Re: Fw: Kelly Saveika hearing..........

2007-12-12 Thread Unusually Unique
This kind of garbage is exactly the reason I unsubscribed from this list.  
Which I might add, the only messages I seem to be getting is this crap.  I just 
unsubscribed for the SECOND time!  

- Original Message 
From: Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 10:09:19 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Kelly Saveika hearing..

And why is it on this list?
I would ask the moderator to declare a moratorium on this topic.  It has 
nothing to do with FeLV and has degenerated into a flaming war.

MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
glenda, dear, exactly who and what gives you permission to post things that are 
supposedly private communications to me? 

On Dec 12, 2007 11:47 AM, glenda Goodman < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   From: Sheila Smith 
>   Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2007 7:28 PM
>   Subject: Fwd: Kelly Saveika hearing..
>   I just saw this post. Oh well, I am going to let
> it slide b/c I have bigger fish to fry, but... you
> are very good at cut and paste.  I  mean you managed 
> the gist of it ok..  I AM watching you. Remember ARC
> in Midlothian, Tx and the hundreds of cats that
> suffered and died in the name of "rescue"?  Years of
> being tied up in court and $40K later, but it was 
> the best money I ever spent b/c it was FOR the
> animals.
>   I thought if there are still any open minded
> people still left on this list you would like to
> know the disposition of some of the fifteen cats we 
> rescued.
>   Five have been adopted including one (Cinderella)
> I adopted myself and two that were adopted by Susan,
>  six are going to barn placement, two will go to
> Best Friends, two are still too weak to place and 
> are recovering from the effects of poor nutrition
> and dehydration (one of which had to have surgery)
> according to their veterinarian- although their
> prognosis is now good.
>   On another note, I really do hope you all do go 
> back to the focus of feline leukemia. I think this
> group must have had great focus at one time- I
> joined initially b/c I thought it did and b/c I felt
> I had a lot to offer the group b/c of my extensive 
> experience w/ feline leukemia and b/c of my husbands
> participation in national boards. etc.  I was
> excited to hear from other people across the country
> that had experience with feline leukemia. 
>   I really do hope the very best for all of you and
> I hope you all do really good things for the animals
> in your care. I hope you all will remember this
> though. You are the animals advocate. You are not 
> the caretaker's advocate at the end of the day.
> While we all wish good things for the caretakers and
> we worry about anyone burning out and we offer
> mentoring, guidance and help, in the end there are 
> multiple resources for people. There are nurses,
> doctors, mental health experts, counseling. you name
> it. BUT.. For the animals they abused, there is only
> YOU.
>   You are bound to speak for THEM- the dead cats in 
> the closets- no one else will.
>   Best,
>   Sheila Smith
>   Austin, Tx


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Re: detailed video of seizure -- for Michael

2007-12-07 Thread Unusually Unique
How do I unsubscribe from this Merry-Go-Round?  I'm sick of reading about you 
people slapping at each other.

- Original Message 
From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 6, 2007 4:59:20 PM
Subject: RE: detailed video of seizure -- for Michael

Ditto from me.  Belinda has said nothing inflammatory.  Susan takes care of 

"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm not going to get involved in the Kelley situation---enough people are 
involved as it is. 
But, Michael, you need to know that you are so, so wrong to say what you do 
about Belinda. You couldn't be more wrong. 
Having read numerous of Belinda's posts over the years I have nothing but 
enormous respect for her and her knowledge of caring for cats and leukemia cats 
in particular. I was one FeLV newbie who was hugely grateful in the early days, 
when I knew nothing about the disease, that she belongs to this list.
But she doesn't just "belong":
For me, two facts in particular demonstrate her commitment: One, Belinda is a 
co-founder of this group (which for many years was the most wonderfully 
supportive and generous list anyone could hope to belong to -- it's been very 
sad and quite remarkable to see what just one person's ill-conceived remarks 
can do to start the ball rolling in the opposite direction. The group is a 
shambles now; I won't disagree with that).
Two, Belinda initiated and maintains the Candlelight Service. When 4 of my FeLV 
cats succumbed over time to the disease, being able to memorialize them on the 
list was the most wonderful comfort (and still is). I have Belinda to thank for 
that, as many of us do. 
Kerry M.

Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: detailed video of seizure

You know, I'm going to try and breathe and count to ten before I respond to 
this post.  Actually, no, I don't think I will.  I posted an emotionally 
neutral, nonspecific post in response to that rubbish you've been spouting off, 
and you attack me. Prepare thyself for my response.  You, and a couple of 
others on this list, seem to try and bully everyone else into thinking the way 
you do.  I don't think you have the cat's best interest at heart.  I think you 
have your "clique" in your sights, the people you like for whatever reason, and 
the hell with everything else, including the facts.

