[Felvtalk] (no subject)

2011-07-27 Thread linda gata
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Re: [Felvtalk] Adding a negative to my positives.

2011-07-05 Thread linda gata
You should ask a vet but probably is around @ weeks.

From: Katy Doyle 
To: "felvtalk@felineleukemia.org" 
Sent: Tue, July 5, 2011 10:01:48 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Adding a negative to my positives.

My mom has to get rid of her one year old cat, I am going to take her. She is 
probably a month behind on her vaccination. If we vaccinate her tomorrow, how 
long should we wait to bring her over to my house?


Sent from my iPhone
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Re: [Felvtalk] remembering my babies!

2010-10-09 Thread linda gata
When I got Oreo , he tested negative. But a few weeks later got sick and tested 
positive. The explanation, since he was 2 months old still has mom's inmunity 
but as time goes on it converted to positive. He is 4 years old now and doing 
fine. I live one day at a time giving him the best quality time.
Bless you all,

--- On Thu, 10/7/10, Melinda Kerr  wrote:

From: Melinda Kerr 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] remembering my babies!
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Date: Thursday, October 7, 2010, 6:25 AM

Thank you for sharing your heartfelt experiences.  These babies are truly 
special.  I'm not sure if it is because they are sick or if it is because we 
love them so much better due to their sickness.  I know I took my kitty for 
granted until she got sick.  Now I spend every day trying to make what is left 
of her life meaningful and special.  It seems as though that is what all of you 
do as well, whether they were your chosen pets or they found you because they 
knew you would take them in.  Whatever the reason, it is so uplifting to see so 
much love!

Melinda and Fuji
On Oct 7, 2010, at 11:46 AM, Kristen Stathis wrote:

> Hi! Just wanted to thank everyone who posts on this list. . . I've kept a low 
> profile for a year while I learned more than I ever wanted to know about this 
> awful virus.  I adopted my first animals, Glinda and Georgie (also a girl), a 
> little over two years ago.  A year in, Glinda got sick.  Her HCT was at 
> 9  And I quickly learned all about FeLV.  Despite all of my efforts, she 
> died seven weeks later.  I had been hand-feeding her multiple times a day, 
> and giving SubQ fluids daily to try and break her awful fever (105!).  LTCI, 
> interferon and two blood transfusions as well.  As my cats had never left my 
> tiny apartment and had never been in contact with any other animals, it was 
> pretty clear that their negative test at the (best!) shelter was a false 
> negative.  I'm so grateful that they slipped through the cracks, though! Such 
> sweet dispositions-- I was lucky to know them. A few weeks ago, Georgie 
> became sick too (HCT down to 19.5)  and had
 also developed lymphoma.  We treated her w/
> Interferon (which she had been on a year), prednisone, LTCI, and I was 
> helping her eat multiple times a day. She went downhill quickly in the end. 
> Despite all we try and do to slow down this awful virus, it's just that, 
> awful.  I've been told that the sweetest kitties get the worst diseases.  
> Perhaps it is because of the disease that all of our animals are so very 
> special.  I have loved (and will continue to love) reading so many amazing 
> stories on this list-serve.  This community is phenomenal, and I'm glad to 
> have found it.  Perhaps my first first animals didn't live as long as I would 
> have hoped, but I know that they had the best lives they could have possibly 
> had with me, and I'm so grateful for every second I got to spend with them!  
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org

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Re: [Felvtalk] My cat Cheshire crossing over

2010-09-29 Thread linda gata
You tried your best, and your cat had your unconditional love. 

--- On Tue, 9/28/10, Bonnie Hogue  wrote:

From: Bonnie Hogue 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] My cat Cheshire crossing over
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 4:32 AM

How kind you were to try and save your kitty.  Sometimes there really isn't 
anything we can do.  You love for Cheshire was probably the greatest gift and 
most comforting thing you could give her.  Deepest condolences, and prayers of 
love and light for Cheshire in her crossing.
- Original Message - From: "Claudia Veiga" 
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 2:41 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] My cat Cheshire crossing over

