Re: [Felvtalk] How is everyone doing?

2015-09-24 Thread Marsha
Brock is doing well.  No FeLV symptoms at this time, stable with his 
restrictive cardiomyopathy (5 heart meds, 2 supplements).  He will get 
his next checkup next week.
I was sweeping and found one of Harley's favorite toys, which made me 
cry.  Harley passed on May 15 of this year of cancer in the ear/jaw 
region.  I think Brock was a little annoyed that I removed the cot 
(canvas was separating from frame, threatening to drop me onto the 
floor!), and replaced it with the zero-g lounger, moved from elsewhere.  
He likes his routine of playing/grooming/snoozing on the cot next to 
me.  He likes lounger time too, BUT!  Maybe I should just get a rollaway 
bed for him.  Us.  LOL.


On 9/24/2015 8:21 AM, wrote:


 simon95  wrote:

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Testing the list

2015-09-24 Thread dlgegg

 simon95  wrote: 
> Were can i get these winstrol tablets from?

Sent from Samsung Mobile

 Original message From: Amani Oakley 
 Date:2015/09/21  19:55  (GMT+01:00) 
To: Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] 
Testing the list 
Hi Grace
Obviously it may be that nothing will work for Bella, but I suggest the 
Winstrol because there is very little downside risk. I am a firm believer in 
the Winstrol because I can’t tell you the number of times I have been told that 
a particular condition cannot be treated (and I have confirmed it on line 
through my own research) and the Winstrol has come through. If for nothing else 
but an excellent appetite stimulant, I find that when I get the cats on 
Winstrol and they start to feel better and to eat, then obviously they are in a 
better condition to fight the problem. However, I was a medical laboratory 
technologist and have a very strong scientific background, so I also studied 
the effects of the Winstrol through the blood work we regularly did on our 
cats. You could literally see the changes in the blood work, week to week, and 
it made a believer out of our vets as well. After all, it wasn’t then just me 
saying I thought they looked better. The blood work clearly demonstrated the 
effect that the medication was having.
With Zander, when I would taper off the Winstrol, his red cell production would 
begin to fall. Thankfully, the red cell numbers usually stayed within the 
normal  range, though low, but we would check his gums and the pads of his feet 
and I would put him back on the Winstrol if I noticed him getting pale. Once 
back on the Winstrol, we would get the bump up we needed in his blood work, and 
we just kept going with this cycle.
That doesn’t mean it will work for Bella, but I doubt it can hurt to try. The 
pills I get are very small so they are easy to get down a cat’s throat. Also, 
because of what I saw as a pretty quick effect, I could usually notice a 
difference in a few days.
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of grace 
Sent: September-21-15 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Testing the list
Bella is only four years old.
Last year I gave her the VIRBAGEN OMEGA
All her blood work was perfect .
Now she is just shutting down.
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Amani 
Sent: 21 September 2015 19:16
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Testing the list
Hi Katherine
See my email regarding use of Winstrol. I tried LTCI injections on our little 
boy, while monitoring him extremely closely with weekly blood work. The LTCI 
did absolutely nothing for him, though we tried it for at least six months. As 
soon as I put him on the Winstrol, and again, running weekly blood work, his 
red blood cell numbers began to climb – and I mean within days of starting the 
medication. They continued to climb, as did his platelets which had also been 
running low. His reticulocyte count (measuring new red cell production) also 
went up, and it had been at almost zero for more than 8 months before the 
Winstrol. We had given him several blood transfusions because he just wasn’t 
producing any red cells himself.
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
Katherine K.
Sent: September-21-15 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Testing the list
We are hanging in there. My 2.5 year old, Jazz just went for his annual check 
up and weighed in at 13.5 lbs! He's quite healthy. My 12-13 yr old cat Krammer 
used to weight that much but has lost 2 lbs since May unfortunately, and is now 
down to 9.5 lbs. He is on a low dose of Prednisolone to stimulate appetite. I'm 
debating whether to buy more LTCI injections - he's had them monthly for the 
past 2 years but they're just so costly and hard to measure if they actually do 
anything.  Sigh.
On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 10:56 AM, Jennifer Lewis  wrote:
All good here. Brynn seems as healthy as can be...
Jennifer L
On Sep 21, 2015, at 7:52 AM, James G Wilson wrote:

> Hey all,
> Just testing the list. There hasn't been any traffic in
> awhile. Hope everyone and their little ones are doing well.
> Best wishes.
> James G Wilson -
> (217) 816-8680 (cell)
> (Weather for Springfield, IL)
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Big Pharma

2015-09-24 Thread dlgegg

 simon95  wrote: 
> Bella finally ate today she is on
Mirtazapine 15mg: 1/4 tab every 4 days. Omeprazole 20mg: 1/2caps daily. 
Motilium tabs 10mg:1/4 twice daily.
Prednisolone 3/4 twice daily
Fortekor 5mg 1/2 daily
And 120ml drip everyday.
I am keeping her cosy and giving her loads of kisses and she is purring her 
heart out 
I will talk to my vet about the winstrol maybe he can check it out.