Does this group not have a moderator?  I assure you, as small as my group is, 
this kind of thing is not and would not be tolerated.  You have been so 
negative.  Both here and on other lists we are both on.  I don't get it.  I 
don't understand how this type of behavior is benefitting you. What do you get 
out of it?

How the hell is it so easy to look over the fact that a judge agreed with 
animal control on the situation?  Contrary to what you want to believe, I 
seriously doubt animal control had a vendetta against Kelly.  Or anyone else 
for thatmatter.  I don't know who the hell you think you are, but let me state 
very clearly for you I don't personlly care what you, or anyone else on this 
list who defends that type of hoarding, says or thinks about me. My *only* 
concern is for the safety, health and welfare of ALL of God's little 
creatures...what you think of me for that is of no consequence to me. Quite 
frankly, you're  just not important enough to matter. How dare you call *me* 
naive?  What's funny to me is you choose to be so damn conspiracy theorist as 
to say "the judge is corrupt, animal control is corrupt, the news is corrupt, 
they're all out to get poor little Kelly"  Jesus, Lady.  What kind of world are 
you living! in?  You can stand by whatever you want
 to.  I hope that email you sent to Jim gets some attention, indeed, because I 
absolutely will be unsubscribing after this.  I don't need to have to listen to 
people like you.  I have enough of a real life and real issues to deal with 
without putting up with this insanity.

It is NOT ok for someone to use this group as a fundraising campaign, and then 
have two (all I've seen so far is two, that should tell you something) people 
defending her and trying to crush any opposing viewpoint.  You think that shows 
maturity to email the list owner and ask on a public forum for someone to be 
removed because you don't like them?   I'll copy the list owner as well, just 
so I'll feel important and special too.  You can believe whoever you want and 
whatever you want, but so far the evidence has been provided by animal control 
and not Kelly (at least I haven't seen any pictures of a clean house either, 
have you?)  I don't know Sheila, or Susan personally, but I know Sheila's 
sanctuary took in 15 of the cats.  What have YOU Done to help the situation 
other than spout off?

Ya know what, bottom line is there are too many other useful sources of 
information out the

Re: OT Thanksgiving

2007-11-26 Thread Unusually Unique
That's the best present anybody could ask for

- Original Message 
From: Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2007 10:21:16 AM
Subject: OT Thanksgiving

Hi Guys
Thanksgiving day was somewhat special for me. Maybe not. Check the link below 
and take a look at what was left on my truck after we got back from visiting my 
mom. I just happened to go outside this was about 8:30pm and saw the box(see 
picture). In this day and age I was a bit frightened and got Eric to come to 
the door while I investigated. 
Curious check out this link.

Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little 
Black, Lily, Daisy, Silver, and  Spike  Visit my BB for some pictures post your 
as well.


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Re: We are having issues

2007-11-09 Thread Unusually Unique
>From what I understand through my research, an essense will only work if the 
>correct emotional state is detected.  Rescue Remedy is targeted for those 
>individuals or animals going through an emotional or physical shock.  The Vine 
>Essense is targeted towards domination, aggression and control issues.  
>There's a whole slew of essenses for a whole slew of symptoms.  Here's another 
>good article on what essenses do what.  

The nutritionist at Good Earth and I actually discussed at some length what 
Waco's symptoms where, what he was doing, what he was not doing, trying to nail 
down what was really going on with him.   I'm going back to purchase that book 
we were looking at.  It might help me with Yota.  She and I will be visiting a 
homopatic vet next week since there are no holistic vets around here.  In fact 
there is only 1 holistic vet in the State of Utah that I can find.  Anyway, 
wish me luck.

- Original Message 
From: Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 9, 2007 12:42:05 PM
Subject: RE: We are having issues

This sounds similar to the "Rescue Remedy" discussions we have had on this list 
before (see the archives).  I use RR on my cats sometimes and on myself- a lot. 
 But some people say it doesn't work for their cats.  If RR hasn't worked for 
your cat(s) tho, what Unusually Unique is suggesting is along the same lines.  
RR is a combination of certain flower essences, whereas this is suggesting the 
use of one, targeted essence.  This is the kind of thing a Holistic Vet would 
do for you- evaluate the situation and the cats and recommend a treatment, 
which would most likely involve an essence like this, among other things.  I 
say try it.  Along those lines, if you have a holistic vet at your disposal, 
you may want to try that route.  I find mine was the best at evaluating/taking 
into consideration the behavioral traits and personality of the cat.  They will 
also do an exam to make sure that it's not being caused by anything physical, 
such as is suggested in this
 email.  You may want to consult with one if that is available to you.  My 
holistic vet was the only one out of the whole troupe that treated Monkee that 
ever looked at Monkee and instantly took in his personality and "life force."  
When I first went to her, I thought she might be a snake oil saleswoman, but 
her instant understanding of the cat I'd had for 4 years, upon just meeting 
him, amazed me and won me over.  Although I still lost Monkee shortly after 
that, I will never NOT sing the praises of this vet.  If you have no success 
trying an essence on your own, you may want to look at holistic vets.   

Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 08:01:54 -0800
Subject: Re: We are having issues

I'm new here but I think I might be able to help.  I was having a similar issue 
with my kids.  Waco, 9 yr old siamese who we are pretty sure is FeLV+ started 
getting real aggressive with 2 of my other weaker, sick cats.  Yota, 8 yr old 
siamese, FeLV+ and Jake, 14 yr old orange tabby with an injured paw.  I've been 
doing a lot of research into holistic treatments of FeLV because I had 2 vets 
tell me there is nothing that can be done for Yota (lympathic leukemia).  I was 
at Good Earth (the natural/herb store) and was talking with a very nice sales 
lady and I happened to mention Waco's aggressive behavior.  She suggested using 
a flower essense called "Vine Essence".  According to the book we were looking 
at it helps with "domination" issues.  It helps cats who feel the need to pick 
on weaker, sick or smaller cats.  She suggested putting it in their water or 
diliuting it and rubbing it on their ears when getting some luvs from you.  She 
also told me that it
 would not affect the other cats if I put it in their water.  The essenses only 
affect the one with "issues".  I also found an article that might help you if 
this is something your considering : .  All I 
know is that I used it and it worked.  Now when Waco starts playing "I AM ALPHA 
CAT"  I either rub some on his ears or put a couple of drops in his liquid 
vitamins and all that goes in a dropper straight down the hatch!  And I hate to 
say this but you might have Penelope checked out.  She could be sick or having 
issues your not aware of yet.  Usually the alpha cats will harrass the weak or 
sick.  Out in the wild these animals would be killed by the alpha.  Just 
something to think about.
Also, I was wondering what if any kind of treatments are you giving your FeLV+ 

- Original Message 

Re: We are having issues

2007-11-09 Thread Unusually Unique
Your welcome, but you know all the lady at the natural/herb store said was add 
a few drops to their water or get a small dropper bottle (the kind cat 
medicines usually come in) add a few drops to that and fill the rest with 
spring water.  The whole holistic approach is based on no-contaminates in food 
or water.  Personally I didn't have any bottled water on hand so I used (yuk!) 
tap water.  Then just take that and rub some on the ears.  Or take the dropper 
and dribble some in the mouth.  

I've been making adjustments since then and I have been giving both Waco and 
Yota a specialized vitamin formula I make myself and just added the drops to 
that along with a few drops of crab apple essense for cleansing.  I like to put 
it all together so that I can miminize the number of times I have to stick a 
dropper in their mouth.  But with them being sick I'm paranoid that they won't 
get enough of the immune system building vitamins or the cell rebuilding 
vitamins if I put it in the food for all the cats.

- Original Message 
Sent: Friday, November 9, 2007 12:20:53 PM
Subject: Re: We are having issues

Thanks for the response, Unusually_Unique!  I'll certainly try it.  What is the 
recommended dosage if you add it to their water?  I'm sure you can't really 
"overdose" persay, but with the FeLV, I like to be as cautious and careful as 

I have two FeLV positives, and two negatives.  One of the negatives is mixed 
with the two positives as they have been together long before I knew of Poppy 
and Bella's diagnosis.  The fourth is a rescue I recently took in and have him 
in my sunroom (where he seems to be perfectly content).  As for treatments, 
right now my primary focus is high quality dry foods (Innova EVO) supplemented 
with L-Lysine (500mg daily) and Missing Link Veterinary Formula.  The 
supplements are mixed in Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys wet food morning and night.

I looked at and considered the antiretrovirals (ImmunoRegulin, Inferferon 
Alpha), and after consideration (and the advice of four different vets, 
including two from the UT College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital) 
decided to hold off on treating with them with the drugs until the girls are 
symptomatic.  I have no idea how long they've been positive, but they've never 
had any symptoms at all.  We just happend to find the FeLV during their routine 

-Original Message-
From: laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 1:14 pm
Subject: Re: We are having issues

THANK-YOU UU, I have these issues here and have been at my wit's end.
- Original Message - 
From: Unusually Unique 
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: We are having issues