> My sweet, beautiful little Cheshire crossed the rainbow bridge last Wednesday
> night. She had only been sick for less than 10 days. She was on antibiotics
> and some pred for 10 days for gum problems. I was going to schedule her for a
> cleaning in a few weeks, but her health seemed to decline a few days after
> that. She started hiding under the bed, and not eating, when seh came out, I
> saw a growth on her throat area, adn took her to the vet. They weren't sure if
> it was a abcess or worse. I took her back seveveral times over the course of 6
> days, she had to be given fluids through IV, and I syringe fed her. I've never
> been through anything like this before. I was praying for her. On wednesday
> they told me they couldn't do surgery to remove the cyst 'cause she was so
> anemic and her blood count was so low, it looked like she had leukemia. The
> only thing to do was bring her home or try to get her more help at the vet
> hospial where they have cancer specialists for a transfusion. I brought her
> there. They had an extensive list of treatment for her, and costs. It was
> stressful.
> I gave them permission for treatment and a deposit before they could do
> anything. They told me she started to go into distress when put in the Oxygen
> tank and tube, I wanted them to do whatver they could to help her, and 
> Cheshire
> blinked at me when I was in the room with her right next to her. She wasn't
> really blinking before that as whe had a tube in her mouth that was helping 
> her
> breath.
> This was so painful for me. Her heart gave out, and that's how she went. I
> don't know if anyone on here has been through anything like this, but I've
> wondered if by brining her to that hospital and trhing to get here more help 
> to
> stabilize her for a transfusion caused her more distresss that lead to her
> passing? I've talked to the doctors who told me no, that didn't do it, she was
> just very sick,a nd even if i'd brought her home, she would haev onyl 
> survived a
> few days or 24 hours. I even had jsut bought the Mega C plus which I had heard
> good things about reversing felv.
> I told her how much I love her and she knows that until I see her again.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org

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Re: [Felvtalk] Lost my FELV Stray dude

2010-08-03 Thread linda gata
I work with cancer patients and can explain to you what happened. Some tumors 
(cancer) invade the spinal cord, pushing and causing leg weakness and according 
to my patients, the pain is excrutiating. Radiation therapy can palliate the 
pain but not cure at this stage. We have a window of 24-48 hours to  treat or 
there will be a permanent disability( won't walk again). In your cat case, if 
medication didn't work, I think that you made the right decision by letting him 
go. Life is not measure about how long you live but how you lived it. In other 
words, Quality is the most important.

--- On Tue, 8/3/10, Sharyl  wrote:

From: Sharyl 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Lost my FELV Stray dude
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Date: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 11:43 PM

Julie, thank you for taking in Dude and giving him the love and attention he 
deserved.  At least in the end he knew he was loved.  We each do what we can to 
help the FeLV kitties but you took that extra step to help a stray who 
desperately needed you.  

Thanks to you he had a peaceful passing.
Lighting a candle tonight for Dude.

--- On Tue, 8/3/10, Julie G.  wrote:

> From: Julie G. 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Lost my FELV Stray dude
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 6:31 PM
> Hi I've been lurking a few weeks. 
> In July I picked up a stray that turned out 
> to be FELV+.  In his few weeks with me he gained a pound,
> had a cushy bed, 
> delicious premium canned food, and all the snuggles I had
> time to give him, 
> since he lived in the basement while I tried to figure out
> where he could live 
> (I have 4 cats).  I'd watch movies on the laptop with him
> on my lap, snoozing 
> away happily.  He always seemed a little wobbly, and his
> pupils were always 
> different sizes.  But he was relatively happy so we kept
> on.  Last night his 
> back legs didnt work.  This had happened before, my pet
> sitter said, but they 
> always came back "on" after a while.  But this morning
> they still didnt work.  
> The vet examined and confirmed that he had tumors pressing
> on his spinal cord.  
> He was in pain and his entire back end didn't do what he
> wanted it too.  So the 
> decision was made to let him go.  
> He'd been living under porches on my block for at least a
> few months when we 
> finally caught him.  I'm so glad we did, I cant imagine
> what a frustrating, 
> frightening life he'd be having out on the street right
> now, starving, full of 
> tape worm, and 2 back legs that wont work.  I'm crushed
> that we couldnt give him 
> a better life, and for longer, but I'm glad we got to him
> when he needed us, and 
> filled his belly and his heart for a few weeks.  Safe and
> comfy and within a 
> foot of food at all times. :)
> Anyway, I dont know anything about FELV, this was my first
> introduction to it... 
> so I dont exactly know how the tumors are related
> (cancer?)... but I wanted to 
> drop a line to folks who understand.  He wasnt my kitty
> for long, but he was my 
> kitty.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


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Re: [Felvtalk] intro

2010-02-25 Thread linda gata
I have a 4 year old boy FELV+ since Sept. 2006. He had some health issues but 
he is doing allright. Do not put him to sleep, he can live a good quality of 
life. He is + for Elisa and IFA and is healthy right now. He had a feline 
urinary bladder infection but he is ok.( not related to FELV). I have 7 other 
kitties - for FELV. Just keep and eye on him, my other cats have their FELV 
vaccine. Try to bring him indoors so that his inmune system will be better.
Good Luck,

