>reactions to it.  This includes my remaining FELV, Annie.
>>---- wrote: 
>>> I just wanted to share that I put Advantage-multi drops on my felv+ cat, 
>>Pookie, in june and a week later there appear 1 then 2 puffy lumps on 
>>his back between his spine. They disappeared after a few weeks after 
>>intense intervention with syringe feeding of vitamins and nutrients. He 
>>then went into a period of running a fever and not eating or drinking. 
>>He was placed on Baytril for two weeks. The fever left and he started to 
>>eat and drink, but then developed a mouth sore. So he wasn't eating or 
>>drinking again. I have learned to be very sure when pilling that the 
>>pill actually goes down. I suspect one was lodged under his tongue and 
>>may have caused the mouth sore. I finally took him to a holistic vet and 
>>she has been giving him acupuncture. Within 24 hours he was eating and 
>>drinking again. She said the toughest needle to get in was in his nose 
>>(controls appetite), but he went from running a temp to a cold nose in 
>>one day. I also gave him some "Clin drops" leftover from another cats 
>>mouth abcess for a few days. His mouth sore healed. He has had 3 
>>acupunture treatments and is back to his old self. He is also getting 
>>some immune support herbs - one is called Wei Qi. He is 6 1/2 and has 
>>fought off the virus before when he was 2. I just want to caution others 
>>that these flea preps are strong and may not be good for Felv+ kitties. 
>>On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Lee Evans wrote:
>>> With FeLv+ cats or any cats for that matter, it's always good to get 
>>> the vet's opinion on what shampoo to use or not. Remember that some 
>>> residue of the shampoo may be absorbed through the cat's skin. If you 
>>> want to know more about cat diseases (or cattle, pig, horse, rabbit or 
>>> anything disases) you can go to and click on The 
>>> Merck Veterinary Manual. They list everything there. It's really 
>>> wonderful. If you want to know about a particular medication you are 
>>> told to use, go to and type "cat medication" in the 
>>> search area. Everything is listed in alphabetical order. You will 
>>> discover that Malaseb is for dogs and horses. You might want to hold 
>>> off using this on a cat or kitten. Ketochlor and other shampoos that 
>>> begin with Keto- should be used only under the recommendation of a 
>>> veterinarian. This one forms a coating of the substance on the cat's 
>>> skin and lasts long after the shampoo has been used, according to the
>>>  information on
>>> I'm not sure that shampooing a cat is for everyone. I tried it once or 
>>> twice. What I got was a mass of soap bubbles and foam with ears and 
>>> eyes, racing around the house, screaching and snarling. Getting a cat 
>>> to stand around for 5 to 10 minutes while the shampoo works, as 
>>> advised in the information, is sooo not realistic. If you do want to 
>>> shampoo, notify your next of kin first. Incidentally, it was a flea 
>>> shampoo I used on an adult cat who was usually Mr. Charming but turned 
>>> into a vampire the minute the water and soap hit him. This was before 
>>> I found out about Capstar and Frontline Plus, many moons ago.
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: Catherine Chang <>
>>>> To: Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 11:48 
>>>> PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] ringworm
>>>> Hi felv friends,
>>>> I was away from emails for several days, so I am not sure whether 
>>>> bathing options has been mentioned in this thread about ringworm. If 
>>>> they been mentioned, please skip this email. If not, here they are:
>>>> I know 2 shampoos can eliminate ringworm very effectively by just 
>>>> bathing the cat (or just his/her infected area) twice a week. 
>>>> 1. Malaseb shampoo: it contains 2% Miconazole which can treat 
>>>> ringworm very effectively. It is available on Amazon. 2. Nizoral 
>>>> Shampoo: it is a human dandruff shampoo made with Ketoconazole. The 
>>>> 1% version can be obtained in drug stores. Although taking 
>>>> Ketoconazole by mouth could make cat lethargy, such side effect is 
>>>> less seen when only using it by bathing as far as I know. There is 
>>>> also a pet version of 2% Ketoconazole shampoo, but you will need a 
>>>> prescription to get that.
>>>> hope it helps.
>>>> catherine
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