I'm new here but I think I might be able to help.  I was having a similiar 
issue with my kids.  Waco, 9 yr old siamese who we are pretty sure is FeLV+ 
started getting real aggressive with 2 of my other weaker, sick cats.  Yota, 8 
yr old siamese, FeLV+ and Jake, 14 yr old orange tabby with an injured paw.  
I've been doing a lot of research into holistic treatments of FeLV because I 
had 2 vets tell me there is nothing that can be done for Yota (lympathic 
leukemia).  I was at Good Earth (the natural/herb store) and was talking with a 
very nice sales lady and I happened to mention Waco's aggressive behavior.  She 
suggested using a flower essense called "Vine Essence".  According to the book 
we were looking at it helps with "domination" issues.  It helps cats who feel 
the need to pick on weaker, sick or smaller cats.  She suggested putting it in 
their water or diliuting it and rubbing it on their ears when getting some luvs 
from you.  She also told me that it
 would not affect the other cats if I put it in their water.  The essenses only 
affect the one with "issues".  I also found an article that might help you if 
this is something your considering : .  All I 
know is that I used it and it worked.  Now when Waco starts playing "I AM ALPHA 
CAT"  I either rub some on his ears or put a couple of drops in his liquid 
vitamins and all that goes in a dropper straight down the hatch!  And I hate to 
say this but you might have Penelope checked out.  She could be sick or having 
issues your not aware of yet.  Usually the alpha cats will harrass the weak or 
sick.  Out in the wild these animals would be killed by the alpha.  Just 
something to think about.
Also, I was wondering what if any kind of treatments are you giving your FeLV+ 

- Original Message 

Re: We are having issues

2007-11-09 Thread Unusually Unique
I'm new here but I think I might be able to help.  I was having a similiar 
issue with my kids.  Waco, 9 yr old siamese who we are pretty sure is FeLV+ 
started getting real aggressive with 2 of my other weaker, sick cats.  Yota, 8 
yr old siamese, FeLV+ and Jake, 14 yr old orange tabby with an injured paw.  
I've been doing a lot of research into holistic treatments of FeLV because I 
had 2 vets tell me there is nothing that can be done for Yota (lympathic 
leukemia).  I was at Good Earth (the natural/herb store) and was talking with a 
very nice sales lady and I happened to mention Waco's aggressive behavior.  She 
suggested using a flower essense called "Vine Essence".  According to the book 
we were looking at it helps with "domination" issues.  It helps cats who feel 
the need to pick on weaker, sick or smaller cats.  She suggested putting it in 
their water or diliuting it and rubbing it on their ears when getting some luvs 
from you.  She also told me that it
 would not affect the other cats if I put it in their water.  The essenses only 
affect the one with "issues".  I also found an article that might help you if 
this is something your considering : .  All I 
know is that I used it and it worked.  Now when Waco starts playing "I AM ALPHA 
CAT"  I either rub some on his ears or put a couple of drops in his liquid 
vitamins and all that goes in a dropper straight down the hatch!  And I hate to 
say this but you might have Penelope checked out.  She could be sick or having 
issues your not aware of yet.  Usually the alpha cats will harrass the weak or 
sick.  Out in the wild these animals would be killed by the alpha.  Just 
something to think about.

Also, I was wondering what if any kind of treatments are you giving your FeLV+ 

- Original Message 
Sent: Thursday, November 8, 2007 7:56:13 PM
Subject: We are having issues

Ok, guys.  I hope someone can figure this situation out, because I'm at my 
wit's end.  Two of my girls are NOT getting along, and I don't know what to do. 
 Penelope (FeLV negative, 2 years old, very standoffish personality, not a 
"friendly" type cat, doesn't want to be held, only wants attention when SHE 
wants it, a loner, etc) and Grizzabella (FeLV positive, 7 years old, very 
friendly, never met a stranger, not so much a lap cat, but doesn't mind being 
petted and isn't afraid of strangers at all) are constantly at each other. :(  
They never really "liked" each other, but the last few months it has gotten 
progressively worse.  To the point that Penelope is afraid to come out of the 
bedroom.  She was pooping/peeing under the bed.  And I know it was just because 
she was afraid of Grizzabella and wouldn't come out of the bedroom.  We finally 
had to put a litterbox in there for her, and food/water.  
What I have noticed is they seem to attack each other, depending on their mood, 
but one always jumps the other.  They can't even pass in the hall without 
fighting, and I don't know what to do.  There doesn't seem to be any 
precursor/cuase.  All it seems to take is one of them seeing the other and 
they're off.  I'm really worried Bella is going to end up scratching Penny and 
infecting her.  Right now when they start I just put Bella in the guestroom for 
a few hours so Penelope can come out of the bedroom, and then when we leave of 
the morning I let Bella out and Penelope spends the day in the bedroom.  Any of 
you guys had any success with behavior modification?  I welcome any 
thoughts/ideas on what has worked for you guys in the past.  Poppy, the third 
one in the house proper, gets along with both of them, for the most part.  I've 
seen Poppy jump Penny a time or two, but certainly nothing like the other two. 
:(  Penny and Poppy do well together most of
 the time (they both sleep in my bed at night).  Any ideas?

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