--- On Wed, 2/24/10, Emeraldkittee  wrote:

From: Emeraldkittee 
Subject: [Felvtalk] intro
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2010, 6:09 PM

I just joined this group -  not sure how active it is, but I was thrilled to 
find the site.
I've been taking care of a feral turned 'could be housecat' for 6 months.  
Finally I was able to trap "Whimsy" and got him fixed, etc.  He turned out to 
be FeLV positive, but seemingly asymptomatic.  We did not do a blood work as 
initially this was to be a TNR.  He is approx 1 1/2 yrs old.  I have other 
inside kitties, so after hearing the FeLV news it wasn't an option to bring him 
in, but I also refused to put him down.  He does still live outside, but won't 
stay in the numerous shelters I have put out for him any longer due to possums 
moving into them.  He hangs out in the yard most of the time, despite the cold 
Midwest weather, and is fed twice a day.  Since his fixing 4 wks ago, he's 
become even sweeter, almost babyish and refuses to get off my lap when it's 
time for me to go inside.  He's a real climber, jumper, I often see him on 
roofs and in trees.  He was popcorning all over the place at the vet's - though 
I got him to walk into the
carrier, he had to be sedated once there after a near escape. 
my question: I have a sun room that I could put him in, if my partner agrees, 
but what risk is there to my other kitties, a few with their own issues (FIV, 
HCM, CRF, lung issues, allergies).  I am not super concerned about FeLV being 
spread since they'd be separated(unlikely) but other things Whimsy might have - 
like Panleuk.  I have never been able to get a stool sample from him.  what 
other scary things are possible? how do I ensure he won't have them?
I did confirm the ELISA with an IFA, and it was positive.  This is 'stage 5 or 
6', then?  
His health issues have been: bouts of no appetitite in Dec coinciding with a 
runny eye and wound on chest.  I got him on antibiotics and it took a good 2 
wks, but the eye cleared and his appetite was back.  He's had some not eating 
issues lately, but seems more concerned I coax him and sit with him while he 
eats.  Pepcid helps slightly.  He's also been on an immune booster for a month.
He used to be a dodgy feral and now tries to rub his face on mine - he's come 
such a long way. I would love to hear any opinions or stories.

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Re: [Felvtalk] FeLV+ kitty is sick

2009-05-07 Thread linda gata
Don't despair, my Oreo was diagnosed positive at 3 months with similar symptons 
like your Laura. He is still alive and is 3 years old. Still positve but 
healthy 13 pound boy, my vet took goog care of him.

--- On Tue, 5/5/09, Sharyl  wrote:

From: Sharyl 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FeLV+ kitty is sick
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 12:25 PM

Laura, sending positive thoughts your way for little Laura.  Hoping it is
something an antibiotic will fix.  Will she let you assist feed her?  It is so
important to get food into sick kitties. 

--- On Tue, 5/5/09, Laura B  wrote:

> From: Laura B 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] FeLV+ kitty is sick
> To: "felvt...@felineleukemia"

> Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 6:33 AM
> My Positive blind girl is sick, I
> have had her for just a year now and this is the first time
> she's been ill.  I had my neighbor take her to my vet
> yesterday and she had a fever of 104.9, she's also not
> eating much and VERY lethargic.  I'm very worried.  
> I adopted Laura (she was named after me by my vets staff,
> long story) because she was living at the vets, was blind
> and being tormented by another cat.  I had her tested when
> I brought her home and found out she was pos, she came from
> a colony that had alot of pos's, so I think she'd been pos
> since a kitten, just didn't show on her first snap test. 
> Anyway, at that time we found out the cat that was bullying
> her was also pos, he recently passed away.
> Laura will be three next month, I've read that many kitties
> don't live more than 2-3 years after diagnosis.. Vet drew
> blood yesterday so today we should get those results
> back...please keep a good thought it's not something dire.
> Laura
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


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Re: [Felvtalk] immune strenghthener this looks good!

2009-01-06 Thread linda gata
Try transfer factor plus , it works.

--- On Tue, 1/6/09, amanda  wrote:

From: amanda 
Subject: [Felvtalk] immune strenghthener this looks good!
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 12:08 PM

Hi all, has anyone used this? You can get it from The only natural pet store ,
I have just received a bottle of capsules and am going to try it for my FeLV
kitty. It has great reviews! I'll update on my kitty from time to time to
tell you if it helps him :) hugs Amanda and Tora , Nora and Tabby ( Angel Silver
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Re: OT - Cute pics of foster kittens

2008-01-03 Thread linda gata
I love the tortie she is so cute!

Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  OMG they are so cute.I LOVE the 

Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Here are some of our foster 
kittens, aren't they adorable?

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.


Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!



Please help Clarissa!


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Re: Transferring the Virus

2007-09-19 Thread linda gata
  I happen to have a black & white boy, Oreo. When he was tested at 8 weeks old 
he was negative. Then 21 days later after his Felv vaccine , Oreo went to ER 
with a fever of 105, letargy, wbc were at 2.5.. At the clinic they tested him 
and came back positive. I summited another test 4 days later: IFA, it came back 
positive. What I wonder is : is there any relation between the FELV vaccine and 
his sickness? Anyhow, he was fine until a few motnhs later, and upper 
respiratory infection, no fever. He got treated right away. Now he is 
clinically fine, 18 months old big baby boy. But still his wbc are at 3.5 , 
borderline. He is on Immunoregulin and daily he receives 3 capsules of transfer 
factor plus on his wet food. So far he is fine.

glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have to wonder why a cat would test pos. after a
feline leukemia vaccination? I'm wondering if
different vets use different vaccines? My vet uses a
killed virus vaccine. I have had her explain this to
me a couple times , because I keep doubting a cat
cannot test pos. after a vaccination...
Well, she finally said, it is antigens that show up in
a pos. FeLV test not, antibodies...
I continue to wonder, because I have heard so many
times from people that believe the vaccination can
skew the FeLV test? Dawn, was it your vet that gave
you that information? I know the FIV vaccination will
make a FIV negative cat show pos. on an FIV test. That
is the biggest reason that the FIV vaccine is not
offered by many clinics...They also say it is really
not that effective?
If some of you better informed people want to chime in
I would be grateful, so once and for all we can get
clear on this...
Thanks, Glenda

--- Dawn Morrison wrote:

> Melissa and everyone,
> Thanks for your input.
> I am still highly concerned that my 4 year old will
> test positive since she would immediately eat the
> wet food that was leftover in the food bowl the
> FeLV+ ate out of and she was not vaccinated at the
> time. Only time will tell I guess, it's going to be
> a long couple of months waiting for the retest.
> After the vaccination, I understood that they will
> test positive but not for very long afterwards. Our
> vet suggested having them retested in 6 months, she
> said by then we'll have a better idea if the virus
> has settled in their system.
> Yes, I am the one living near Chicago who is looking
> for a home for Bea. Still looking for a home for the
> little one if anyone knows of someone!!
> I am just so uncertain of keeping my positive and
> negatives together, I know no one knows the answer
> and it truly is a hard decision to make. I have
> heard pro and cons from both sides. I think my
> biggest concern is our 4 year old, she likes to play
> bite and Bea still have her claws. 
> Thanks
> Dawn

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Re: Keisha necropsy results and Isabella update

2007-07-21 Thread linda gata
The transfer Factor plus you can get it from at the site of 4Life

Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  ok, I know it has been posted before, but where do you get the tansfer 

Sorry, too much going on to remember. :(

Susan J. DuBose >^..^<
"As Cleopatra lay in state,
Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
Purring welcomes of soft applause,
Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
Trajan Tennent

- Original Message - 
From: "laurieskatz" 
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 9:27 PM
Subject: Re: Keisha necropsy results and Isabella update

Thanks Glenda! I am recalling that Keisha ate Lamb and Brown Rice canned
food for a year or two. Lamb and sheep hmm. Maybe something there..? Who
knows. I can only guess. What I found on the internet was that sheep get
this and it's contagious and viral and fatal within days or weeks. I will
check out the human info, too.
I am just loving my kitties and spending as much time as possible. My
transfer factor (ordered 2 yesterday ~ one for Isabella and one for my
kitties in case. Ordered Vit C powdered for Isabella, too, so have that
here. Did the Colostrum for Teddy 4 years ago so familiar with that ~ it's
also an ingredient in Transfer Factor.
More as I learn more.
- Original Message - 
From: "glenda Goodman" 
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: Keisha necropsy results and Isabella update

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Re: A little thing I made for Tomi

2007-04-30 Thread linda gata
It brought tears
I happen to have a big black boy who is felv- but likes to place his paw around 
my oreo who is felv+. 
Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  That's really lovely!  I 
can't even find my photographs on my computer!  




Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On Apr 29, 2007, at 8:46 PM, Kelly L wrote:

  At 06:41 PM 4/29/2007, you wrote:

That is beautiful Simple beautiful!!!

  I am not terribly artistic, but I finding spending some doing something like 
this a bit therapeutic.
Tomi and Kisa (his best friend and fellow FeLV+).  
I might get a print made eventually, to remind me of him.

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