Sent from Samsung Mobile

 Original message From: Kelley S 
 Date:2015/09/22  19:09  (GMT+01:00) 
To: felvtalk  Subject: Re: 
[Felvtalk] Big Pharma 
I really wish I could see the initial posts..I've been complaining about 
this for a while and not gotten any suggestions

On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 12:07 PM, Amani Oakley  wrote:
I don't disagree with that sentiment, but I have to tell you that Winstrol is 
not "big pharma". In fact, one of my frustrations is that there is a medication 
out there which has proven itself to be extremely beneficial in treating a 
lethal condition in cats, and yet most vets either don't know about it or don't 
prescribe it. Winstrol, and other anabolic steroids, have been blackballed by 
the scientific community because they hane been used as a performance enhancing 
drug by athletes. Some of you who follow these things will recall that it was 
Winstrol (Stanozolol) which was found in Canadian Ben Johnson's samples which 
got him stripped of the gold medal in running in the 1988 Olympics. Frankly, I 
don't understand why this association with illegal use in athletes should mean 
that the scientific community as a whole refuses to look at the effectiveness 
of this group of drugs. Moreover, looking at the scientific studies that do 
exist makes it clear that there are no solid studie
 s linking the use of these drugs to the many scary side effects the public 
always hears about. Even if side effects do exist (as they do with virtually 
every drug out there) athletes abuse these drugs by using them in huge doses 
and "stacked" in combination with all kinds of other drugs, so this is hardly 
reflective of how these drugs are supposed to be used, or would be used in a 
medical context.

We aren't professional athletes, and many cats the world over are suffering 
from lethal conditions like leukemia, and yet, instead of being told that there 
MAY be a medication that could help (and I'm not of course saying it always 
does), we are instead routinely told there is nothing we can do but watch our 
babies fade away from the infection.

It is obvious that Winstrol is not on the "Big Pharma" approved list because it 
is difficult to obtain, even from the vets, and they are pretty skeptical about 
it, so it certainly isn't a medication which is being "pushed" or promoted by 
"Big Pharma". With Zander, when he recovered from what was clearly a death 
spiral (his PCV was 5% and he couldn't move, and couldn't breathe without an 
oxygen tent over his head), and even though I had meticulously run and 
collected his blood work both before and after the use of Winstrol, some vets 
started to question whether he had had leukemia in the first place. So, when 
the medication works when it isn't supposed to, then the vets start saying that 
maybe he wasn't dying after all.

I tried Winstrol on Zander out of sheer desperation. When we were told he 
couldn't have any more blood transfusions because he had reacted to his second 
one, we were giving him the LTCI injections and following his blood work 
closely. The LTCI was doing nothing and I was watching his PCV drop lower and 
lower again. When it reached 10 (after a high of only about 16 after the blood 
transfusions), I knew I was going to lose him soon with no other options 
available (after scouring the internet and speaking to experts everywhere). I 
literally went through the drawer I keep all the cat medications for all the 
emergency cat fostering I do, and I found Winstrol. It had been given to me 
years before by another vet for a cat with FIP, but the cat had passed away so 
quickly, I had had no time to even try the medication. I remembered that the 
vet had said that the Winstrol MAY help to stimulate appetite and make the cat 
feel better. I had nothing else so I figured, what the hell, and use
 d it on Zander. I expected NOTHING. Three days later, I noticed this very very 
slight blush on his so-pale gums, and I was pretty sure I was making it up 
because I was so desperate. I showed my husband. He too thought he saw 
something but both of us figured we were just so desperate for a miracle that 
we were hallucinating. We took Zander to the vets that Saturday for bloodwork, 
and his PCV came back at 12. We couldn't believe it and obviously remained 
skeptical. But week after week, the PCV climbed steadily until it was in the 
30's, and he was eating and playing long before that.

I don't think it is a miracle cure at all, but I do think it is a very good 
option for leukemia, and I remain frustrated that t