Re: [Felvtalk] Gilbert

2017-06-13 Thread dlgegg
I am keeping my vet up to date on things that have worked in the past for other 
FELV kitties so she can add them to her arsenal and study them on her own.  I 
am so glad to have found someone who is willing to work with me and at least 
check it out for herself.  

 Ardy Robertson  wrote: 
> I am probably a little late responding – I didn’t check my emails for a few 
> days, but I used buprenorphine on my Tigger also for his pain. One night 
> during the night he came running and jumped up in bed with us and was showing 
> signs of pain. I cut the dose in fourths, so I was giving him the smallest 
> amount that would work, and I gave it to him in a syringe without the needle 
> part. He seemed to ask for it. It did not make him drowsy, and worked very 
> fast.
> Ardy
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
> Sheri Burbridge
> Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2017 1:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Gilbert
> Thank you for loving him so hard during his last days. It will undoubtedly be 
> difficult to see him go but it's the price we pay to give them the quality of 
> life they deserve. 
> My Mo was on buprenorphine in his last week. It was in little syringes that 
> went right on the gums/tongue, maybe it would help? It can make them sleepy 
> but I don't think it put him in a stupor.
> I hope you find something to help him, it's so hard to see them struggle.
> On Thu, Jun 8, 2017, 1:04 PM   > wrote:
> While you are away from home, you could place pillows or soft mats around his 
> favorite up high places in case he falls and block off stairs.  This way he 
> could still be free to roam.  I hope you will find some meds for him and he 
> can be close to you when the time comes.  As for not getting attached, that 
> is impossible.  Five minutes after they are with you, you have lost.  God b e 
> with you both and give him a peaceful passing.
> wrote:
> > My latest boy Gilbert... who is not FeLV but does have a Cancerous
> Tumor behind his Right eye that is extending into his jaw and mouth, is
> beginning to show signs of pain ( periodically bats at his jaw with his
> paw and rubs his eye and jaw repeatedly against objects...eating is off
> and he shifts food to the left side of his mouth and uses rocking
> motions of his head to chew rather than opening and closing his jaw
> I have a couple of suboxone syringes left and I'm sure I can get the
> shelter to prescribe pain meds ( I'm fostering him for them) but wanted
> to ask you folks what you all have used in the past for pain control or
> amelioration  I don't want the guy to hurt but don't want him to
> have to spend all his days in a stupor either as he is not , apparently,
> in such constant pain that he is not interested in appreciating the day
> or exploring a little bit.  As predicted I am going to be
> heartbroken when he passes I thought that knowing in advance that I
> was taking a dying cat I might be less prone to intense attachment but
> apparently I am not built that way this boy is one of the sweetest,
> gentlest cats I have ever met all he wants is to be near
> sit on laps and to be petted ( perhaps being Brain damaged affected the
> " ignore" center in his brain : )...  The fact that his balance is a
> little off and he ofen holds his head at an odd angle just adds to the
> affection I feel for this brave guy ( Yeah, I know... it's built into
> his  genetics to survive but there is still something courageous about
> watching this boy non complainingly doing his best to make do...   Have
> any of you used meds that helped with pain that did not completely put
> your cats into a stupor   I'm worried about my boy because he is
> already less than able with his balance and I am not always home...
> would like for him not to hurt himself attempting to jump on something
> and missisng..   Ultimately I could keep him confined to a "safe"
> room... but that is a last resort thing. I took him from the shelter
> so that he would not be confined and would like him to have free rein
> for as long as I can.
> Thanks for any experiences you might be able to contribute
> Bob
> >
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] Pain Meds for Gilbert....

2017-06-13 Thread dlgegg
Just like in human medicine, things help one problem and cause another.  It 
seems to come down to which problem is the worst or least bad.  Just read in 
Mercola about gene editing to change a person's genetic code.  There are 
unwanted edits which can be harmful.  To make a decision for our babies, is 
hard.  If I had been able to stop Annie's pain, I think I would have done 
anything, but at what cost to her.  It is like giving steroids to stop knee 
pain.  They dissolve bone and cause so many other problems, it is not worth it. 
 I found that out when the dr gave me the shots in my knees.  My blood sugar 
shot up to 700 for about 3 days.  I now take hyaleuronic injections that do not 
affect my blood sugar.  In fact they don't seem to have any side effects.  They 
cost almost twice as much but last for 6 months so the cost comes out the same. 
 I just wish they could talk so they could tell us when and where  they hurt, 
but their instinct is to hide pain so predators will not know they are disabled 
in any way.  


Thank you for all the responses re: pain meds  I was hoping there 
was something out there that I hadn't heard about ( actually there are 
many but I was hoping for first hand experience)... The shelter is 
mulling over providing Buprenorphine... but.. in the meantime I got them 
to reinstate his prednisolone ( which is seemingly already 
helpingHOPE it continues to do so)...  Wondering if anyone had used 
larger doses than 5mg BID..
This is a cat  that probably doesn't have a long time to go but one 
never knows  I don't want to play " fast and loose"  with his other 
organ systems by giving to much of a a steroid... Yes... I want him 
comfortable but it would be awful if the tumor receded and I ended up 
screwing up his remaining days with Cushings or Severe Diabetes...  I 
did a rather extensive overview of pain meds for Cats today and found it 
very hard to obtain definitive information  Probably need to go to 
original Vet Sources  Sure hope kitties have natural endorphins that 
keep their pain levels lower because it is DAMN hard to find stuff that 
will help their pain
BTW...  I gave him a little alprazolam the other night when he was in 
REAL pain ( prior to redosing with Pred)
He had a paradoxical reaction at first ( acting kitten like and climbing 
things he had NO business being on ...considering that the drug had 
completely screwed up his balance...  He acted like a drunk essentially 
until enough time passed that he could sleep it off ( which he did most 
of the next day)... On the plus side.. he was not in obvious pain for at 
least 10 hours!!...  

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