I am a new member to the FeLV talk site, so please pardon me if I am not
following the correct protocol.
We found the cat on our doorstep. My daughter found him there when she came
home from the high school homecoming football game Friday night.  It was
starving, and she could not let is suffer. She took it into our garage and
fed it. I told her we could let it stay in there the night, but explained to
her cats wander, and we need to let it go in the morning to see if it would
find its way home. Well, it obviously had no place to go and spent the
entire day in our bushes. That evening, it was crying at our front door to
come in the house, so we decided to put him up in the garage and give him
some food(that poor thing was starving to death). We thought possibly it had
a micro chip, so we opted to take it to the vet (he had no chip). We had him
vaccinated with all his shots, tested for disease, worms, parasites, ticks,
etc (yes, we invested a few bucks...). He is a completely healthy +/- 1 year
old with one exception; is has is it tested positive for stage 1 FeLV. The
vet gave it some sort of immunization and was optimistic it could test neg
when re-tested again, and did not recommend putting him down.

Our problem is we really cannot keep it long term. I've posted signs in the
neighborhood, went door to door, contacted I can't tell you how many
different rescue services, organizations, and people. Our guess was he was
dumped in our neighborhood. I know that if we call our local animal control
(MADACC), having tested positive for FeLV, they will put him down
immediately. He is still a healthy young cat, and he deserves a chance at

He is an extremely friendly cat that likes to sit in your lap. It has no
fear whatsoever of our dog, does not even raise a cackle.  He wants to come
in the house so bad, and it is tough to sit and listen to him cry to come
in. But, we feel staying in the garage is better than the bushes, or
Please, I need help. This is tearing me and my family apart inside. If you
anyone who can/would like a loving cat, please let me know.

Brian J

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