I have a cat that is jst over one year old. About a week to a week and a half 
ago I noticed him hurtin and not eating. I had to wait until today to take him 
to the vet due to money issues. I just found out that he has feline luekemia. 
And i am so hurt. I am not quite sure what to do or need to do. He is not 
eating or drinking. My vet told me to feed him baby food which is what I am 
doing. He eats very little. the vet also has given him a prescription for 
clavamox for fever. Nebber got way too spastic to do any more blood work or 
test today so I must take him back in a couple of weeks when he is feeling 
better. But in the mean time,  I need some sort of advice of how to help him 
and me to deal with this. I can not think about losing him. If some one could 
give me a little advice on what to do I would be grateful. Thanks, Jessica
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